National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Perhaps the phrasing is part of the issue.

If the question is put as comparative? Yeah, of course the answers bring on looking elsewhere.

Might be asking different questions - Is America tolerant? In what respects? To which issues and people living them? In what situations? With what historical development?

May be evasiveness... but also may be reacting to a question begging a re-phrase.
You must be joking, right? America is not tolerant. Look how many posts in this forum alone decry Antifa. Or look at how many people get up in arms about having a black history month, or an Islamic worship center popping up in an area, or a bakery baking a cake for a gay wedding. Yes we are less violent than some less tolerable places but that doesn't mean we are a tolerant country.

We have all heard the age old argument, mainly about healthcare and gun laws, that if you want to be like (insert country here) then why don't you move there. To which the rebuttal is always because this is my country. So America is my country. I'll worry about what WE do.


1. Antifa? The Black Block? That is a worldwide organization of anarchists and marxists? That bomb government buildings? Why should I tolerate that shit? Oh but the boogaloo? Right wing extremists are the most targeted extremists in this country. The FBI goes after them like clockwork. Left wing extremists? Rarely. Antifa, the same people that violently "protest" everywhere the POTUS goes? That riot everywhere in the western world? Antifa is a terrorist group.

2. You're right, we're not tolerant. Because if we were, that gay couple would never have sued the bakery owners. They had been customers before. The couple who owned the bakery wasn't refuse to bake or sell them any cakes, it was specifically in regard to the wedding cake. A "tolerant" society would allow them their religious beliefs and the gay couple would have found another baker.

So in a sense, I guess you're right. We're becoming less and less tolerant. But not in the way you're claiming.

Why is it when the topic of "American tolerance" is brought up, inevitably the comparisons are to Middle Eastern/African/South American countries, and not to other "Western European" styles countries?

Is it because our "tolerance" easily trounces those other countries but maybe doesn't look so good compared to New Zealand, Iceland, The Nordic Countries?
Hell, even our most direct comparisons of the U.K., Canada, Australia, Germany, and France?

It's important to have perspective about how much better we(as a whole) may be off in economic/social/personal status compared to the least fortunate in the world, but that view does not mean we cannot also recognize problems at our level and strive to fix them.

The French are tolerant when you try to assimilate. Speaking French is extremely important there.

But it is a society that has gone full secular banning every religious artifact in public life.
I could well cite repeated French protests devolving into riots, and the difficulties North African & French colonies immigrants - all French native speakers - face in the country...

But I'm sure that's kind of unnecessary and might be offensive to both French and Canadian-French members in here. ;)

So just to the point some nations are havens of tolerance.

I don't think tolerance has all that much to do with nationality - or is a collective national trait.
YouTube video has been taken down

The video I posed was shot at nightime, several cut scenes from around the same area: a bunch of "protesters" dragging barriers away from what looks like City Hall, and a line of police defending against the mob, several people telling the black police officers they should quit and their white counterparts would kill them if they weren't wearing the uniform etc..
I think America is a very tolerant nation. Not one where you have the right to be liked by everyone, but one where you are free to express yourself in almost any manner, even some manners that completely offensive to a vast majority of the population. Nobody should cancel you, nobody tries to run you out of town (any town I've lived), you can't simply be fired from your job for being (x).

However, as a free society, we are not forced to like those different from us, we do not have to "tolerate" any one else's BS in private. I myself am intolerant to Trannys. I wouldn't fire one if I was their boss, I wouldn't chuck a rock through their window if they moved into my neighborhood, I wouldn't even give them a dirty look out in public. That doesn't mean they don't make me feel like vomiting... Because they do. So I would avoid any close contact if I had to.

The same rules apply to me. Plenty of people don't like me for whatever reason. As long as they are not pursuing my destruction or trying to cause me problems, they to are "tolerant". My opinion only.
I think America is a very tolerant nation. Not one where you have the right to be liked by everyone, but one where you are free to express yourself in almost any manner, even some manners that completely offensive to a vast majority of the population. Nobody should cancel you, nobody tries to run you out of town (any town I've lived), you can't simply be fired from your job for being (x).

However, as a free society, we are not forced to like those different from us, we do not have to "tolerate" any one else's BS in private. I myself am intolerant to Trannys. I wouldn't fire one if I was their boss, I wouldn't chuck a rock through their window if they moved into my neighborhood, I wouldn't even give them a dirty look out in public. That doesn't mean they don't make me feel like vomiting... Because they do. So I would avoid any close contact if I had to.

The same rules apply to me. Plenty of people don't like me for whatever reason. As long as they are not pursuing my destruction or trying to cause me problems, they too are "tolerant". My opinion only.
I agree wholeheartedly. (No problem with transvestites, but big issue with Islamists.)
Do I plan on rioting because of that? No. But are any of them friends? Big NO. Do I consider myself tolerant? Yes.
I think America is a very tolerant nation. Not one where you have the right to be liked by everyone, but one where you are free to express yourself in almost any manner, even some manners that completely offensive to a vast majority of the population. Nobody should cancel you, nobody tries to run you out of town (any town I've lived), you can't simply be fired from your job for being (x).

However, as a free society, we are not forced to like those different from us, we do not have to "tolerate" any one else's BS in private. I myself am intolerant to Trannys. I wouldn't fire one if I was their boss, I wouldn't chuck a rock through their window if they moved into my neighborhood, I wouldn't even give them a dirty look out in public. That doesn't mean they don't make me feel like vomiting... Because they do. So I would avoid any close contact if I had to.

The same rules apply to me. Plenty of people don't like me for whatever reason. As long as they are not pursuing my destruction or trying to cause me problems, they to are "tolerant". My opinion only.

Bad vacation in Thailand? 😉😉

I honestly thought that was the whole point of freedom and what was making the US and Canada, such great places to live. Then the pendulum kept swinging to crazy.
I'm pro all of those 'liberal' things - for personal reasons as well as from a state with actually Communist history and having lived in states where human rights issues are waay worse still at present - so I'll be happy to take all your 'trannies' to a picnic as long as the actual terrorists still get kept at bay ;)

All that to say, to each their own, and happy Independence Day. ;)
I'm gonna do my level best to disconnect the rest of the day and do American shit like Drink Bourbon and eat Chili Cheese dogs. But, as I was doing my indoor bike curls this morning I looked at Andy Ngo's twitter feed.

Last night protesters blocked a Freeway in Seattle not only by being on it, but with cars. The driver of went around the cars blocking the road and accelerated through the "people". Freedom of Movement is a right. I understand that this would be considered a "crime". Attempted Murder or Manslaughter. However, if you're blocking people someone's freedom of movement, there will likely be consequences.

Police: 2 women hit by car on Seattle highway amid protests

Now, onto the rest of Andy's twitter feed. The Portland PD has basically withdrawn from the street.

The Federal Courthouse was attacked again.

In a continuation of what we're seeing across the country, journalists when covering protests are being attacked by "protesters".

Portland is much worse off than Seattle. Seattle conceded a sizable chunk of territory to ANTIFA, but they acted eventually. Portland had an "Autonomous Zone" previously. It existed for five months. It has one again. Portland has a significant lack of leadership from every single elected official.