National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Honest question, why hasn't Antifa been labeled as a terrorist organization yet?

Same as why the KKK and Aryan Nation aren't; because (someone correct me if I'm wrong) Domestic groups as a whole aren't designated like that.

From the FBI page on Extremist Groups

Violent extremists based in the United States have different beliefs that lead them to commit crimes and acts of violence. Some of the most common domestic ideologies are listed here. It is important to note that it is legal to have hateful or extremist beliefs as long as you don’t commit crimes or violence based on those beliefs. The right to assemble (or gather) in groups is also protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Nothing illegal about supplying "protesters"
Very interesting comments from the ME in the criminal complaint against Officer Chauvin.

See third paragraph below.
View attachment 34147
This won't be popular:

If this is true, it probably explains why there was a 2 hour delay to an expected press conference by the County Attorney yesterday afternoon.

It certainly complicates the issue. It also also further emphasizes why it's so foolish for local officials to be opining on the matter. I have to believe they'll have a second examiner review as well.

Why would you leave the start of that sentence of of your quoted text?

The combined effects of Mr Floyd being restrained by police

All the medical examiner said is he didn't find evidence of those two causes of death, not that the officer played no role.

Now, I'm just the most basic of basic EMTs, but I'm sure one of the other medics/docs on this board can explain how Floyd's CAD and Hypertensive Heart Disease may have been exacerbated to the point of (probable heart failure) by a man kneeling on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

What's the quote from that movie Network? "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore"?

I'm surprised Durham doesn't have something planned or something going on. I mean, here they pretty much protest over just about anything these days. That's disappointing. Now I have to drive 30 minutes to Raleigh to sit on the sidewalk with some popcorn and watch.
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For those of you wondering how the Marxists (DSA, BLM, ANTIFA, etc) are pulling this off.
Windows/entry points broken by provocateurs, opens opportunity to looting, then building is set alight.

Good, highlight their methods and involvement.
I'm not going to get upset about an organization "supplying protesters". Any movement needs logistical support to work.

But if you can get the ones actively burning buildings? By all means do it.

On that note, the same thing is going to happen with police out there as well. As much as you're going on about elites, you have to be aware of the numerous times undercover officers have been caught attempting to start riots at otherwise peaceful protests.
Cincinnati had a nice riot last night. Very specific area OTR. Over the Rhine, a 100 years ago it was German. I stood in the room, which my grandfather was born in 1909. It turned into a shithole during the 60’s. In the 90’s people wanted to revitalize it. It has turned around but last night everything was undone. Black, Asian, Korean, White, fucking green etc shops where destroyed. I can not wrap my head around this.
Our "leaders" don't really have a plan and are slow to react. Turn off cell towers and city run WiFi in the area so rioters can't communicate/coordinate as easily, then turn on the fire hoses.
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Your Minnesota State Attorney General, ladies and gents....

The pic is from his 2018 Twitter feed and is NOT photoshopped.

Good luck, Minnesota. You got what your "One Minnesota" voted for....

As an FYI, the job description of a State's Attorney General:
"State attorneys general enforce both state and federal laws. They are sworn to uphold the United States' constitution and laws as well as the state's."

Good, highlight their methods and involvement.
I'm not going to get upset about an organization "supplying protesters". Any movement needs logistical support to work.

But if you can get the ones actively burning buildings? By all means do it.

On that note, the same thing is going to happen with police out there as well. As much as you're going on about elites, you have to be aware of the numerous times undercover officers have been caught attempting to start riots at otherwise peaceful protests.
Not to be overly snide, but my restaurant bought earpieces just like that to use with PMRs (Aka: half decent walkie-talkie) to use when I was turning dine-in levels of traffic through one little side office and a giant parking lot. It’s not as good as the ones I used on VIPSA trips, but they’re inexpensive.

Not saying this guy isn’t a cop, but you can’t rule out the possibility he’s just a leftist geardo.