National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Cops Have Been Screaming for Criminal Justice Reform

"Criminal Justice Reform has been a topic of discussion and outright anger by many law enforcement agencies. We’ve had officers killed by individuals who should not be out of jail. We’ve victims of domestic violence get hurt again by their abuser because they were let out early More recently, due to COVID-19, judges are releasing some violent individuals back to society and surprise, surprise, they are reoffending. The other one that we have been fighting for is mental health. Our officers are inundated with mental health calls. These are two subjects that need to be addressed."

Those two people are the direction this country is moving. As non-gun households are becoming fearful they are purchasing weapons. Just wait till the police have even lower morale and stop coming out for most calls.

I hope we don't end up there. That's a bad picture.
The first pic is the gate that the protestors breached. The second pic is the sign further in their property that states “Private property. No trespassing” in rather large, ornate letters (Street is a misnomer, as it’s really a huge driveway).

With Missouri being a “castle doctrine” state, these folks can easily mount a defense based on that. However, I can’t guarantee that they’ll make their savings throw vs penalty-for-poor-training.

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So how do we know he has zero training?

I'd go Bersa for 380 Alex.

She scares me more then he does. By scare, I mean appears clueless.
Holding his weapon like that? I’d wager that the difference in amount of training rounds between the two would be minuscule. He may be a better shot, but I’d trust neither one with an Airsoft rifle.
Oh boy, strong work in LA with this proposal.

Los Angeles proposes slashing law enforcement budget, including elimination of Special Victims Bureau

The CEO's proposed budget, as per the LASD, recommends the following LASD units be eliminated:

• Safe Streets Bureau (Gang Enforcement)
• Parks Bureau
• Special Victims Bureau (Sexual/Physical Abuse of Children, Rape, Human Trafficking)
• Community Partnership Bureau (COPS Team)
• Fraud and Cybercrimes Bureau
• Major Crimes Bureau

#MeToo, alive and well in LA...