National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Just adding data points. World War II monument defaced with paint at Charlotte cemetery

I'll bite.

Cultural fixes for black culture
1.) De-normalize ghetto culture.
2.) Stop the deification of the worst elements of those communities.
- sports ballers, gangsters, and rappers are shit role models
3.) Emphasize nuclear families and education.
4.) Target and shut down race baiters that profit of racial division.

Fixes for Cultural Marxism
1.) Start defunding these losers.
2.) Strip away non-profit status from organizations that push Marxism.
3.) Fire/replace Marxists and useful idiots in education, media, and govt.
4.) Declare orgs like Antifa DTO's. Target their revenue streams and leadership.
5.) Use social media to showcase the human cost of Marxism. There should still be people who survived the gulags, killing fields, etc.
6.) Stop treating Marxists with kid gloves. If they're gonna riot, burn, and kill, weapons should be free. If they wanna play by big boy rules that's on them.
I would add getting more conservatives into academia and the arts. It’s too heavily left leaning in those areas and we need a balance otherwise it’ll be rinse and repeat



Ok, good to go. Now what are your critiques for handling the negative aspects of Rightwing politics/media. Also, what should we do about the class divide in America?
Right wing fixes for me are Go after the White nationalists harder ease up on immigration and come up with better economic plans especially for Healthcare
@Jaknight Why bring up conservatives? They're not the useful idiots burning down cities, murdering folks, etc; all over some dead dirtbag. This is all the radical lefts doing.

People don't think Marxism be like it is, but it do.
@Jaknight Why bring up conservatives? They're not the useful idiots burning down cities, murdering folks, etc; all over some dead dirtbag. This is all the radical lefts doing.

People don't think Marxism be like it is, but it do.
I think while the left has become more extreme the right has some things to work on as well.
I don't envy having to deal with these people. Talk about a complete melt down.

I say that SPD need to cut the zone off. Inform people to evacuate and that every exit they will be disarming people. You can likely verify real residents from that area with various bills if you don't have licenses that match the address. Everyone else gets disarmed, and held for I don't know, the crime of insurrection?