National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

Where does he backpedal from his claim that his decision was not based on a concern for Chauvin's safety? He made the same statement about his lapse of judgement in the original article, and they quote the same line I posted in the article you linked.
You believe that if you want to. No one will convince me that he simply didn't want to take any chances of his prisoner claiming harassment or being injured by a black guard. If what he said was true, (looking out for his guard's best interests) he could have done it a half-dozen different ways while still leaving the guards not feeling like they could not be trusted to do their jobs.
You believe that if you want to.
Belief or disbelief in the sincerity of his claim is irrelevant to my point.
No one will convince me that he simply didn't want to take any chances of his prisoner claiming harassment or being injured by a black guard. If what he said was true, (looking out for his guard's best interests) he could have done it a half-dozen different ways while still leaving the guards not feeling like they could not be trusted to do their jobs.
Which brings us back to:
Nope, they can say it was for prisoner safety.
"Lydon claimed the decision was not related to his workers’ professionalism or concerns over Chauvin’s safety. "

There is probably a reason he is not only avoiding but actively rejecting that as a factor in his decision.
Quite honestly I don't understand the point you are trying to make win.

I guess.
No worries.

My point was that there was probably a reason he made a point of saying his decision wasn't influenced by a concern for Chauvin's safety. When you linked an article to your reply and said the backpedaling had begun, but with no sign in your article of backpedaling by Lydon on his statement, I asked you where he backpedaled, and here we are.
I love them taking down Teddy Roosevelt's statue because it is racist.

Statue of Teddy Roosevelt, long considered a symbol of racism, to be removed from NYC park

"The statue has long been controversial because of the hierarchical composition that places one figure on horseback and the others walking alongside, and many of us find its depictions of the Native American and African figures and their placement in the monument racist," the museum said.

Do things need to change in America? No doubt. THIS is how we're doing it? Man, WTF?
“I think it wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.” - Robert E. Lee
I've seen a few rumors that indicate Yale University maybe the next target. Where will end? When all history is erased? What is the real objective and why are so many, particularly in the media, afraid to challenge back?
It's Marxism lite bro. As far as the media keeping silent, they're in on it. The NBC article that AWP posted is a good example of the Marxist garbage the useful idiots keep pushing.

I love them taking down Teddy Roosevelt's statue because it is racist.

Statue of Teddy Roosevelt, long considered a symbol of racism, to be removed from NYC park

Do things need to change in America? No doubt. THIS is how we're doing it? Man, WTF?
America is fine. If it weren't people wouldn't be breaking down our doors to get in. People literally risk everything to come to the US, even if it means living illegally at the lower rungs of society.

Get rid of cultural entitlement, scrub away the scum of Marxism, and everything will be fine.
104 shot, 14 fatally, over Father’s Day weekend in Chicago

This right here is why I'm struggling to get behind BLM slogan movement.

If you are black, your life does matter. In fact it matters so much to me that I'm probably more fucking pissed off than you are about this article. One of the victims is a 3 year old. A child who will never get to live a full life and change the world. A 3 year old is dead and nobody in the city of Chicago is burning down the city. It's a mother fucking travesty. Even the Dad is keeping his mouth quiet about this. Fuck him and the lifestyle he is living. Fuck you, you worthless cock sucking son a bitch.
Do things need to change in America? No doubt.
For me, the things that need to change aren't even the things these clowns are talking about.

You'd have a very difficult time convincing me that "institutional racism" is real. I think it's bullshit; an excuse. Individual racism? Sure, there are assholes everywhere. As a whole, does it hold anyone back? Hmmm...did it prevent a black man from being a two term President of the most powerful country on the planet? How about appointing a black man to the Supreme Court nearly 30 years ago? Are we talking about the system in which black entertainers and athletes have become some of the highest paid in their field and top 5% of all wage earners? ex. Russell Wilson is the highest paid player in the NFL or the NBA, which is made up of 75% black athletes, and has the highest compensation in all of athletics. That system?!

These aren't anecdotal examples. Black and minority figures have been successful in even the most competitive, restrictive, and respected career fields. Name a career field, they've been there. I don't know why we continue to call out these "accomplishments". How would this be possible if "the system" (whatever that means) is so systematically racist. There really is no evidence to support it so I fundamentally reject that argument.

The issue is simply one of personal responsibility and accountability; it has been for quite sometime. A culture has developed in which individuals are viewed as victim of circumstance and not capable or empowered to help themselves out of it; they're not accountable. There are always exceptions, but that viewpoint is fundamentally wrong and that culture/mindset is what needs to change.
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I have a question regarding the Brooks Shooting. Some guy told me that the shooting was unjustified and that the taser presented no threat and that the cop should have ducked behind a car and radioed for help. Now I have no Combat or LEO experience but Somehow that sounds stupid to me. So Is he right that the cop should have just ducked behind the car and used his radio?
I have a question regarding the Brooks Shooting. Some guy told me that the shooting was unjustified and that the taser presented no threat and that the cop should have ducked behind a car and radioed for help. Now I have no Combat or LEO experience but Somehow that sounds stupid to me. So Is he right that the cop should have just ducked behind the car and used his radio?
No, the guy you were talking to is a dipshit.
For me, the things that need to change aren't even the things these clowns are talking about.

You'd have a very difficult time convincing me that "institutional racism" is real. I think it's bullshit; an excuse. Individual racism? Sure, there are assholes everywhere. As a whole, does it hold anyone back? Hmmm...did it prevent a black man from being a two term President of the most powerful country on the planet? How about appointing a black man to the Supreme Court nearly 30 years ago? Are we talking about the system in which black entertainers and athletes have become some of the highest paid in their field and top 5% of all wage earners? ex. Russell Wilson is the highest paid player in the NFL or the NBA, which is made up of 75% black athletes, and has the highest compensation in all of athletics. That system?!

These aren't anecdotal examples. Black and minority figures have been successful in even the most competitive, restrictive, and respected career fields. Name a career field, they've been there. I don't know why we continue to call out these "accomplishments". How would this be possible if "the system" (whatever that means) is so systematically racist. There really is no evidence to support it so I fundamentally reject that argument.

The issue is simply one of personal responsibility and accountability; it has been for quite sometime. A culture has developed in which individuals are viewed as victim of circumstance and not capable or empowered to help themselves out of it; they're not accountable. There are always exceptions, but that viewpoint is fundamentally wrong and that culture/mindset is what needs to change.

When you have black academics and black politicians saying it isn't real, then maybe it isn't real. To me a lot of this is a self-imposed, self-fulfilling prophecy. If you claim it exists, then you have an excuse for anything. Can't get a job? Racism. Can't get in college? Racism. The list goes on and on.
I've seen a few rumors that indicate Yale University maybe the next target. Where will end? When all history is erased? What is the real objective and why are so many, particularly in the media, afraid to challenge back?
The Extreme Left have found their “prophet” Black Oppression and who dares speak out against him? He who with a mere word can destroy careers and social standings. No one especially on the media wants to challenge him and risk the weath of him and his followers