National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Gen. Jensen (MN National Guard) says they were finally given a “law and order” mission early this morning when they helped clear the Third Precinct area in Mpls.

Also tasked with protecting State Capitol and assisting MN State Patrol and Mpls Fire Department.
Gov. Walz says he talked to @realDonaldTrump last night by phone and told him the state would be taking control of law enforcement situation. But says the president’s tweets “were not helpful.” Among other things, the president tweeted “when looting starts the shooting starts.”
I cannot tell you how infuriated I am in listening to him and Frey speak.

I'm more pissed about the complete lack.of leadership and utter incompetence across the board than I am with the looters. How can any of these clowns remain in their positions. We're 4 days into this and they're just now putting together plans. They have no answers or clues on the most fundamental, day 1, week 1 type things. They are clearly in way over their heads.
The looting/shooting tweet was dumb, but true. They are rioting, looting and shooting each other.

@amlove21 I'd have no issue using less lethal against RIOTERS, these are not peaceful protestors, toss molotov cocktails at me and I'd respond with lethal force.

Gun sales go up nationwide as folks once again realize the cops are not going to protect them.

Finally, what is alleged forgery? (serious question)
Question for the cops here.
squad 1 is 10 feet away, and squad 2 is a 100ft away. Why take him to squad 2?
I can tell you squad 1 was a back up from the Mpls Park Police, not regular Mpls PD. They're technically separate departments and Mpls PD "owned" the call. Looks like they were bringing him back to Mpls PD/responding officers squad.
The officer involved has now been arrested.

Derek Chauvin, Former Officer Who Placed Knee on George Floyd’s Neck, in Police Custody

This shit needs to stop, and there needs to be some serious jail time for a lot of these assholes. So, last night in Downtown Phoenix there was a riot.

8 arrested after hundreds march in downtown Phoenix to protest death of George Floyd

The Ohio statehouse has been breached.

LIVE: DeWine addresses damage caused to Ohio statehouse during George Floyd protests

I'd like to think it will, but I'm not to sure.

These riots are fueled by a good mix of anger at the system, unemployment, pent up energy, and a dash of opportunism.

Hopefully what happened in Minneapolis doesn't spread to other cities and their police precincts.
I'd like to think it will, but I'm not to sure.

These riots are fueled by a good mix of anger at the system, unemployment, pent up energy, and a dash of opportunism.

Hopefully what happened in Minneapolis doesn't spread to other cities and their police precincts.

That's what is most concerning to me, everyone is pent up and pissed off right now at a myriad of reasons and all it takes is for some disenfranchised person to feel the need to retaliate towards 'The Man' or ato fully commit and try to kick the boogaloo off.
That's what is most concerning to me, everyone is pent up and pissed off right now at a myriad of reasons and all it takes is for some disenfranchised person to feel the need to retaliate towards 'The Man' or ato fully commit and try to kick the boogaloo off.

The frightening thing really in the event a boogaloo kicked off from this is how muddled the lines are; there's no easy North and South divide this time.

Anything spilling out in the US will be analogous to Syria; The two sides are those who support the current government and those who are "fighting for the people".

But if the groups fighting for the people all have different ideas of what that should look like, you have a situation primed to be full of smaller scale conflicts and almost impossible to control.

Like, ANTIFA, socialist groups, some BOOG-boys/3%ers, and even some right-wing sovergin citizen lite groups would all fall into the "oppose the government" side; ain't no way in hell they don't fight each other too.
I'd like to think it will, but I'm not to sure.

These riots are fueled by a good mix of anger at the system, unemployment, pent up energy, and a dash of opportunism.

Hopefully what happened in Minneapolis doesn't spread to other cities and their police precincts.

It's also fueled by people who just want to break and steal shit. Don't think everyone has the same moral compass you have.
The frightening thing really in the event a boogaloo kicked off from this is how muddled the lines are; there's no easy North and South divide this time.

Anything spilling out in the US will be analogous to Syria; The two sides are those who support the current government and those who are "fighting for the people".

But if the groups fighting for the people all have different ideas of what that should look like, you have a situation primed to be full of smaller scale conflicts and almost impossible to control.

Like, ANTIFA, socialist groups, some BOOG-boys/3%ers, and even some right-wing sovergin citizen lite groups would all fall into the "oppose the government" side; ain't no way in hell they don't fight each other too.

"Balkanization" is a good term for it.