National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Yesterday, NPR tried to call a person who was attacked by protestors in Louisville a White Supremacist because they used their vehicle to escape from what could have ended in their death. NPR has since deleted the tweet, but I can't find an apology anywhere. Hope they get sued into the ground. Pretty trashy for a government funded company.

Obviously you won't see anything on CNN or MSNBC because they're bought and paid for. You would think news organizations would stop throwing around terms like White Supremacist and Racist after getting bent over in the Covington Catholic case.

Zero Hedge has a lot of the tweets here.

NPR Busted Framing Self-Defense Getaway From Gun-Toting 'Protesters' As Right-Wing Extremist Attack

NPR Falsely Calls Victim Of Attack By Rioters A White Supremacist

Local News:

Two charged after vehicle hit protester in Louisville; driver not charged

Local news outlet in Indianapolis calling NPR out:

NPR Caught Lying Again: "Right Wing Extremists Turning cars Into Weapons" - 93.1FM WIBC

ETA: Seattle...four hours inside the CHAZ/CHOP

Seattle CHAZ / CHOP free zone + protests - Twitch

ETA 2:

I've seen a few rumors that indicate Yale University maybe the next target. Where will end? When all history is erased? What is the real objective and why are so many, particularly in the media, afraid to challenge back?

Well bro. Eliuhud Yale was a slaver in India. Thing you can't do is also rename the school after its actual founder, Cotton Mather basically ran the Salem Witch Trials.
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Yesterday, NPR tried to call a person who was attacked by protestors in Louisville a White Supremacist because they used their vehicle to escape from what could have ended in their death. NPR has since deleted the tweet, but I can't find an apology anywhere. Hope they get sued into the ground. Pretty trashy for a government funded company.

Obviously you won't see anything on CNN or MSNBC because they're bought and paid for. You would think news organizations would stop throwing around terms like White Supremacist and Racist after getting bent over in the Covington Catholic case.

Zero Hedge has a lot of the tweets here.

NPR Busted Framing Self-Defense Getaway From Gun-Toting 'Protesters' As Right-Wing Extremist Attack

NPR Falsely Calls Victim Of Attack By Rioters A White Supremacist

Local News:

Two charged after vehicle hit protester in Louisville; driver not charged

Local news outlet in Indianapolis calling NPR out:

NPR Caught Lying Again: "Right Wing Extremists Turning cars Into Weapons" - 93.1FM WIBC

ETA: Seattle...four hours inside the CHAZ/CHOP

Seattle CHAZ / CHOP free zone + protests - Twitch

ETA 2:

Well bro. Eliuhud Yale was a slaver in India. Thing you can't do is also rename the school after its actual founder, Cotton Mather basically ran the Salem Witch Trials.

Every day I tell myself, "this can't get any more ridiculous." Every day I am proven wrong. My wife has a penchant for being lippy (a la "Karen"), I told her in this day and clime, she needs to stop that. I told her that now, in a time where you literally have speech police, we have to fly under the radar and be the gray man all the time.
.....Considering BLM isn't out protesting the death of a 3 year old, I find their whole premise strange.

Not only are they not protesting the deaths of their own by their communities' own hands, those very communities are speaking out on wanting more law enforcement:

18 murders in 24 hours: Inside the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago

I remember growing up when I would bitch about something my mother said something about 'glass houses' and 'taking care of your own business first.'
Hey guys, I was surprised to learn that Colin Kapernick decided to kneel during the Anthem at the request of a Green Beret and former NFL player Nate Boyer. How do you guys feel about that? And do you think that his training as a Green Beret made him more inclined to provide a diplomatic dialouge with someone that he disagreed with? Best
Hey guys, I was surprised to learn that Colin Kapernick decided to kneel during the Anthem at the request of a Green Beret and former NFL player Nate Boyer. How do you guys feel about that? And do you think that his training as a Green Beret made him more inclined to provide a diplomatic dialouge with someone that he disagreed with? Best
Not for this thread. But that's not really how this went down. Kaepernick had lost the starting job to Blaine Gabbert and was sitting on the bench and sulking. What he was, was great at Marketing himself. The dude also said the Castro family did great things for Cuba. So it's not really like he's all there in the head.
Not for this thread. But that's not really how this went down. Kaepernick had lost the starting job to Blaine Gabbert and was sitting on the bench and sulking. What he was, was great at Marketing himself. The dude also said the Castro family did great things for Cuba. So it's not really like he's all there in the head.
Good point
I've seen a few rumors that indicate Yale University maybe the next target. Where will end? When all history is erased? What is the real objective and why are so many, particularly in the media, afraid to challenge back?

As a grad, I've been paying attention to this story. Apparently it started as a troll thing from the right, and then a bunch of leftists were like "That's a great idea!" and it's been snowballing.

It's silly, and it's extreme, but given Yale's history of caving in to pretty much anything that runs afoul of its woke warrior undergrads and alumni donors, anything is possible.

Movement To Rename Yale University Goes Viral On Twitter After It Is Revealed The Founder Was A Slave Trader
As a grad, I've been paying attention to this story. Apparently it started as a troll thing from the right, and then a bunch of leftists were like "That's a great idea!" and it's been snowballing.

It's silly, and it's extreme, but given Yale's history of caving in to pretty much anything that runs afoul of its woke warrior undergrads and alumni donors, anything is possible.

Movement To Rename Yale University Goes Viral On Twitter After It Is Revealed The Founder Was A Slave Trader
Sadly, "the anything is possible" comment is all too true these days; there is nothing too absurd or out of bounds. That's the unsettling part of it all...and no one is willing to take a stand/push back.
Sadly, "the anything is possible" comment is all too true these days; there is nothing too absurd or out of bounds. That's the unsettling part of it all...and no one is willing to take a stand/push back.
Many Universities coddle students so much that this was always bound to occur. I’m all for trashing Nathan Bedford Forest and other bullshit Confederate shrines but the idea of destroying all object that are deemed offensive is an excuse for petty violence and turning us into Mao’s America.
Sadly, "the anything is possible" comment is all too true these days; there is nothing too absurd or out of bounds. That's the unsettling part of it all...and no one is willing to take a stand/push back.

Yale decided that the title "master" for the heads of all of its internal colleges was "problematic," because, you know, racism. And instead of putting their foot down and saying "that's silly," Yale caved. Decisions on Residential College Names and “Master” Title

I suspect the Yale name will continue, there is too much money and prestige at stake. However, I predict that Yale will throw a WHOLE bunch of money at this problem, probably hire a bunch of "diverse" faculty and create programs and spaces that are exclusively for use by persons of color.
Yale decided that the title "master" for the heads of all of its internal colleges was "problematic," because, you know, racism. And instead of putting their foot down and saying "that's silly," Yale caved. Decisions on Residential College Names and “Master” Title

I suspect the Yale name will continue, there is too much money and prestige at stake. However, I predict that Yale will throw a WHOLE bunch of money at this problem, probably hire a bunch of "diverse" faculty and create programs and spaces that are exclusively for use by persons of color.
Will they continue to offer Masters degree programs?

It's honestly so absurd that I can't even argue against because it feels like the argument you'd have with a 5 year old. We've somehow reached a point where I cannot discern a "real" news article from that of a satire/parody source. How ridiculous is that?!
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Many Universities coddle students so much that this was always bound to occur. I’m all for trashing Nathan Bedford Forest and other bullshit Confederate shrines but the idea of destroying all object that are deemed offensive is an excuse for petty violence and turning us into Mao’s America.

Small bit of personal trivia: my best friend growing up, I roomed with him in college for four years, he was the best man in my wedding, his last name is Forrest. Yes, there's a very direct connection. And no, he's nothing like his great great whatever.
Small bit of personal trivia: my best friend growing up, I roomed with him in college for four years, he was the best man in my wedding, his last name is Forrest. Yes, there's a very direct connection. And no, he's nothing like his great great whatever.
Haha, good to know! That´s a REAL friend, childhood>college>wedding, sure that’s not your brother? DNA test!
Just adding data points. World War II monument defaced with paint at Charlotte cemetery

I'll bite.

Cultural fixes for black culture
1.) De-normalize ghetto culture.
2.) Stop the deification of the worst elements of those communities.
- sports ballers, gangsters, and rappers are shit role models
3.) Emphasize nuclear families and education.
4.) Target and shut down race baiters that profit of racial division.

Fixes for Cultural Marxism
1.) Start defunding these losers.
2.) Strip away non-profit status from organizations that push Marxism.
3.) Fire/replace Marxists and useful idiots in education, media, and govt.
4.) Declare orgs like Antifa DTO's. Target their revenue streams and leadership.
5.) Use social media to showcase the human cost of Marxism. There should still be people who survived the gulags, killing fields, etc.
6.) Stop treating Marxists with kid gloves. If they're gonna riot, burn, and kill, weapons should be free. If they wanna play by big boy rules that's on them.
Just adding data points. World War II monument defaced with paint at Charlotte cemetery

I'll bite.

Cultural fixes for black culture
1.) De-normalize ghetto culture.
2.) Stop the deification of the worst elements of those communities.
- sports ballers, gangsters, and rappers are shit role models
3.) Emphasize nuclear families and education.
4.) Target and shut down race baiters that profit of racial division.

Fixes for Cultural Marxism
1.) Start defunding these losers.
2.) Strip away non-profit status from organizations that push Marxism.
3.) Fire/replace Marxists and useful idiots in education, media, and govt.
4.) Declare orgs like Antifa DTO's. Target their revenue streams and leadership.
5.) Use social media to showcase the human cost of Marxism. There should still be people who survived the gulags, killing fields, etc.
6.) Stop treating Marxists with kid gloves. If they're gonna riot, burn, and kill, weapons should be free. If they wanna play by big boy rules that's on them.
Just adding data points. World War II monument defaced with paint at Charlotte cemetery

I'll bite.

Cultural fixes for black culture
1.) De-normalize ghetto culture.
2.) Stop the deification of the worst elements of those communities.
- sports ballers, gangsters, and rappers are shit role models
3.) Emphasize nuclear families and education.
4.) Target and shut down race baiters that profit of racial division.

Fixes for Cultural Marxism
1.) Start defunding these losers.
2.) Strip away non-profit status from organizations that push Marxism.
3.) Fire/replace Marxists and useful idiots in education, media, and govt.
4.) Declare orgs like Antifa DTO's. Target their revenue streams and leadership.
5.) Use social media to showcase the human cost of Marxism. There should still be people who survived the gulags, killing fields, etc.
6.) Stop treating Marxists with kid gloves. If they're gonna riot, burn, and kill, weapons should be free. If they wanna play by big boy rules that's on them.
Just adding data points. World War II monument defaced with paint at Charlotte cemetery

I'll bite.

Cultural fixes for black culture
1.) De-normalize ghetto culture.
2.) Stop the deification of the worst elements of those communities.
- sports ballers, gangsters, and rappers are shit role models
3.) Emphasize nuclear families and education.
4.) Target and shut down race baiters that profit of racial division.

Fixes for Cultural Marxism
1.) Start defunding these losers.
2.) Strip away non-profit status from organizations that push Marxism.
3.) Fire/replace Marxists and useful idiots in education, media, and govt.
4.) Declare orgs like Antifa DTO's. Target their revenue streams and leadership.
5.) Use social media to showcase the human cost of Marxism. There should still be people who survived the gulags, killing fields, etc.
6.) Stop treating Marxists with kid gloves. If they're gonna riot, burn, and kill, weapons should be free. If they wanna play by big boy rules that's on them.
Ok, good to go. Now what are your critiques for handling the negative aspects of Rightwing politics/media. Also, what should we do about the class divide in America?