National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Rioters, pretending to be protesters, surround law enforcement in vehicle. Law Enforcement make the only decision there is and exfil via vehicle. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

The first pic is the gate that the protestors breached. The second pic is the sign further in their property that states “Private property. No trespassing” in rather large, ornate letters (Street is a misnomer, as it’s really a huge driveway).

With Missouri being a “castle doctrine” state, these folks can easily mount a defense based on that. However, I can’t guarantee that they’ll make their savings throw vs penalty-for-poor-training.

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I would hazard that this historic gate gets a 10 foot high concrete wall put in behind it at the next HOA meeting.
The couple are Democrats, one of their current clients is a victim of police brutality.

On mobile so I'll share the tweet later. Or you can check Benny Johnson's twitter.
Causes that the McCloskeys support? All things that advance social justice.

So yeah, they brandished their firearms on their property. So that means they're good. Every headline that focuses on them is an agenda focused headline.

Interview with Mark McCloskey, J.D.:
Causes that the McCloskeys support? All things that advance social justice.

So yeah, they brandished their firearms on their property. So that means they're good. Every headline that focuses on them is an agenda focused headline.

Interview with Mark McCloskey, J.D.:
LOL! Wow... wonder if they're still gonna drink the DNC kool-aid after this. :ROFLMAO:

It's hilarious to me that the more affluent parts of the US are finally getting a crash course in ghetto/hood rat culture. Enablers are just as bad as the rioters.
Oh Mayor to suck, you played a stupid game with your support of CHAZ instead of LEADING, and now they're outside your freaking house! Cut the nonsense and lead!

Protesters march to Seattle Mayor Durkan's house as 'CHOP' scene continues

ETA: Provo, random "protester" attack on an SUV. I will SAY AGAIN. Protests are over, what's left is just criminal elements that masquerade as protesters and our Law Enforcement are risk averse, under siege, and without political support.

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How is a wealthy person an enabler? Just because you have money doesn't make you a jack ass.

He may be writing this poorly, but much earlier in the Floyd you had some blue check former NBA player cheering on the burning of buildings in Minneapolis and looting in LA. But then they started to come into his gated subdivision and he was like NO, STAY OUT, WE CARE ABOUT OUR COMMUNITY.

And I just posted in the Floyd thread, many of these Mayors and Governors have been enablers. And now the "protests" are coming directly to their doorstep.
He may be writing this poorly, but much earlier in the Floyd you had some blue check former NBA player cheering on the burning of buildings in Minneapolis and looting in LA. But then they started to come into his gated subdivision and he was like NO, STAY OUT, WE CARE ABOUT OUR COMMUNITY.

And I just posted in the Floyd thread, many of these Mayors and Governors have been enablers. And now the "protests" are coming directly to their doorstep.

So because one wealthy person does that means that all wealthy do? Under that same argument I could say that all poor people are lazy or any other generalized statement. It's ridiculous.
How is a wealthy person an enabler? Just because you have money doesn't make you a jack ass.
Having resources doesn't make you a jackass, but supporting and funding the degenerates behind Antifa and BLM is. These useful idiots empower the criminal classes, while leaving the rest of us trapped with a bunch of lawless animals. Cause guess who is pushing the 'diversity' and 'equity' line? It ain't your blue collar workers or small business owners, they got bills to pay.

So yeah... I hope the wealthy idiots who supported this BS get eaten by their own.
So because one wealthy person does that means that all wealthy do? Under that same argument I could say that all poor people are lazy or any other generalized statement. It's ridiculous.
Excepting that it hasn't been "one" it's been A LOT. The White Liberal isn't really down for the cause. The rich white liberal will write their check to a cause that will make them feel good. But they're just as racist as the wackos in the South that they make fun of.

This couple? I don't necessarily agree with @R.Caerbannog on the McCloskeys being enablers. They've shown through their work that they've fought against Police Brutality. What they don't believe in, clearly, is their rights being trampled and are willing to exercise their second amendment rights to defend them. But the Liberal Media tries to paint them as bad actors.

Guess what that means, the walls will only be built thicker and higher by the rich folk.
Excepting that it hasn't been "one" it's been A LOT. The White Liberal isn't really down for the cause. The rich white liberal will write their check to a cause that will make them feel good. But they're just as racist as the wackos in the South that they make fun of.

That's an awful lot of generalization. Of course the wealthy donate more money than the poor. Some of it is to make them feel good, some is for tax purposes, and some is because they generally believe in whatever it is they are supporting. The real BLM movement is not rioting. Yes there are blacks, whites, and any other race claiming they support BLM while really just using it as a front to be lawless shit heads, but not every wealthy white person fits the mold you describe.

Having resources doesn't make you a jackass, but supporting and funding the degenerates behind Antifa and BLM is. These useful idiots empower the criminal classes, while leaving the rest of us trapped with a bunch of lawless animals. Cause guess who is pushing the 'diversity' and 'equity' line? It ain't your blue collar workers or small business owners, they got bills to pay.

So yeah... I hope the wealthy idiots who supported this BS get eaten by their own.

This isnt what you originally said. And I stand behind what I said above about the BLM movement. Dont contort Antifa and BLM together.
That's an awful lot of generalization. Of course the wealthy donate more money than the poor. Some of it is to make them feel good, some is for tax purposes, and some is because they generally believe in whatever it is they are supporting. The real BLM movement is not rioting. Yes there are blacks, whites, and any other race claiming they support BLM while really just using it as a front to be lawless shit heads, but not every wealthy white person fits the mold you describe.

This isnt what you originally said. And I stand behind what I said above about the BLM movement. Dont contort Antifa and BLM together.
To reiterate, the people pushing the false premise of 'equity', 'equality', and 'diversity', are those insulated from the damage they shove onto the rest of us and our neighborhoods. Rest of the country is too busy working to partake in a false fantasy.

Considering their previous political donations and activism, before the link was memory holed, I'm enjoying the irony of the situation.
Antifa, BLM, etc... I dunno man, a Marxist by any other name is still a Marxist.