National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Don’t create a false dichotomy, and don’t appeal to emotion. I’ll not do the same. This has nothing to do with ‘protecting my crew’. This has to do with protecting target and autozone.

You saying that leads me to believe you grossly misunderstand the entire issue or you’re being a dick to prove a point. Either way- and this is me speaking, as a person, to you, not as a mod or an authority figure- you can knock that shit right off.
I’m happy to follow lawful orders. Done it my whole career. As a SNCO, it’s 100% my lane to critically examine which orders are indeed lawful and resist when those orders exist in a grey area- like when a 75 year old dude threatens to use the military to shoot looters via Twitter. Even joking.

What the fuck are we even talking about.

Wasn't me trying to be a dick. It was a rhetorical question just as your question of are you going to shoot civilians is basically rhetorical, whether you agree to my sentiment or not, that's how a lot of us are interpreting it.

I highly doubt the Ohio National Guard showed up to Kent State thinking they were going to murder 13 people that day and yet here we are 50 years this month from that happening still fearful of that happening again.

Arson of an occupied building is a crime in basically every state in the nation where use of lethal force is authorized by LAYMEN and has an affirmative defense in a court of law.

Just throwing that out there since everyone thinks looting's apparently cool. Protesting =/= looting/rioting. Hell, at least the Rodney King shit went down AFTER due process fucked things up.

That 5hr long YouTube video Ooh-rah posted has a guy being interviewed at 1:01.55 saying he's just there to riot.

I weep for the future of our country. Thankfully we still have a lot of really good people who aren't going to participate in this stupidity, and we have a lot of really good police officers that wont go out and murder people in custody.
From the many responses I have read on here it appears that many have no problem with rioters looting and burning down cities and nothing being done about it.
I don't think that's the case at all.

There is a huge gap with options between not doing anything and shooting them. It's also not a military problem, it's a law enforcement problem. That's my view anyway.
And then the linked story you shared was literally from an incident of domestic terrorism.

Are we talking about the same incident that there's a wrongful death suit and indicted federal agents for lying? From their perspective at the time, they believed the outcome would have been no different than Bundy's previous incident, dismissed with prejudice.
Oh, cool.

Trump's tweet that got tagged for 'glorifying violence' used a phrase from a 1960s cop whose policies started a race riot

ETA- @Devildoc this is where the QAnon folks (and the article you posted earlier) comes to a breaking point. Are there really ‘no coincidences’? Is the president playing 4D chess and every move is calculated? If so- then he meant to quote a cop that legit kicked off race riots using his exact phrase. If not- if it was justthe president speaking and it’s just a coincidence, and he’s just inept and a terrible communicator, then he’s not the white hat people would lead you to believe.
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A little trickier in MN, especially if it's a business. Lethal force can be used to protect life, not property. You'd be rolling the dice and better have a solid explanation.

Minnesota law won't excuse killing to protect property
Escalation of force. Hit them with rubber, foam, or CS until they back off. If they start shooting at you have the DMR or scout guys use lead, otherwise just hammer them with rubber. That shit hurts.

Not as big an issue as people are making it out to be.

A selection of comments from my facebook-

"But Trump didn't know it came from a racist cop! It just so happens to be the exact same words but it doesn't mean anything! Stop being like the mainstream media and trying to read into his words!"

"Just like the media, you're reading violence where there isn't any at all. He clearly means he'll have the guard shoot them with CS gas or rubber bullets, but twitter only allows 140 characters!"
Dang Man. So you are right there in the midst of that stupidity. I hope them looters don't mess with you or the corona virus death toll is gonna look kinda weak in comparison.
Oh, cool.

Trump's tweet that got tagged for 'glorifying violence' used a phrase from a 1960s cop whose policies started a race riot

ETA- @Devildoc this is where the QAnon folks (and the article you posted earlier) comes to a breaking point. Are there really ‘no coincidences’? Is the president playing 4D chess and every move is calculated? If so- then he meant to quote a cop that legit kicked off race riots using his exact phrase. If not- if it was justthe president speaking and it’s just a coincidence, and he’s just inept and a terrible communicator, then he’s not the white hat people would lead you to believe.

Yeah, I don't know (as in, 'I REALLY don't know'). I tend to not believe the 4D chess thing; however, I also think he's neither as smart/competent nor as stupid/incompetent as media of all stripes portray. I DO tend to believe that his and his opposition's PSYOPS game is strong...
Would I get a CIB for shooting a protestor? No, I'm a fobbit.

All dark humor aside, nah, I'm a hard pass on shooting Americans in this scenario.
Where my Boogaloo Boys at? You keep running your mouths about wanting to get it on...You didn't do it in VA over the 2A, you didn't do it over CV-19, now you have a city on fire. What are y'all waiting for? More memes from Parks and Rec?
There's a difference between the loss of constitutional rights/being turned into a serf vs what were seeing in MN. Not a boog boy, but the people that showed up with rifles in VA and in CV-19 lockdowns were Americans seeing freedoms and livelihoods being stripped away.

If anything, the riots going on in Minneapolis are going to steel the average citizen that local and big govt aren't gonna protect them. If anything people are gonna be more passionate about protecting their second amendment rights after this.
4D chess, trying to provoke or glorify a race riot, or it just sounds "cool"? Snappin' necks and cashin' checks. Sun's out, guns out. Moon's out, goons out.
I had a friend basically yell at me for 30 mins on how The Whites who protested in Michigan about Lockdown were treated with kid gloves. Compared to how The POC are being treated with them protesting another murder. I tried to point out The Michigan ones were armed and it was peaceful. Went completely over her head and she said I was a racist.
Finally got around to watching the video, and maybe I'm being overly cynical but what's the over under that the officer with his knee on the neck gets put on administrative leave and not imprisoned?

What happens with riots then?
So yeah, this happened:
Also, who's putting the riots down? You guys can say what you want about "being out" but you can't just let this thing go on for weeks. There's already been a precinct over-run.

Finally got around to watching the video, and maybe I'm being overly cynical but what's the over under that the officer with his knee on the neck gets put on administrative leave and not imprisoned?

What happens with riots then?

Dude was fired less than 24 hours after the event. FBI took over the investigation almost immediately. That's about as swift of a justice train as a land of laws has.
Ferguson to Minneapolis: What’s Going On with Law Enforcement?

A lengthy interesting and nuanced read from a vet turned LEO:

(excerpt) "I’ve heard it all, “You signed up for this…” Exactly, I did. I went into this profession fully acknowledging the dangers it poses. The mental and emotional heartache it creates. I accept that one day I may die; war taught me that. I will do my job and continue to do my job with honor, integrity, courage and all the virtues that come with it. I will fight if I’m forced to. I will protect lives. I will treat others with respect. I will honor the sacrifices of those before me. This is just not me saying it. It is the 99% who put on that shield every day and face the unknown."

WOW! LIstening to Gov. Walz in radio. He’s laying full blame on both mayors. Saying “the state offered...mayors turned us down”.
Gov. Walz says he talked to @realDonaldTrump last night by phone and told him the state would be taking control of law enforcement situation. But says the president’s tweets “were not helpful.” Among other things, the president tweeted “when looting starts the shooting starts.”