National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

I'm merely offering a different perspective since about 95% of the active members on here all agree with you're saying. I've given you what I consider BLM movement. It's the exact definition I posted. Those causing destruction to property are not BLM.

Someone who I joke with by calling her my work Mom is black. A few years ago her house was spray painted with the words Die (insert derogative term here that starts with the letter N).

I suggest some of you call up your darker green friends and have a meaningful conversation with them on their thoughts.

When only 1/345 hate crimes end up not being a hoax, it kind of desensitizes a lot of us to caring; especially when you see black on white crime not being considered. Recent Flint Macy's comes to mind

Who are my darker green friends?

Edit: misquoted.. fewer than 1 in 3 of 346 were genuine between 2010 and 2017.
Hate Crime Hoaxes Are More Common Than You Think | Manhattan Institute
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I'm merely offering a different perspective since about 95% of the active members on here all agree with you're saying. I've given you what I consider BLM movement. It's the exact definition I posted. Those causing destruction to property are not BLM.

Someone who I joke with by calling her my work Mom is black. A few years ago her house was spray painted with the words Die (insert derogative term here that starts with the letter N).

I suggest some of you call up your darker green friends and have a meaningful conversation with them on their thoughts.

You are trying to have a separate conversation than anyone else. It is entirely possible for all of the above to be correct and happening at the same time.

Mod hat on! This discussion has been dragged on and on, with no results. So we're finished.

I don't know if anyone will think this was a bad idea. Toxic viewpoints grow if they are put into an environment to cultivate. Same with any group where you have people that feel disenfranchised. And since this was co-opted from the gun forums to 4chan to facebook, I would say it has already accelerated a bit too far. They should also be taking down the other socialist-anarchist groups like Antifa. It's good to have a healthy suspicion of the "government," especially with the abuses that have come to light with weaponizing it against political foes.

I'm surprised I haven't seen more of this from your side of the border. I've worked extensively with the CANSOF folks and get a general vibe that no one has liked Trudeau. Has it not led to any fringe movements, or is the RCMP just that good with stomping it out?
I don't know if anyone will think this was a bad idea. Toxic viewpoints grow if they are put into an environment to cultivate. Same with any group where you have people that feel disenfranchised. And since this was co-opted from the gun forums to 4chan to facebook, I would say it has already accelerated a bit too far. They should also be taking down the other socialist-anarchist groups like Antifa. It's good to have a healthy suspicion of the "government," especially with the abuses that have come to light with weaponizing it against political foes.

I'm surprised I haven't seen more of this from your side of the border. I've worked extensively with the CANSOF folks and get a general vibe that no one has liked Trudeau. Has it not led to any fringe movements, or is the RCMP just that good with stomping it out?

There's been a few recent case's, the biggest was the Reserve guy/neo nazi; that was picked up in the US.

FBI arrests Patrik Mathews, missing ex-reservist from Manitoba accused of neo-Nazi ties

A recent update

Prosecutors in white supremacy case involving Canadian ex-reservist ask for extension

Encyclopedia of hate: A look at the neo-Nazi militant movements with roots in Canada

For the first time, Canada adds white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups to its terror organization list
The 'boogaloo' movement is a LARP/PSYOP. Based on some of the reading I've done, it's more of a warning to overreaching govt and bureaucrats. For some reason though, the thought of the middle and lower class banding together, against tyranny, seems to scare the crap outta liberals & Marxists though.

Probably has something to do with regular folk not going quietly into the night.

Yea, I'm not a fan of them keeping up the ANTIFA groups, if those groups have similar things going on within their pages as these Boog ones do.

I'm sure @R.Caerbannog knows about an ANTIFA page or two that's sharing recipes for Molotovs and calling for violence.
I'm not on social media, nor do I associate with Marxists and their ilk. I just scrape information from the internet and my surroundings to try countering the disinformation war going on.
I'm not on social media, nor do I associate with Marxists and their ilk. I just scrape information from the internet and my surroundings to try countering the disinformation war going on.

Trust me man, everybody on here is aware that you don't.

You do often seem to be pretty good at scraping information of such groups though; if anybody on here was going to be aware of them doing some nefarious shit like I mentioned, it'd probably be you highlighting it first.
Trust me man, everybody on here is aware that you don't.

You do often seem to be pretty good at scraping information of such groups though; if anybody on here was going to be aware of them doing some nefarious shit like I mentioned, it'd probably be you highlighting it first.
Majority of the time I'm a day late and a dollar short. Information I post is useless after the fact. In the end our fellow Americans paid for that information by being brutalized by Marxists, it being recorded and not censored by chance is a matter of luck.

Having good information is being able to stop these degenerates before they get foot holds and rape, kill, loot, burn, etc.
From Provo, UT, of all places. This shit right here is why you NEVER let the rioters surround your car.

A snippet, if you couldn’t be bothered to click the link:
The victim was driving a white SUV on University Avenue and was attempting to turn onto Center Street when a group of protestors began “crowding around the vehicle. A male protester ran to the SUV on the passenger side, pointed a handgun at (the) driver and shot one round through the window,” according to a synopsis of the incident by Provo Deputy Police Chief John Geyerman.

The driver, who was struck by a bullet, “hit the gas trying to leave the situation,” Geyerman said.

Cellphone video recorded by witnesses shows the SUV appearing to push through the protesters, with at least one person falling to the ground.

As the SUV is speeding away, the gunman ran after the vehicle and fired a second round that went through the rear passenger window, according to police.

After the shooting, video shows the gunman then “conceals the firearm and continues to protest,” Geyerman said. “This same protester later approached another vehicle at 500 North and University Avenue, striking and breaking the window with the handgun.”