National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

If this man had a “D” by his name instead of an “R”, would you take his words more or less serious? These are the games that are played at the highest levels across the country.

Sad really.

As an outsider, I'm of a firm belief that the Democrat's are not willing to let Trump or the Republican's have any victory, due to the election. It's an ideological war and has nothing to do with what is best for the people. The same thing is happening in Canada.
Well, this is a bonkers idea.

GOP House Candidate Insists George Floyd Killing Was Staged

On a side note; I know parties will just let these sacrificial lambs run in races where they have no chance of winning (usually) but can't they (both D and R) at least try to do better than these absolute nutjobs?
I thought I knew which theory you were talking about- I’m glad I clicked the link before I replied because this is a different George Floyd conspiracy theory.

The other one is contingent upon the fact that no one in the video anywhere can be seen wearing a mask. That one was proven almost certainly false. I think the time of knowing things to be ‘true’ and ‘not true’ may be gone

PolitiFact - Floyd’s death wasn’t filmed before the pandemic
Interesting article that involves both Dave Grossman ("On Killing") and modern policing:
LTC Dave Grossman On Building Cops Who Cannot Fail Us

When speaking to Lt. Col. Dave Grossman for this article—famed author of “On Combat” (2004) and “On Killing” (1995), two works that have persisted for years as practically required reading for military and law enforcement—he references an anecdote he encountered recently of two soldiers engaged in a firefight. Bullets whizzing over their heads, one turns to the other and says, “Well, at least this isn’t as bad as Ranger School.” An Army Ranger, Paratrooper, and former West Point Psychology Professor, Grossman knows that of which he speaks. The training should always, whenever possible, be tougher than the fight. “You don’t rise to the occasion; you fall to the level of your training:” that’s both the adage in martial arts and throughout the military, he tells me. The problem, I seek out Grossman to ask, is: are we sufficiently training our law enforcement officers in this way?

Part of the pressure to do away with policing is an arrest record keeps one in poverty (low paying jobs). No cops=no arresting which by some thinking will result in less arresting which mean less poverty. But the logic doesn't consider if crime is increasing, what will reduce the number of criminal mischief (nobody get killed or hurt) and criminal acts (rape, murder, spousal/child abuse).

FBI statistics in 1955 estimated 1 of 15 persons in the United States’ working age population had been arrested and fingerprinted for the commission, or alleged commission, of criminal acts. By 2012, statistics assert 1 of 3 persons in the United States had an arrest record by the age of 23.
A valid perspective as positive economic outcome is reduction in unemployability and increased hire opportunity to the higher paying and more attractive jobs. The accompanying silent assertion (or prediction) is this will lower crime or at least shift the crime to less violent so called white collar crimes.

The assertion of " The U.S. poverty rate would have dropped by 20 percent if not for the trend of mass incarceration over the past several decades" has complication of what was the unemployment rate each year and inconvenience of unemployment rate being higher in some cities and areas than others. Presuming all have equal ability there is still problem of being able doesn't necessarily have accompaniment of being willing to get qualified (training and education) or having equal access to the training and education to do those jobs. Crime will still happen that needs to be responded to investigated and lead in an arrest for the courts to deal with.
At least he is being equitable in who he goes after.

Attorney General Bill Barr directed the creation of a task force to counter anti-government extremists, specifically naming those who support the far-right “boogaloo” movement and those who identify as Antifa.

The task force will be headed by Craig Carpenito, the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey, and Erin Nealy Cox, U.S. Attorney for the district of Northern Texas, and will be composed of U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, the FBI and other relevant departments, according to a press release. The group will share information with local and state law enforcement and will provide training on identifying anti-government extremists, according to an internal Justice Department memo.
Eh... not really. The so called 'Boogaloo" is kind of an inside joke. It's ridiculous anyone right of left, who is discontent with govt overreach, is gonna be targeted. Leftist Marxists riot, rape, kill, burn, and destroy our collective history, but for some reason right wing groups are a worry. :rolleyes:

There's little wonder why American's are gearing up, getting in shape, and buying up all the ammo around them. Big gov doesn't have the common citizens back. Meanwhile leftist politicians/bureaucrats are scraping and sniveling to a bunch of Marxist savages, that will quite happily slit our collective throats and toss us into a shallow ditch.

As this thing continues though, I'm starting to empathize more and more with the White Russians of 1918. :(
My little burg has already seen an uptick in crime as cops are becoming, ah, "less timely" in responding to calls. I know a lot of cops here, and almost to a person now their goal is to make it home at the end of the shift. Several are looking at positions in smaller departments about 20 or 30 miles out, more rural departments, where they are not besieged by most of the issues going on in cities.
Seeing the exact same in my area now.
Eh... not really. The so called 'Boogaloo" is kind of an inside joke. It's ridiculous anyone right of left, who is discontent with govt overreach, is gonna be targeted. Leftist Marxists riot, rape, kill, burn, and destroy our collective history, but for some reason right wing groups are a worry. :rolleyes:

There's little wonder why American's are gearing up, getting in shape, and buying up all the ammo around them. Big gov doesn't have the common citizens back. Meanwhile leftist politicians/bureaucrats are scraping and sniveling to a bunch of Marxist savages, that will quite happily slit our collective throats and toss us into a shallow ditch.

As this thing continues though, I'm starting to empathize more and more with the White Russians of 1918. :(

All the data tends to point towards most Domestic Terrorism being far-right/alt-right affiliated groups.

Violence by far-right is among US’s most dangerous terrorist threats, study finds

Now, we could get into a discussion about how right wing groups are more likely to have traditional organization/planning structures whereas leftists groups are more centered around "Ideals" and less rigid leadership organization, so this probably skews the data.

ETA: This sorta circles back to that "is BLM a group or a movement" question I asked a week or two back. There is definitely that BLM group created by marxists, but they've also effectively turned it into a movement in which many splinter groups are not aligned with/have no knowledge of the original group. In effect, they've attached their tendrils to a social movement that would have happened with or without them are are attempting to steer the ship.
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