National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

That video is fucking disgusting.

"He can talk, he's fine."

Until he loses consciousness and the cop keeps kneeling on him for another 4ish minutes. For what?

He had three officers holding him down the entire time until the medics arrived, all over "suspected forgery"?

Videos like this are why people outside the LEO/military circles get the A.C.A.B. mindset

What upsets me more is that some people commenting on that video try to come up with the most redicilous excuses to why the officer definitly had to keep kneeling on a suspect's neck even when he was unconscious. I get standing up for the police, but I can't stand when ppl defend obvious malpractice, abuse of power and crimes like that.

That's a pretty powerful speech from Killer Mike. To bad some other cities don't have community figureheads like him which are willing/able to try and be a voice of reason.

I think at this point the message has been received and anything further is setting the stage for more vandalism, looting, and violence. It's baiting.

Are you saying the protestors were baiting, or the cops?
Because protestors had a permit to be where they were, and everything I've been able to find/hear from sources their is that it was peaceful up until the cops gassed them.
That's a pretty powerful speech from Killer Mike. To bad some other cities don't have community figureheads like him which are willing/able to try and be a voice of reason.

Are you saying the protestors were baiting, or the cops?
Because protestors had a permit to be where they were, and everything I've been able to find/hear from sources their is that it was peaceful up until the cops gassed them.

I'm saying the peaceful, non violent protests, which I absolutely agree with, are unwittingly providing an opportunity for these spoilers to come in and create mayhem. With the protest in place, all the ANTIFA assholes need to do is just show up and give a slight push over the edge. At this point, protests, however peaceful, are not going to do anything. They've been overshadowed by the bad actors and any action taken from this point on is going to be because of them. The guy was already arrested. There's already bi-partisan support and the recognition for the need for change. A peaceful protest does nothing except provide another opportunity to set the area on fire.
Needs more context. Not saying what they did was right and they were paint rounds. But frankly, how many times do you need to hear someone yelling to get inside, to get inside?

On your own property, filming legally, not breaking the law. I don’t care if a cop says get inside, there is no cause for force. Paint rounds is irrelevant, still a probability of bodily harm.

I dont think all cops are bad, but how much further are we gonna go defending, defending, defending them until we admit they have a systemic issue. I’m not implying they are all bad, or corrupt. I do believe there is a training issue, I think there is a mentality issue, and when a cop on your street says “Light me’ up” at your home while on your front porch, it leads me to believe there’s an ego issue.
Can someone here defend this? This is disgusting.

One of the factors that MPD was dealing with last night, was engaging the bad-guys and having them suddenly blend into the community by running into yards and sitting on porches/steps like they live there. (sound familiar?).

I'm not saying that was 100% the case here, but it was a big topic of conversation by the local media. Rioters were very organized, communicating and coordinating police location via Facebook.
One of the factors that MPD was dealing with last night, was engaging the bad-guys and having them suddenly blend into the community by running into yards and sitting on porches/steps like they live there. (sound familiar?).

I'm not saying that was 100% the case here, but it was a big topic of conversation by the local media. Rioters were very organized, communicating and coordinating police location via Facebook.

Thanks for the context, sounds a lot like AFG. My issue is, police are not the military, and I am worried about the outcome of outfitting them like the military, giving them military style missions, but none of the training and mental conditioning. I think that will lead to even further issues.

I’m not going to pretend I know what the right answer is, but I don’t believe this is it. Their force shown here is only going to increase their opposition.
police are not the military, and I am worried about the outcome of outfitting them like the military, giving them military style missions, but none of the training and mental conditioning.
I think that argument went out the window after 9/11. New York City set the new militarized police bar, and everyone else happily followed.
I think that argument went out the window after 9/11. New York City set the new militarized police bar, and everyone else happily followed.

Same could be said for information collection...again, I don’t have an answer, but I can easily see this continuing to escalate. It’s a shit show every way around.
Can someone here defend this? This is disgusting.

Yes, I in fact do not find this disgusting. Minneapolis is now under a strict curfew because they've tried to burn the city down. The entire MN National Guard has been mobilized and will be on the streets for the foreseeable future it appears. These kids that were in the video, maybe I'm reading too much into this as riots inch closer and closer to where I live. (I live in Phoenix) But it's time to end this, and ending this will take real force.

In my AO, there was still a protest and riot in the government core, it was pretty peaceful early and was a mobile march but it again settled in front of PHXPD HQ. After about 11, these assholes started throwing if on cue. But it appears to have been a distraction as about 1030 basically a flashmob appeared in front of Fashion Square and breach several stores.

Looters swarm Scottsdale-area during Saturday night rioting

This was definitely coordinated to be done that way.

If people are trying to cast blame on Antifa, they're not the only ones out there. Dollars to donuts you've got New Black Panthers out there, the current communist undercurrent groups, sure there's some 3%er and Neo Nazi types out there too.
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MN kind of lost all privileges. Get inside means get inside.
Rough take. Open question to all of you on the board.

How do you guys feel about gun rights?

Because if it's "all gun laws are infringing my rights" then the police attacking people on their private property unprompted then they are definitely violating their rights.
Rough take. Open question to all of you on the board.

How do you guys feel about gun rights?

Because if it's "all gun laws are infringing my rights" then the police attacking people on their private property unprompted then they are definitely violating their rights.

Constitutionally you could make an argument to return with force.

Real life chiming in says you’ll die or have your entire life ruined.

I hate to break it to anyone who believes otherwise but it would take something akin to the Boston Massacre to actually unite an Armed Force of citizens. Anything less will result in what we are seeing now.