National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I laugh because literally what purpose does her saying that serve? That's like telling the friends at your house party that its a false alarm the cops were going somewhere else. Rage on.
I'm curious as to how you see this adding value? I'm asking in all sincerity.

I don't see it, so could you please elaborate for me?

I see the value in pretty much any video from these riots, as that gives us a picture of what is actually happening. If there's value in sharing a clip of a man getting assaulted and (possibly) killed on video, there's value in a clip of a man threatening the crowd with a weapon, getting jumped for it, and then trying to paint himself as an innocent victim to reporters.

Now if you're talking about my commentary of the clips?
It adds no more or no less value than anyone else's.
This is being organized. They waited for the opportunity and this was it to exploit.

Please prove me wrong.

Granted I'm speaking from one viewpoint but that's one thing I've noticed all over social media is that during the daytime protests have largely been peaceful with no real violent altercations (at least compared to the night time), but once night hits, a growing number of rioters appear to be Antifa. Not only that but that's what a lot of reports are coming out saying that there have been people in crows encouraging mass vandalism then running away as soon as media attention or LE showed up.
Seems as if it could be a possibility. A few places are reporting on it. Honestly, if this shit gets any worse I could see it happening. Pentagon Orders Military Police To Prepare To Deploy To Minnesota
I only want to see them here if they're going to do a massive drop into the city, Red Dawn style. That'd be kick ass to see.

Aside from that, I'd just like our "leaders" and law enforcement to get their shit together; after 4 days, seems they're finally getting it done tonight. But there is going to be a shit ton to account for after this all settles down.
Having trouble attaching the video, but there are intermittent explosions going off within earshot.

Can't determine if they're fireworks or something else.

ETA: As best I can see from twitter, people are still down marching (on sidewalks) and chanting "you can't demand shit" to the police telling them it is now an unlawful gathering.

Police are deploying CS canisters and what seemed to be flashbangs in one video.
That's what we're hearing here
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So, I drove past here roughly a hour ago after I passed by the first time.

That road the protesters are across?
The police blocked it off two intersections up from the road the protesters were facing to set up a detour, before the protestors were in the road.

So someone explain to me how gassing a peaceful protest, on a road the cops already closed off, way a good idea?

ETA: He didn't even finish his order to disperse.

Where are all the Constitutionalists now? Because right to assembly is a pretty fucking big one, but all I ever hear them talk about is guns

I think at this point the message has been received and anything further is setting the stage for more vandalism, looting, and violence. It's baiting.
Question - If cities are being burned down throughout the US because of riots, and there are not enough LEOs to handle the situation, do you let the cities burn or do you send in troops? If you send in troops and they are attacked, do the troops stand and take it or do they defend themselves? This is what I see taking place in the future if rioters realize nothing will be done to them.
The military will be used as window dressing in these riots. And we all know what happens to windows.
