National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

A Hispanic shot Philando Castile. A Somali shot Justine Damond. A Caucasian killed George Floyd. This isn't racism; this is indicative of a pervasive rot in the leadership of the Minneapolis metro area (I insert that caveat because the PC shooting happened in a suburb of Minneapolis). Power tripping is allowed and supported; prove me wrong.

Minneapolis' top cop sued the department in 2007. Here's why it matters today

"For context": ""

In 2007, five black Minneapolis police officers alleged that city leadership tolerated discriminatory conduct against people of color, including African American police officers within the department, according to a complaint. Medaria Arradondo -- now the city's police chief -- was among the plaintiffs.

IMHO, Chief Arradondo isn't part of the problem. That asshole FORMER LEO ((DAMN I HATE TO EVEN FUCKING SAY THAT he used to be a Law Enforcement Officer)) and his 3 former LEO accomplices are at fault.

Cool, thanks for the context. Follow-up; what does a "possible agitator" look like?

Figure it's obviously pretty easy if dude's walking around with rocks and bottles, but gets harder like situations in that video

In answer to your question cookie, we only see a few short minutes in the sequence of events of a very long day for those police officers and those protesters. They both may have had confrontations earlier. We don't know. There may have been rock / bottle / running battle / CS gas ...etc.. involved, we just don't know.
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@Rabid Badger

It's more of just a general question, not quite specific to the video in question.

@Florida173 said he's had experience with doing this, so I just wonder what sort of warning signs/actions they would look for in the crowd.
@Cookie_ The guy with the megaphone in front of the crowd maybe? - or the idiot in front on his knees- trying to distract the police with his hands in the air while the hoodlums sneak around the LEO's and flank them from the sides or behind them and pelt them with rocks or molotov cocktails?

Lol, change megaphone to fireworks, his buddy was drawing a map of precinct 1 I think, caught him throwing a Molotov.... Cincinnati Mayor witness this and about 50 cops. They waited to the last minute and nabbed him.

As you can see in the visual representations of data they are. The Washington Post data also shows a 5 year decline on the number of unarmed Black and Hispanic people being killed by cops. In the same visual it shows a five year increase in the number of unarmed Whites being killed by cops.

Under the author's bias which only accounts for percentage of the population to illustrate that they're more likely to be killed. However, let's look at crime statistics in the open. For me IFF you're going to adjust the fatality rate from this data it should be done based on a percentage of the crimes committed.

The FBI data kinda sucks because you get Latino's included in with Whites because somehow that's ethnicity and not race I suppose. But this gives you an idea. Although African American represent 12% of the population, they represent 27% of the arrests per the data in 2017.

Table 43
Lol, change megaphone to fireworks, his buddy was drawing a map of precinct 1 I think, caught him throwing a Molotov.... Cincinnati Mayor witness this and about 50 cops. They waited to the last minute and nabbed him.

Thanks! Context is everything
Omaha is under a 8-6am curfew that started yesterday, largely, in fact due to the shooting death of James Scurlock caused by Jacob Gardner.

When news first broke out of a white man killing a black man, local twitter erupted and so did other social media sites. Outrage soon followed and an increase in violence occurred. Many posts you'd see started saying that Gardner initiated the confrontation and being aggressive, started yelling out racial slurs, etc. Then the larger social media sphere picked up on it, well you can imagine the rest.

Today the appointed prosecutor has declared that the death was in self defense based on video footage provided from eye witnesses.

Basically what I'm trying to say is right now, especially, we all need to take the time to verify sources and gain as much context for events as possible. Everyone on this site does an amazing job at that and that's part of the reason why I get most of my news from here.

But it's a lesson thats worth repeating regardless lest we have the abyss stare back so to speak.

Omaha prosector says white bar owner killed black protester in self-defense

I've got a friend who lives in Indy. He's reporting houses are being shot at with American Flags. 5 of them within a mile of his house.

Hate, because this is the worst thing to start happening.

My same fears about how any shithead group can chuck a brick to start a riot are also applicable here.

Trash people (regardless of left/right) are fully trying to get this even more violent, and I frankly cant see them not being successful at this point.
In regards to the Insurrection Act, it'll be what needs to get order in place, or the biggest mistake that Trump could make right now and plunge the Nation into further violence. The problem is that I absolutely have no idea what will happen if it does get enacted (and then enforced).