National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

That was from last night and, I'll tell you, it was immediately a suspect report to me.

First, the report was put out by the city via Twitter. Odd.

Then, they cited it as an unconfirmed report. Also odd. So, if no one is there, who told them this?

Finally, they concluded their Tweet by requesting everyone to leave the area for their safety, in case it exploded. Ah! There we have it: the real motive....just an attempt to get people to dispurse.

Pretty stupid and transparent if you ask me.
Just drove through some of the areas. Overall, pretty quiet. Mostly normal looking except for graffiti and the business owners continuing to board up their buildings; clearly expecting more problems. Many posting signs declaring they're a "black owned business" or a "small business".

Saw a couple police cars, but that's it; no NG. No visible presence in the areas I went through. Some streets or areas of streets are blocked off, for example, one of the precincts I drove by had barriers blocking it off with officers posted outside.

There was a large gathering of protesters outside the Hennepin County Government Center. Pretty uneventful, as you'd expect for now; the actual hoodlums are probably still in bed after a full night of vandalism and stealing.

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After action report:
For years to come, literally every city in the Union will have future meetings where they will say, "What actions do we take to ensure that we don't have a Minneapolis Event?"
You'd think so but, sadly, history may say otherwise.

I'd have expected Minneapolis and others to have learned from others, such as L.A. and develop plans to ensure that doesn't happen. Clearly, they didn't. They didn't even learn from the RNC several years ago.
So you’re in or out? The CINC just said it plainly.

“The looting starts, the shooting starts.”

in? Or out.

Easy one. No, I will absolutely not shoot Americans, ordered by the president via Twitter, in response to a riot that was sparked by a murder by police.

Now you go.

Out, I will not support shooting of Americans.
Very interesting comments from the ME in the criminal complaint against Officer Chauvin.

See third paragraph below.
This won't be popular:
Hennepin County Medical Examiner" said:
The autopsy revealed no physical evidence to support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation...
...his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed used to his death.

If this is true, it probably explains why there was a 2 hour delay to an expected press conference by the County Attorney yesterday afternoon.

It certainly complicates the issue. It also also further emphasizes why it's so foolish for local officials to be opining on the matter. I have to believe they'll have a second examiner review as well.
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Out, I will not support shooting of Americans.
Brother, if there's shooting, it won't be initiated by the police or the guardsmen. Our fellow Americans are already shooting each other. Seven people were shot in Kentucky, and none of those shots came from police. 7 shot during downtown protests calling for justice in Breonna Taylor case

This is how stupid things are getting. A man who hung an effigy of Kentucky's governor from a tree has been fired

Very interesting comments from the ME in the criminal complaint against Officer Chauvin.

See third paragraph below. If this is true, it probably explains why there was a 2 hour delay to an expected press conference by the County Attorney yesterday afternoon.
View attachment 34147

It also also further emphasizes why it's so foolish for local officials to be opining on the matter.
So, very similar to the Eric Garner case in New York.
Brother, if there's shooting, it won't be initiated by the police or the guardsmen. Our fellow Americans are already shooting each other. Seven people were shot in Kentucky, and none of those shots came from police. 7 shot during downtown protests calling for justice in Breonna Taylor case

This is how stupid things are getting. A man who hung an effigy of Kentucky's governor from a tree has been fired

So, very similar to the Eric Garner case in New York.

Correct but I was referring to the President's comments about NG shooting at looters. They may be cunt, criminal looters but, they are still Americans and if/when the NG begins Kent State 2.0, they've lost my support and hell will break loose. I'm hoping this shit don't spread to other cities like mine.
HyVee and CubFoods, 2 miles from my house are now 'boarded up' and closed in anticipation. We are 9 miles out of Mpls central.
Thought being that the rats will vacate MPLS and begin hitting the burbs.
The frightening thing really in the event a boogaloo kicked off from this is how muddled the lines are; there's no easy North and South divide this time.

Anything spilling out in the US will be analogous to Syria; The two sides are those who support the current government and those who are "fighting for the people".

But if the groups fighting for the people all have different ideas of what that should look like, you have a situation primed to be full of smaller scale conflicts and almost impossible to control.

Like, ANTIFA, socialist groups, some BOOG-boys/3%ers, and even some right-wing sovergin citizen lite groups would all fall into the "oppose the government" side; ain't no way in hell they don't fight each other too.
I can’t imagine The Right wing Boog boys extending the Hand of friendship to The Gun Toting Socialists in order to defeat The Man
HyVee and CubFoods, 2 miles from my house are now 'boarded up' and closed in anticipation. We are 9 miles out of Mpls central.
Thought being that the rats will vacate MPLS and begin hitting the burbs.
Yep, we're all closed down stores here too as a precaution. I think you know the area I live in. Police reported potential threats and I've seen graffiti at my local bank and on bridges.

Mpls and St Paul curfews go into effect at 8pm.
Correct but I was referring to the President's comments about NG shooting at looters. They may be cunt, criminal looters but, they are still Americans and if/when the NG begins Kent State 2.0, they've lost my support and hell will break loose. I'm hoping this shit don't spread to other cities like mine.

If you read it a few different ways, It's starting to sound more like he's trying to persuade not using the military because it could potentially escalate. It's the "but" part that really drives that idea home.

Trump threatens to unleash gunfire on Minnesota protesters
After action report:
For years to come, literally every city in the Union will have future meetings where they will say, "What actions do we take to ensure that we don't have a Minneapolis Event?"

Every time something like this happens, or a natural disaster, any weird or one-off or outlier event happens, all the organizations and municipalities say, oh we're going to write this down and learn from it.

The next riot, the next racial divide, the next hurricane, the next pandemic, it's like it has never been seen before.

Oh, and throw wars in that mix, too.