National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

@BloodStripe Dude... those guys are bad hombres. Between voter intimidation and all the other messed stuff they do, they're loyalty ain't to the Republic. I have a friend out east who lives near one of their compounds and the stuff he tells me makes my blood boil.

Black Panther Boss Who Got Off For Voter Intimidation Arrested - Judicial Watch
New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia

Because a black person has never faced voter intimidation?

You have anything from this century?

Why would it have to be from this century if it is a current law?

@DA SWO I grew up just outside Gary, Indiana and spent a big chunk of my life there as my family owned a business in Gary. I also spent a lot of my life on the south and west sides of the city.
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Because Judical Watch isn't bias...
Bro, check out the sources in the Judicial Watch link. Some of the documentation sources come from super liberal sources like the ADL and SPLC. The New Black Panther Party is that bad.

Check out their link to Hamas and the stuff going on in the Gaza Strip.
New Black Panthers Exploit Gaza Conflict To Promote Anti-Semitism

Going back to your initial post of white Americans being intimidated by black Americans carrying firearms, check out @Devildoc 's post below. The so called Boog bois are a great example of race as an exclusion factor being a false narrative.
I don't know squat about Boogaloo Boys or whatever it's called. Yeah, I have seen the memes, I have read the articles, but it's not something I have followed. But is it racist? Not according to this pic.

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Because a black person has never faced voter intimidation?

Why would it have to be from this century if it is a current law?
That was decades ago. If anything, black American's are more protected here than anywhere else in the world. Seriously dude, check out the stuff that happens in South America and Central America. Better yet talk to those people and you'll see the stark differences between here and there.

America is an extremely tolerant place. Heck, as a nation we are the best hope for humanity.
@BloodStripe Dude... those guys are bad hombres. Between voter intimidation and all the other messed stuff they do, they're loyalty ain't to the Republic. I have a friend out east who lives near one of their compounds and the stuff he tells me makes my blood boil.

Black Panther Boss Who Got Off For Voter Intimidation Arrested - Judicial Watch
New Black Panther Party - Wikipedia
Try to stick with the group he is talking about instead conflating it with a non-successor organization that the founders have flatly rejected and denounced multiple times, not the least for illegitimately co-opting and exploiting its name.
Try to stick with the group he is talking about instead conflating it with a non-successor organization that the founders have flatly rejected and denounced multiple times, not the least for illegitimately co-opting and exploiting its name.
The old Black Panther Party is gone dude. Right now the people running the crazy train are the New Black Panther Party.
I'm going to reopen this thread.

I "invite" anyone posting in this thread to "refreshify" yourselves with this post before you do anything else. In the future I'm not going to lock a thread, I'm just going to thread ban, temp ban, or permahammer y'all for your behavior.

Your fate is in your hands and before anyone wants to go with the "it's just the internet" defense...why are you here if it so trivial?

A Note From a Member of the Staff
That was decades ago. If anything, black American's are more protected here than anywhere else in the world. Seriously dude, check out the stuff that happens in South America and Central America. Better yet talk to those people and you'll see the stark differences between here and there.

America is an extremely tolerant place. Heck, as a nation we are the best hope for humanity.

You must be joking, right? America is not tolerant. Look how many posts in this forum alone decry Antifa. Or look at how many people get up in arms about having a black history month, or an Islamic worship center popping up in an area, or a bakery baking a cake for a gay wedding. Yes we are less violent than some less tolerable places but that doesn't mean we are a tolerant country.

We have all heard the age old argument, mainly about healthcare and gun laws, that if you want to be like (insert country here) then why don't you move there. To which the rebuttal is always because this is my country. So America is my country. I'll worry about what WE do.
On a different note, in thinking about the various unlawful, more violent protests and the police approach to effectively disband them, I was reminded about "skunk":
Skunk Water: A Weapon That Uses Stench to Control Crowds

The Israelis use it and it was reportedly used in Ferguson several years ago but it's use was criticized; my guess is the outcry came from protesters simply because it was effective and unpleasant. I have no experience with it but my initial thought, from what little I know about it, is that it's brilliant nonlethal solution and would have no issues with it's use; a reasonable alternative to tear gas and rubber bullets.

Does anyone have experience with this that they can share? Thoughts on it's use/effectiveness?
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You must be joking, right? America is not tolerant. Look how many posts in this forum alone decry Antifa. Or look at how many people get up in arms about having a black history month, or an Islamic worship center popping up in an area, or a bakery baking a cake for a gay wedding. Yes we are less violent than some less tolerable places but that doesn't mean we are a tolerant country.

We have all heard the age old argument, mainly about healthcare and gun laws, that if you want to be like (insert country here) then why don't you move there. To which the rebuttal is always because this is my country. So America is my country. I'll worry about what WE do.
C'mon brother, the tolerance our nation has is above anything the world has ever seen past or present. As for the other groups... we'll, I'm pretty sure they don't have the populaces best interests in mind.

Antifa is a straight up Marxist org that aims to destabilize our Republic. If they get their way a chunk of our population will end up in reeducation camps or in a ditches. What happened in Vietnam, after we left, is a testament to what Marxists do.

Talking about Islam is like opening a can of worms. Don't know what it has to do with race and tolerance, but I can put things in an anthropological perspective. The way Islam operates as a religion is very much akin to a human migration wave. By that, I mean it's a newer offshoot of the Abrahamic religions that specializes in conversion and hostile takeovers. (Think Numic Expansion or the 3-4 waves of prehistoric colonization in the Americas)

Reason Mosques are unpopular, in my opinion, can be traced back to the founding Judeo-Christian principals the nation was founded on. Specifically the folkway's of the Protestants and Quakers, in conjunction with libertarian values. You gotta remember that these groups initially came to the country to be left alone. The call to prayer and INDOC mosques put out fly in the face of the libertarian ideals the nation was founded on. A more modern comparison of mosques would be in the establishment and operational practices of the old Spanish Missions.

Another way to look at things, like the above, is in why we play reveille on foreign bases and fly American flags. We do the latter to differentiate ourselves and stake a psychological presence in an area. Same goes for the Islamic prayer call and INDOC stuff. The behavior is very akin to the way the Romans legions carried Aquila battle standards and built roads or the Aztecs utilizing death whistles and skull mounds. It's a way of staking ones turf.

As for cultural and political aspects of the various history months and the wedding cake stuff, I can address that in another post. Long post short... what we're seeing ain't a push towards tolerance. The name of the game these groups are pushing is an end to assimilation and the Balkanization of America and it's people.
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I think it's problematic to conflate Islam with radical islamism.

Even as a figure of speech.
Make no mistake, absolutely not defending violence in the name of anything. It's the peaceful Muslims - often targets of violence just for their faith - and serving & prior service American Muslims I have in mind.

Insulting people's religion isn't a way to promote peace. As well as makes it easier for ill meaning parties you were concerned about most, to spread their hateful vitriol.
You must be joking, right? America is not tolerant. Look how many posts in this forum alone decry Antifa. Or look at how many people get up in arms about having a black history month, or an Islamic worship center popping up in an area, or a bakery baking a cake for a gay wedding. Yes we are less violent than some less tolerable places but that doesn't mean we are a tolerant country.

We have all heard the age old argument, mainly about healthcare and gun laws, that if you want to be like (insert country here) then why don't you move there. To which the rebuttal is always because this is my country. So America is my country. I'll worry about what WE do.
So why are we less tolerant? I want to hear your opinion before I give you mine.
Why is it when the topic of "American tolerance" is brought up, inevitably the comparisons are to Middle Eastern/African/South American countries, and not to other "Western European" styles countries?

Is it because our "tolerance" easily trounces those other countries but maybe doesn't look so good compared to New Zealand, Iceland, The Nordic Countries?
Hell, even our most direct comparisons of the U.K., Canada, Australia, Germany, and France?

It's important to have perspective about how much better we(as a whole) may be off in economic/social/personal status compared to the least fortunate in the world, but that view does not mean we cannot also recognize problems at our level and strive to fix them.