National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

How does someone going to a school that provides free education to low income families, automatically make them privileged?
That is a question for @BloodStripe to answer.
There was no reason to bring up race. None.
That seems to be in dispute. In either case, how does pointing out that fact about the person qualify as a racist comment?
In either case, how does pointing out that fact about the person qualify as a racist comment?

Read his complete post again. There was no reason to bring up the author's race, other than to degrade the individual.

This discussion is over. I'm going to lock this for a while.

So here we have a privileged Asian discussing what problems black people have gone through because he took a few college classes on the subject.

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It sounds so easy what he's saying to do. Yet let's be honest, we are all the product of our friends and our home. Yes there are a few examples of people getting out and becoming a great contributor to society, but for most of those in inner cities, every day is a struggle and that is how they end up in gangs or doing other illegal activities.
What adds insult to the injury is that she specifically pointed out that black lives matter before mentioning all lives.

"Recent events recall a tragic history of racism and bias that continue to thrive in this country. I despair for our future as a nation if we do not stand up against violence against anyone. BLACK LIVES MATTER, but also, EVERYONE'S LIFE MATTERS."
Gun laws are racist and most white people are afraid of armed black people.

I'm struggling with the choice of utilizing this post. White Americans aren't confederates.

The same "White" protest that got demonized in Michigan was followed by a minority armed protest on the Michigan capitol. It wasn't a "white" protest because as there were minorities protesting, but journalists only focused on the white guys. But then, the minority only protest, which was smaller, got zero media coverage. I've posted the links in the corona thread. I'll go find them later.

But your generalization is really dumb, because every time there is a lawful protest under arms, those "white people" are demonized by the media. So it's not like they're embraced.
Because showing up armed to watch traffic stops is totally cool.

Colion Noir goes over a long break down of how California passed the Mulford Act. It had almost nothing to do with the Black Panthers actions that day on the State Capitol grounds, but everything they did in Oakland.
Honestly, this was really hard to find. The google machine was spitting out articles at me, as I said, Demonizing the other armed protest. But, a las, @ShadowSpear has a great record. Post from the Gun Control Thread.

I'm quite surprised most PDs haven't gone sterilized with uniforms during this unrest.

ETA: This was last week, there was almost zero coverage of it. But I remember that the media tried to make the Michigan protests at the capital all about white people when there were blacks and latinos.

What do I see? Black men at the Michigan state capitol, open carrying. No one died, no one got arrested.

Rally Against Hate in Lansing is peaceful as protesters fight racism