National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

It doesn’t excuse their actions, but I also won’t get particularly upset if Target or Autozone get looted. What I’m attempting to do is draw a strong distinction between the items being looted (which are replaceable) and the lives being threatened here (which are not). Pull a knife on someone to defend your life, or the life of your loved ones. Don’t pull a knife to prevent a $50 microwave from getting jacked

So because someone has insurance they are okay to loot? I have homeowners insurance does that make my residence okay to ransack?

look it up...
I know it. You don't need to convince me. It's those one would face in a court of law that need to be convinced, and believe me, the mindset that we share on this is not necessarily the predominant one here.

In additon, the statute only provides action in defense of your home, as @Ooh-Rah pointed out, but not your business.
There was a protest here last night. My driver got called to tow one vehicle, there were 3 to go. He nabbed a car with newspaper over the license plate that tried to ram the police stations doors (got stopped by the steps). He got water bottles thrown at him but that was it. Now tonight there is more planned so we'll see.
It doesn’t excuse their actions, but I also won’t get particularly upset if Target or Autozone get looted. What I’m attempting to do is draw a strong distinction between the items being looted (which are replaceable) and the lives being threatened here (which are not). Pull a knife on someone to defend your life, or the life of your loved ones. Don’t pull a knife to prevent a $50 microwave from getting jacked
Really, everyone that worked their is without a job. If it is like the Cincinnati riots they will never be back. The community bitches, well when you act like animals, you get treated like a animal. You don’t have nice things. Still don’t have a grocery store.
Crowd reportedly unchallenged at 3rd Precinct again.

Crowds moving freely through downtown.

Fires burning again. Protesters challenging police and curfew saying they can't arrest them all.
Cue temporary internment camps.

How's that curfew going?

Welp, that would definitely require the military to do.

Also, look at what's happening all around the country; imagine how many other cities would start burning if they announced they were going to start internment camps to control the population.
Welp, that would definitely require the military to do.

Also, look at what's happening all around the country; imagine how many other cities would start burning if they announced they were going to start internment camps to control the population.

Was speaking more in jest, but the option right now is you let MLPS burn and give the looters the chance to get their fill on violence. Or you start enforcing and cracking down with crowd control, but the question then is if it escalates further from there.

Not even halfway through 2020 yet.