National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

In America, "tolerance" is currently a great way to hide racist behavior towards white people. It isn't about people being equal, it is about punishing white people for stuff that they may or may not have done.

People wake up every day unknowing that their sole saving grace is my tolerance.
So why are we less tolerant? I want to hear your opinion before I give you mine.
You must be joking, right? America is not tolerant. Look how many posts in this forum alone decry Antifa. Or look at how many people get up in arms about having a black history month, or an Islamic worship center popping up in an area, or a bakery baking a cake for a gay wedding. Yes we are less violent than some less tolerable places but that doesn't mean we are a tolerant country.

We have all heard the age old argument, mainly about healthcare and gun laws, that if you want to be like (insert country here) then why don't you move there. To which the rebuttal is always because this is my country. So America is my country. I'll worry about what WE do.
Waiting on your response! Don’t send a PM
I feel like Colin Kaepernick woke up today and said, “fuck it. Still don’t have a job, might as well double down”

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Honestly, he's clearly given up on the NFL in anything other than a symbolic gesture. He could go the way of Sharpton or Jackson, but I think the better odds are on a Rep/Senator Kapernick in the next 5 years
Interesting so a black milita showed up to Stone Mountain a known KKK spot Proceeded to call out White supremacists and others to come down and face them.

*Hey it's a time of racial agitation, let's go to Stone Mountain and harass people*

I don't spend much time around the dark web, but I hadn't heard of any massive "racial" violence planned by "white supremacists" on the 4th of July. Doesn't mean it didn't happen. But this whole let's go seek a fight thing seems like a stupid idea, but to each their own.
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March organizers should be held responsible as well and charged for negligence/manslaughter for holding a March on a highway. That shit needs to stop. The tanker truck in Minneapolis should've served as a warning that this would happen. Falls under the "play stupid games" heading...
I'm sure the city will be sued as well for not providing enough security. :rolleyes:
An 8 yr old Child was shot in Atlanta by "Protesters" blocking a parking lot, this is near the sit of the Rayshard Brooks Wendys. There have been numerous shootings in the area that have arisen from the protests since.

Child killed in Atlanta shooting on July 4

Can you show me where you got the data for your conclusion?

It literally says in the article you posted, "However, in this most recent shooting, police have provided no details to suggest the incident was in any way related to one of these protests."