National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I have a cousin who lives a block or two from there, we've been keeping in touch through this and he was thinking about bugging out before but now he's on his way to our uncles who has a place out in BFE.

Said that the gun fight went on for around 5 minutes and at one point sounded rapid fire but isn't for sure. God help us.
I have a cousin who lives a block or two from there, we've been keeping in touch through this and he was thinking about bugging out before but now he's on his way to our uncles who has a place out in BFE.

Said that the gun fight went on for around 5 minutes and at one point sounded rapid fire but isn't for sure. God help us.
Damn this is getting crazier by the minute Hopefully it ends soon
The craziest thing to me, is to think “what could I have done to change what happened to George Floyd?” Nothing is that answer. If I as a medical professional saw that this man went limp, and went to render aid, I likely would have been arrested and possibly assaulted.

There was no compassion, there was very little humanity. The complete lack of empathy by so many wearing Blue in this nation is sickening. A no knock warrant results in police murdering someone in the house of a licensed gun owner defending his property, a man is held down and suffocated on the street, police shooting unarmed men in the back while they run away, and what recourse do we have?

Sitting on your porch, “Get the fuck in your house or else..... light em up.” As an American, truly how can you defend yourself?the 2A doesn’t really help anyone. It doesn’t help if they fire rubber bullets at you while you are sitting on your porch. You can’t respond, you can’t defend yourself, you certainly cannot fire back. At what point does the 2A really allow you to defend yourself against tyranny, because goddamn, it seems like we are seeing some of it now. Following the law isn’t the answer because they can hit your house while you are sleeping, on accident, and if you defend yourself, attempted murder on a cop.. Trying to defend your fellow citizens could be just as disastrous. If I see cops absolutely womping on some poor soul, I can’t even step in and try and stop them without getting fucking womped myself.

I used to believe that if you followed the law and were respectful the police would leave you be. I used to believe that you could protest without getting tear gassed. I used to think it was ok to sit on the porch of my private property. These days, I don’t know that it is true.

If POTUS does order active duty military into American cities, how can one possibly defend themselves if they decide you are “bad”? Are all the “come and take them” crowd going to sit idly by while the military is taking their rights away? This wouldn’t be wearing a mask, and being asked to stay home. This would be curfews/stay at home orders enforced via violence from the federal government. This would be “let me see your papers”. POTUS seemed to be almost giddy to have that happen on the phone call with governors yesterday. It is terrifying.

I don’t have any answers. I am scared of the direction that we are headed. Today I am sad for America. I’m sad for all Americans.
Round-up of some big stories today

That ANTIFA_US tweet that has been going around, the one that called for "moving into white hoods"

Apparently set up by white nationalists/Groypers

Dont know what Gropyers are? Think the far-right version of ANTIFA. Loosely coordinated, vastly opinionated, and even hates people on their side who aren't "conservative enough".

Here's an article about them Trying to shut down Trump Jr.

Outside of that, Twitter also put a violence tag on Rep Gaetz for tweeting

“Now that we clearly see Antifa as terrorists, can we hunt them down like we do those in the Middle East?”