National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I came from a very poor family. Lots of hand me down clothes from cousin's and being regulars at the food bank. I was the first to break into the "middle class" and become a home owner. All thanks to myself and wanting to make my life better for my kid's.

Like I said in Open Mic, what feels like six months ago, but may have only been a month ago. I'm just a poor mixed kid who happened to do well enough in school to get a ROTC scholarship that allowed me become an Army Officer and lead men.
LA had 258 murders in 2018... I don't know how they expect to solve a crime problem by dismantling the only organization prepared to fight crime. I'm a fan of putting social workers, psychologists, and other community resources WITH police, but not INSTEAD OF police. How often do police come into a non-violent scene that turns violent before the whole thing is over? My guess is often enough to easily warrant being armed all of the time. Rayshard Brooks was respectful and non-violent until he wasn't. Not sure how a psychologist would handle that kind of situation. People don't like getting arrested, and non-violent crimes are still crimes and still require a punishment.
A lot to unpack this morning, ANTIFA has gone back to the East Precinct to retake the CHAZ from SPD.

A statue of an Elk Statue in Portland, because Elk are racist?

BLM Protests are now becoming Anti-Israel/Anti-Jew protests. Apparently police brutality is because of the Jews. I know we talk about "racism" being systemic and shit. But Jews are continuously targeted, and they're convenient.

March in Brooklyn:

March in DC:

'Intrinsically tied to Black Lives Matter': Harvard student leads anti-Israel march on Capitol

So here we have a privileged Asian discussing what problems black people have gone through because he took a few college classes on the subject.


It sounds so easy what he's saying to do. Yet let's be honest, we are all the product of our friends and our home. Yes there are a few examples of people getting out and becoming a great contributor to society, but for most of those in inner cities, every day is a struggle and that is how they end up in gangs or doing other illegal activities.
Do you realize how racist "we have a privileged Asian" is?

No one is denying that there isn't work to be done. But unless emotion is taken out of the decision making and the all factors are taken into account; this cycle will never end. I get it, you think we're all a bunch of "far right" racists. I guess that is the standard when someone thinks differently than you now.

Only a few examples...

For only being 13% of the US population, they hold similar % across most employment sectors.

Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

Political leadership is held by similar % of population.

Blacks have made gains in U.S. political leadership, but gaps remain
So here we have a privileged Asian discussing what problems black people have gone through because he took a few college classes on the subject.

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It sounds so easy what he's saying to do. Yet let's be honest, we are all the product of our friends and our home. Yes there are a few examples of people getting out and becoming a great contributor to society, but for most of those in inner cities, every day is a struggle and that is how they end up in gangs or doing other illegal activities.

Do you realize how racist "we have a privileged Asian" is?

No one is denying that there isn't work to be done. But unless emotion is taken out of the decision making and the all factors are taken into account; this cycle will never end. I get it, you think we're all a bunch of "far right" racists. I guess that is the standard when someone thinks differently than you now.

Only a few examples...

For only being 13% of the US population, they hold similar % across most employment sectors.

Employed persons by detailed industry, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity

Political leadership is held by similar % of population.

Blacks have made gains in U.S. political leadership, but gaps remain

Nope, I dont think you are a racist just because you are right or extreme right. And yes, educationally speaking most Asians are the victim of racism.