National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Philly getting rocked now. I'm working the medic unit less than 10 miles north of Philly. My county lies half way between Philly and Trenton NJ. I have many friends on PPD and PFD in the middle of this fucking mess, including our own Policemedic, he is ok so far, busy.

My wife is staying at her folks until I'm done work. I'm not far from my pops, he has an armory.

Fucking assholes. Minnesota had the world stage to tell the story on murder of an American. They fucking blew it. Now, out of towners and Antifa are being bussed in to riot.

Who brings milk and helmets to a protest? Lol.

MLK is rolling in his grave...

For anyone near this shit, keep your powder dry, thank you Polar Bear for his message to me.

Guess social distancing is not required now?
One of the guys in my unit used to be part of the MPs up in Minnesota.

He just sent us this info/photo from a buddy in his previous unit.

Chicago raised the bridges in the loop. They are barricading streets with buses as well to divert the crowds. Streets and Sanitation trucks doing the same on other main streets. Squad car was set on fire already. They are throwing fireworks at fire trucks as well.

ROE for CPD is no force allowed due to “extensive media pressure” as of right now.
Yeah, I was going to call bullshit on that as well. But, more importantly, who cares? They're here and they're staying somewhere.

For my WTF moment of the day, I present you with this gem:

We all saw the reports of the 3rd Precinct being overrun the other night. Well, maybe Minneapolis PD does need an overhaul/retraining program because they left ammo and equipment behind, which then looters promptly seized. Seriously. What. The. Actual. Fuck?!


They used a rolling blockade of police vehicles here to move people back. It's still ongoing. I was hoping for some nice fresh, cool air tonight; I had to close all my windows from the gas.

And, if you look above, I was praising the protesters earlier today.

One thing I will note...sitting safely in the bar we got locked into, we kept witnessing the same 3 individuals come with a group, and said three would hurl rocks from a backpack. They would then run back and reappear with the next group and repeat.

They were the only three we saw tossing rocks directly at cops.

We saw plenty others looting, but these three seemed to lead the group toward the police, and retreat first every single time. We saw it repeat 3 times at least (there were a few surges we retreated from the windows).

Fuck those attacking the cops, but glad to see others jumped in to stop the shit.


You know, I'm good with that. Nike as a company has been a part of the problem, especially with that bullshit ad yesterday.

So you're good with it when it's a company you dont like? Seems like pretty flimsy reasoning then, but ok.

Apparently that was the bodyguard for the camera crew. Dude felt the situation was unsafe and made it safe like a BAMF