National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

All the data tends to point towards most Domestic Terrorism being far-right/alt-right affiliated groups.

Violence by far-right is among US’s most dangerous terrorist threats, study finds

Now, we could get into a discussion about how right wing groups are more likely to have traditional organization/planning structures whereas leftists groups are more centered around "Ideals" and less rigid leadership organization, so this probably skews the data.

ETA: This sorta circles back to that "is BLM a group or a movement" question I asked a week or two back. There is definitely that BLM group created by marxists, but they've also effectively turned it into a movement in which many splinter groups are not aligned with/have no knowledge of the original group. In effect, they've attached their tendrils to a social movement that would have happened with or without them are are attempting to steer the ship.

Can you give me an example of a far-right extremist group that you believe the authorities should start looking at? You keep bringing it up as if our government has been ignoring something.
Can you give me an example of a far-right extremist group that you believe the authorities should start looking at? You keep bringing it up as if our government has been ignoring something.

These are just the ones I remember off the top of my head which could be considered "right wing" terrorism. As we've discussed on here before, "right vs. left" doesn't really work to well, but it's sort of the only metric we have now.

Two recent ones

Boogaloo arrests reveal new extremist agenda to hijack protests

Far-right 'boogaloo boys' linked to killing of California law officers and other violence

Two older ones

There was another right-wing terrorist incident this weekend.

Coast Guard lieutenant, dubbed 'domestic terrorist,' had hit list of media bigs and Dem lawmakers: prosecutors

My point isn't that the government is ignoring it; they catch a lot of these (statistically) dudes before something pops off.

If we want to talk about the propensity to judge the group vs the "individual who happened to be a member of a group" based on how much we(general we, not you/me specific) agree with their politics/actions/methods/etc., that's something we can dive into.
My point isn't that the government is ignoring it; they catch a lot of these (statistically) dudes before something pops off.

Do you mind being a bit more concise on what your actual point is?

In the theme of a thread about George Floyd and the BLM protests that are dramatically more left leaning with far left extremists taking the advantage of the situation, you want to keep bringing up far right exceptions to this global movement. I think we all get it and you have provided some great examples of how people in the government are indeed spending a lot of time catching these guys too. Now it's great our government might spend some more resources defeating the far left networks that are as likely as being motivated by foreign adversaries as the other side.
Yale decided that the title "master" for the heads of all of its internal colleges was "problematic," because, you know, racism. And instead of putting their foot down and saying "that's silly," Yale caved. Decisions on Residential College Names and “Master” Title

I suspect the Yale name will continue, there is too much money and prestige at stake. However, I predict that Yale will throw a WHOLE bunch of money at this problem, probably hire a bunch of "diverse" faculty and create programs and spaces that are exclusively for use by persons of color.
Princeton is pussing out...
Princeton will remove Woodrow Wilson's name from school

So, legit question: at what point in one's life or career does the benefits outweigh any racist or bigotry behavior? For instance, if he had cured cancer they still take his name off? If he invented the light bulb, would they have taken his name off? Nathaniel Bedford Forrest, check, I get it. No problem. But some of the people, they're throwing the baby out with the bath water.
So, legit question: at what point in one's life or career does the benefits outweigh any racist or bigotry behavior? For instance, if he had cured cancer they still take his name off? If he invented the light bulb, would they have taken his name off? Nathaniel Bedford Forrest, check, I get it. No problem. But some of the people, they're throwing the baby out with the bath water.

I'd like to give you answer, but I'm starting to feel like one doesn't exist, sadly.
So, legit question: at what point in one's life or career does the benefits outweigh any racist or bigotry behavior? For instance, if he had cured cancer they still take his name off? If he invented the light bulb, would they have taken his name off? Nathaniel Bedford Forrest, check, I get it. No problem. But some of the people, they're throwing the baby out with the bath water.

It never ends. It will never be enough.
I'm sure every member on this board along with the general public would admit, at some point in life, to making some comment, direct or otherwise that could be construed as offensive.

It doesn't make everyone racist. In my opinion, a not very elegant one, is there are lists of open and avowed racism that should be targeted before statues of people like Lincoln. Groups, organizations, you name it. I'm pretty sure Lincoln and Washington are low on those lists.
Feds Bust Black Lives Matter Organizer for Blackmailing Local Businesses - Frontpagemag

Federal prosecutors brought extortion charges Friday against the man whose arrest this week sparked violence and destruction in the capital city.

U.S. Attorney Scott Blader filed the charges against Devonere Johnson, alleging he threatened to bash windows of downtown businesses unless employees gave him money.

Blader also alleges Johnson, 28, threatened to "shut down and destroy" another business unless Johnson and his friends were provided free food and drinks.

In one restaurant, Johnson allegedly brought a boombox indoors and refused to turn it down. When the owner told Johnson he donated money to a group supporting the Black Lives Matter campaign, Johnson asked what he had done "locally."

Ultimately, Johnson allegedly told the owner "give me money or we'll break windows," according to the criminal complaint.

Johnson entered another bar and allegedly asked for free food and drinks or else the bar would be "marked," according to the complaint.

"You don't want 600 people to come here and destroy your business and burn it down. The cops are on our side," according to the complaint, which included interviews with the bar owner about what Johnson allegedly said. "You notice that when you call them, nothing happens to us."
What were seeing was never about speech, history, or the morality of slavery. We're seeing the early stages of a Marxist revolt. The useful idiots in MSM, Social Media, ANTIFA, BLM, and all the other useful idiots are using race to launch an assault on our Republic.

There is no reasoning with these people. American or not they aim to rule the rest of us or crush us underneath.
Whatever will people do when they find out about Lincoln?

I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.

Abraham Lincoln, Fourth Debate with Stephen Douglas, Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858 | House Divided

Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 3.

What Abraham Lincoln Thought About Slavery

People who actually read and don't refer to wiki pages would find all sorts of amazing things about their nation's favorite son, Abraham Lincoln.

How he makes the top five list of favorite or best presidents is beyond me. You talk about a president who shredded the Constitution, far worse than Roosevelt ever did, far worse than any other president. Add his views about slavery, You get yourself a guy who, yes, kept the nation together, but he sold his soul to the devil to do it.

What president throughout history wasn't a clown in their own way.

They are all human and all have flaws. I can certainly find trash in all their lives and histories.

That is true, but that is only part of the point. Part of it is what @Ooh-Rah mentioned, and part of it is the deification of a politician to fit your agenda. Plus, people have confirmation bias as well as very small grasp of history. There's nothing new under the sun, and every president going back to Washington had demons.
So, legit question: at what point in one's life or career does the benefits outweigh any racist or bigotry behavior? For instance, if he had cured cancer they still take his name off? If he invented the light bulb, would they have taken his name off? Nathaniel Bedford Forrest, check, I get it. No problem. But some of the people, they're throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Margaret Sanger was an avowed eugenicist, and would certainly fit the mold to be called racist. However, she’s immune to being canceled. Work from there.