National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

At 4:22 the good guys in the protest came out with a win. That guy should have fallen down the stairs a bit longer before being thrown over to authorities.

Here’s the info I have been looking for if anyone is interested. It seems they’re threatening misdemeanor and arrest to breaking the curfew. Fair enough.

Still haven’t gotten a solid explanation as to how assaulting the citizens on their porch is justified. Further up on this MN FAQ page it states law enforcement are supposed to inquire on why you are breaking these rules.

Me having met Americans before, I can more than assume most don’t know this exact rule. A police officer telling me to go inside then shooting at me with a less lethal doesn’t explain anything. At my home, on my property, telling me what to do smells grossly unconstitutional.

Just adding my thoughts on this - we only saw the kids taking the video as the police were coming up the street telling residents to get inside their houses. We don't know what these kids were up to before they took the video... For all we know, they could've participated in the riot and just ran back home to watch the police walk by.

Another thing I noticed was the kids were wearing black hoodies and looking very much like Antifa members. So I'm thinking that in that moment, the perception of the police is that these kids are violating curfew, didn't listen to the police telling them to get inside the house and instead continued to take the video, and, based on the clothes they're wearing, the cops probably thought these kids participated in the riots.

Either way, the kids should've listened. It wasn't an ordinary day. Civil unrest was happening and the police were trying to restore order.
Your Minnesota State Attorney General, ladies and gents....

The pic is from his 2018 Twitter feed and is NOT photoshopped.

Good luck, Minnesota. You got what your "One Minnesota" voted for....

As an FYI, the job description of a State's Attorney General:
"State attorneys general enforce both state and federal laws. They are sworn to uphold the United States' constitution and laws as well as the state's."

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And now he is going to take the lead in the prosecution of Officer Chauvin. This despite his Antifa support and the fact that he's never been a prosecutor or court room attorney. Again, what a clusterfuck.

I'm going to add another observation here, @Ooh-Rah is aware of this but others here may not be, a few years ago a black Minneapolis police officer of Somali decent responding to a report of a sexual assault, shot and killed an unarmed white woman, Jasmine Damond, who had called 911 to report the possible assault. While still in his squad, Noor, sitting in the passenger seat was "surprised" by Damond, who approached the squad on the drivers side. He drew his weapon while seated in the squad and reaching across his partner in the driver seat, shot and killed Damond through the drivers window. Here's the wiki account of the incident:
Shooting of Justine Damond - Wikipedia

I bring this incident up because it was as equally as senseless as Floyd's killing. However, we didn't have video of it. While there were vigils for Damond, there were no large scale protests at all. As a matter of fact, BLM and others were largely quiet. Would they have been had the skin colors been reversed? As a matter of fact, there were actually protests claiming that Noor was being treated unfairly because he was the first Somali officer. Charges were eventually brought against Noor and he was convicted of 3rd degree murder and manslaughter.

Many parallels can be drawn between the incidents with Damond and Floyd that speak to perhaps an institutional problem in training. However, the double standard in the community response to both is striking.
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And now he is going to take the lead in the prosecution of Officer Chauvin. This despite his Antifa support and the fact that he's never been a prosecutor or court room attorney. Again, what a clusterfuck.

I'm going to add another observation here, @Ooh-Rah is aware of this but others here may not be, a few years ago a black Minneapolis police officer of Somali decent responding to a report of a sexual assault, shot and killed an unarmed white woman, Jasmine Damond, who had called 911 to report the possible assault. While still in his squad, Noor, sitting in the passenger seat was "surprised" by Damond, who approached the squad on the drivers side. He drew his weapon while seated in the squad and reaching across his partner in the driver seat, shot and killed Damond through the drivers window. Here's the wiki account of the incident:

You want a mistrial? 'Cause that's how you get a mistrial....
And now he is going to take the lead in the prosecution of Officer Chauvin. This despite his Antifa support and the fact that he's never been a prosecutor or court room attorney. Again, what a clusterfuck.

That should go well.
Perfect opportunity to say the system is rigged and to riot more.
I wish this weren't the case, but sadly, I wouldn't put it past him.

I pointed out the Justine Damond incident in a previous post. In that case, it took about 2 years to gain the conviction of Officer Noor. If I recall, Noor wasn't officially charged for almost 6 months. So, to suggest the Hennepin County Attorney is dragging his feet after one week is absurd. I have a reasonable amount of confidence in his ability and that he was doing his due diligence to ensure a conviction. To secure a conviction against a police officer is complex and probably requires the additional time.

Ellison on the other hand is a political fuckwit.
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Perfect opportunity to say the system is rigged and to riot more.
If there are more riots I get the feeling people are just gonna start shooting rioters. Considering the alternatives are being beaten to death by a mob or having your business/home burned down with you in it... people are gonna take their chances with the justice system.
However, we didn't have video of it. While there were vigils for Damond, there were no large scale protests at all.

Almost as if video of events is what usually fully highlights the issue and gets people riled up.

As a matter of fact, BLM and others were largely quiet. Would they have been had the skin colors been reversed?

They did, you just likely didn't see or hear about it if you aren't in that circle.

Those are just the two I remember off the top of my head.

As a matter of fact, there were actually protests claiming that Noor was being treated unfairly because he was the first Somali officer.

Are you forgetting that Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann called him an affirmative action hire days after the shooting, and tried to imply he shot Damond because he "came from a culture in which women should always be covered?". People were calling out the hypocrisy of the "Blue Lives Matter" crowd who immediately started calling for his death.

Many parallels can be drawn between the incidents with Damond and Floyd that speak to perhaps an institutional problem in training. However, the double standard in the community response to both is striking.

The only parallel is both are cops who had multiple issues with abusing their power and should have been fired long ago.

The only double standard is Chauvin managed to be involved with more killings than Noor.