National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

^^^I was one of them. I didn't realize Kentucky was part of the Union, I thought it was the beginning of the south.

Lincoln said if he could keep the Union without freeing one slave, he would, or if he had to free all of the slaves to do so, he would. Typical politician.

In the end, he freed the slaves.
That's helpful, I had already assumed they were on his property and weren't just on the sidewalk.
Yep, though the cretinous useful idiots in the MSM ain't gonna paint it that way when they broadcast it. Same with the deep state bureaucrats and intel weenies who are gonna try and label polo homie and his girl as white supremacists.

Gotta give every proof you can and even then people will still rush to defend the useful idiots.
But this is why the "Liberal Media" is full of shit. Spreading blatant lies to for their internal agenda.
What was the lie? If you are going to say 'pointing guns', I don't think it was a like at all.
Pink polo shirt acts like he's never held a rifle before and Karen sweeps that silver pistol around like a pointer finger.
What was the lie? If you are going to say 'pointing guns', I don't think it was a like at all.
Pink polo shirt acts like he's never held a rifle before and Karen sweeps that silver pistol around like a pointer finger.

As I said in the post, the videos are in the disband the cops thread. The "protesters" invaded private property. They were on his property. So yes, it is a lie.
As I said in the post, the videos are in the disband the cops thread. The "protesters" invaded private property. They were on his property. So yes, it is a lie.
1 - Was she waving the pistol around sweeping the crowd? Yes.
2 - Is he holding that rifle at an angle that is also sweeping the crowd? Yes.
3 - Does that mean they were 'point the guns'? Yes.

Help me understand 'the lie'.
1. St Louis has been wracked with Violence over the past several weeks.
2. Perimeter of private property was breached by "protesters".
3. Home owner defended his property.

Maybe I'm jaded, but it is very clear that this is yellow journalism attempting to paint the property owner as a racist and not just as someone defending his home. Which, he was.

Under Missouri's self defense laws, he has the ability to use Deadly Force when on his property. He does not need to be "inside" the house. He also has no duty to retreat.

Missouri Self-Defense Laws - FindLaw
A billion dollar house and a $100 Hi-Point....

I don't live in a private neighborhood, so I don't know how I would react if they were on my street. But on my property? I got no problem with it.
Splitting hairs, but I think she actually has a PPK, or at least something approximating it. Maybe a Bersa Thunder in hard chrome? They look like PPKs if you squint hard enough.