National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Why set yourself up for a physical clash with higher probability of injury when you can likely disperse them with water?

The entire hands off approach to those disturbing the peace here is a huge issue and can be traced back to how they choose to allow BLM protests to shut down highways. It's unacceptable.

I fully support people's right to voice their opinions, etc. but when you disrupt the peace and infringe upon others, my tolerance ends.
Tonight's protest which was already a riot anyways has now been declared an unlawful disturbance. They will begin forcefully removing the crowd in Downtown Phoenix.

Some piece of a shit rioter just punched a reporter in the face on AZ Family.
If anyone's wondering how the rioters are moving around, getting fed, and getting supplied look up the Democratic Socialists of America. These guys and similar organizations are behind the rioting and unrest. Figure out who funds them and you figure out who's orchestrated this chaos.

Example from MN and the Twin Cities DSA branch:

Stay safe guys.
Very interesting comments from the ME in the criminal complaint against Officer Chauvin.

See third paragraph below.
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This won't be popular:

If this is true, it probably explains why there was a 2 hour delay to an expected press conference by the County Attorney yesterday afternoon.

It certainly complicates the issue. It also also further emphasizes why it's so foolish for local officials to be opining on the matter. I have to believe they'll have a second examiner review as well.

If that knee was corona, that would be considered the cause of death. Just saying.
Governor of MN just finished another pointless press conference where he basically conceded to riots throughout the weekend. A complete clusterfuck.

Key takeaway: Don't expect the government to protect you.
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