National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Flips you off in DD214 because I’m out, and “I’m out.“

What part of posse comitatus is not registering? My sworn duty was to defend the Constitution, not fly off and do the bidding of a fucking mad tangerine that also doesn’t grasp the concept of PC.

Soooooo, cool....
Lol. I’ll take it. There is so much double soeak these days, I want to be sure. I’ve always valued your honesty- even when it hurts.
Well now THIS is something I've certainly never seen. Twitter partially hid the president's tweet. "This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence".


Is this a first?
Absolutely. And guess what? It actually does violate Twitter’s rules.

The leader of the free world, everyone.
Remember last week when Joe Biden had a little gaffe and we were all like "Well, he's lost the entire black vote there"

Well now the president is threatening order the National Guard to shoot looters.

What a world!

It's been pretty mixed as far as who is rioting and looting.

Here's a question for you @amlove21. Let's say you are ordered to Minneapolis to help. While there the building you are in gets overrun and the rioters are now attacking you. Do you fight back to protect yourself and your men/women with you?

What do you think would have happened to any police officers inside the 3rd Precinct had the rioters found one?

I think everyone on this board will say of course they won't shoot American's, but history proves you otherwise.
It's been pretty mixed as far as who is rioting and looting.

Here's a question for you @amlove21. Let's say you are ordered to Minneapolis to help. While there the building you are in gets overrun and the rioters are now attacking you. Do you fight back to protect yourself and your men/women with you?

What do you think would have happened to any police officers inside the 3rd Precinct had the rioters found one?

I think everyone on this board will say of course they won't shoot American's, but history proves you otherwise.
Let’s go one step further. The building is attacked by nazi zombies. Everything is fine until the dinosaurs get loose.

This was a ridiculous assertion even as a thought experiment.

It’ll be helpful to answer my actual question- the president said he’d deploy military in America to shoot Americans.

You in or out?
Other cities have shown that there are tactical ways to prevent what happened last night, without a death count.

The Mayor and Governor chose to sacrifice the city, that is unforgivable to me.

The President is a fool. Yes, a fool. I can only try to imagine what was going thru the minds of officers and Guardsmen on the scene when he Tweeted that. “He fucking said what?!? Oh great. That will calm these people down” 🔥
The President is a fool. Yes, a fool. I can only try to imagine what was going thru the minds of officers and Guardsmen on the scene when he Tweeted that. “He fucking said what?!? Oh great. That will calm these people down” 🔥

The beginning of the bunker scene in Downfall... General comes in and briefs the Failed Painter that the Sovs are about to face fuck Berlin. Sucky Artiste waves him off with "Steiner's gonna' save us all." Everyone, knowing that Steiner has done jack and shit, looks around nervously. A) They know they are about to see a tantrum and B) nobody wants to be the messenger that Steiner's MIA.

THAT is how I picture NGB and the Adjutant General of Minnesota acting when they saw that Tweet.
Absolutely. And guess what? It actually does violate Twitter’s rules.

The leader of the free world, everyone.

RE: twitter in general, I think his hard-on is that they arbitrarily and capriciously decide what is and isn't violating rules. OK to say it here, but not OK when their own MFIC of integrity calls the occupants of the White House "literally Nazis." No one cares anymore except him, and Twitter....

Regarding your question, though: (yeah, Posse Com for one, also the immorality o fit all....)

It was the police issued gas mask that got people suspicious. I’m not saying it is him, but it certainly is a twist.
Groups like ANTIFA and other trouble makers have agitators that sport high end gear. Lot of 'police issue' gear is widely available commercial off the shelf stuff anyone can get. If you want to go down a rabbit hole, look up some of the MOTO pics these antifa types assemble and the gucci gear they have.

For being unemployed downtrodden losers, some of these clowns have thousands invested in rifles, gear, and commo.
Oh, cool. So let me get this right.

Twitter- which the president just issued an executive order against- is the mode of communication where the president is threatening to allow the “shooting to start”.

Weird- I thought the national guard was a state entity.

Paging @R.Caerbannog to help me understand this one.

Question- are you willing to go “start shooting” to stop the looting here? Cause the boss just said that’s an option.

Also- I haven’t seen much mention here, on a. Military board. The CINC just said the military is there to start shooting at a civilian protest.

Pretty sure less than lethal shotty shells, rubber bullets, and the 40mm foam rounds are kosher. Unless burning stuff down and rioting are okay in you're block if the 'protestors' belong to your tribe. ;-)

Maybe keep some DRM guys with actual rifles in case it turns into a two way range.

Also, there's a difference between a protest and a riot. But hey... if it's anyone anywhere 'near conservative' they're automatically treated like domestic terrorists. You don't see the rest of the population burn shit down when 'conservatives' get gunned down.
@Devildoc , completely agree with twitter. I’m not on it because I don’t agree with how they moderate content. Facebook, same thing. Haven’t been on in years.

I am very frustrated with how POTUS communicates on Twitter. I understand why he does it, but how he does it has always made me nuts. I am on it because it was legacy comms with a group with which I am affiliated, but I'm never, ever on it anymore. I am on FB, mostly because it's about the only way I can connect to family scattered throughout the country.
But hey... if it's anyone anywhere 'near conservative' they're automatically treated like domestic terrorists. You don't see the rest of the population burn shit down when 'conservatives' get gunned down.
Dude what?


For clarification, I'm not black...but....while I don't agree with their tactics, I can 'understand' why much of Black America feels the need to pop off like this.

You don't see the rest of the population burn shit down when 'conservatives' get gunned down.
Well yeah, and why would they? You are better than this argument.
The Army had no problems in Waco during the Clinton administration, posse comitatus be damned. I don’t think half our newest soldiers could even spell “posse comitatus” today. They’ll shout because they’re stupid.
Hate because of how true that statement is.
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It’ll be helpful to answer my actual question- the president said he’d deploy military in America to shoot Americans.

History would suggest that the military more often than not doesn't have ammo and are the ones getting shot at. I've supported enough Hurricanes in my military capacity for Florida to know this is the actual truth. During looting, there's shooting, but from the other direction... Unless your a well armed Korean on a roof.
@R.Caerbannog Distraction aside, because again, you have no information we all don’t have (that you get from MSMs and spew as truth).

How do you feel about the president threatening military force to “start shooting” when the looting starts?

Rubber bullets or real- you packing bags for Minnesota right now or nah?
Groups like ANTIFA and other trouble makers have agitators that sport high end gear. Lot of 'police issue' gear is widely available commercial off the shelf stuff anyone can get. If you want to go down a rabbit hole, look up some of the MOTO pics these antifa types assemble and the gucci gear they have.

For being unemployed downtrodden losers, some of these clowns have thousands invested in rifles, gear, and commo.

Pretty sure less than lethal shotty shells, rubber bullets, and the 40mm foam rounds are kosher. Unless burning stuff down and rioting are okay in you're block if the 'protestors' belong to your tribe. ;-)

Maybe keep some DRM guys with actual rifles in case it turns into a two way range.

Also, there's a difference between a protest and a riot. But hey... if it's anyone anywhere 'near conservative' they're automatically treated like domestic terrorists. You don't see the rest of the population burn shit down when 'conservatives' get gunned down.

Interesting that to prove your you referenced a thing where armed domestic terrorists (IE violence for political change) took over a building and were treated better by the police than the average minority.

P.S. Fincum was shot reaching for a weapon
Over my lifetime I have seen many protest and they all seem to be the same. The riots take place in the inner cities and never expand to any residential areas nor to major business districts. Guess they know that home owners will shoot to protect their homes. It is always admitted that most of the protesters are outsiders so where is the report on how hundreds of protesters got to the site (Who feeds and houses them). Gangs in the area never seem to take advantage of the situation to retaliate against each other nor do those that shout that there should be a civil war. Most whites are attacked unless they are the news media and you find the news media right in the middle of the action doing interviews. After a riot no one is arrested for arson or robbery though plenty of facial pictures at the seen of the crime. After the NG shows up and starts patrolling things die down.