National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

What is marxist about BLM?

I feel like I'm having flashbacks from the george floyd thread.

Outside of one of the co-founders actually saying it. One could argue that she's just a rando that doesn't lead it.. sure.. but what do the socialists say about it? Well from five years ago at least, it's definitely evolved since then.

The BLM movement opens a new powerful chapter. The previous radical black freedom movement always had powerful anti-capitalist, socialist, and internationalist currents. Today black and Latino youth are increasingly open to the ideas of socialism and Marxism. Let’s engage this movement with confidence, armed with our ideas and the lessons of history. The struggle of the multiracial working class for socialist change is the beginning of overcoming racial division. Overthrowing capitalism cannot end all aspects of racism overnight, but it can do away with the exploitation that lays the basis for class society’s divide-and-rule approach. There is no other road. Black liberation can only be won through the socialist transformation of society.

Black Lives Matter and Marxism
Again, get past those who are claiming to be BLM and aren't.

There is a higher percentage of blacks having force used agaisnt them than whites. Data doesn't say why, but the numbers say that on average blacks have are 25% more likely than whites to have force used agaisnt them.

View attachment 34667
Again, get past those who are claiming to be BLM and aren't.

There is a higher percentage of blacks having force used agaisnt them than whites. Data doesn't say why, but the numbers say that on average blacks have are 25% more likely than whites to have force used agaisnt them.

View attachment 34667

Did you just rebuttal the marxist comment with the use of police force?

We can get into the socioeconomic reasons for the suggested 50% more likely to experience some form of force in interactions with police. But I gravitate towards this part of the abstract on what actually matters.

On the most extreme use of force –officer-involved shootings – we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account. We argue that the patterns in the data are consistent with a model in which police officers are utility maximizers, a fraction of which have a preference for discrimination, who incur relatively high expected costs of officer-involved shootings.
An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force
Did you just rebuttal the marxist comment with the use of police force?

We can get into the socioeconomic reasons for the suggested 50% more likely to experience some form of force in interactions with police. But I gravitate towards this part of the abstract on what actually matters.

An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force

I'm saying that BLM itself is not maxist. We can agree to disagree on that.

Use of force is not defined by police as just shooting. Go deeper than that. That screenshot above is from that article.
I'm saying that BLM itself is not maxist. We can agree to disagree on that.

Use of force is not defined by police as just shooting. Go deeper than that. That screenshot above is from that article.

But it's not White Cops using force. White-male law enforcement officers are the least likely to use force. Minority law enforcement are more likely to use force. So therefore, how is that tied to racism?

However, back to the point of my post. The McCloskeys are Democrats, they have fought for Social Justice. And the LIBERAL MEDIA is painting them as racists and aggressors. When they are in fact people that are wholly in the right to defend their property.
I'm saying that BLM itself is not maxist. We can agree to disagree on that.

Use of force is not defined by police as just shooting. Go deeper than that. That screenshot above is from that article.

I don't know what your attachment is because it doesn't work. I provided proof of why BLM is a Marxist movement. If you can't provide anything on why it's not and circle back to "but police brutality," i don't know what to tell you. I even quoted that it's not 25% but 50% and suggested it's socioeconomic. Gave a link to my source, Harvard. You haven't yet articulated an argument against.
I think @BloodStripe is thinking about this in the same way I am:

BLM is both a Group(which is Marxist in origin) and a larger movement/ideal at this point.

Not everyone involved in the BLM protests/movement is a Marxist, but it's probably a safe bet to say most all Marxists are involved in BLM.
BLM is both a Group(which is Marxist in origin) and a larger movement/ideal at this point.

Not everyone involved in the BLM protests/movement is a Marxist, but it's probably a safe bet to say most all Marxists are involved in BLM.

I don't think it's safe to say that in any way. There is a ton of inner fighting among the far left. Once the Marxists win, they will eat everyone that doesn't believe what they believe. Go through some of the articles from the socialist site that I posted. You will see a lot of support from socialist movements. Just look at the bus drivers that refused to support law enforcement in moving arrested rioters.

At some point I think I can look at all the people that are supporting something, and say these people that are so far against my ideology that maybe if they are supporting this, than I should question my support. You think I believe black lives matter, sure, but not enough for me to wash their feet and kiss their boots. It's complete fascism
I don't know what your attachment is because it doesn't work. I provided proof of why BLM is a Marxist movement. If you can't provide anything on why it's not and circle back to "but police brutality," i don't know what to tell you. I even quoted that it's not 25% but 50% and suggested it's socioeconomic. Gave a link to my source, Harvard. You haven't yet articulated an argument against.

BLM is about brutality against them, which is all my argument has ever been about. Screenshot_20200630-134326_Chrome.jpg
BLM is about brutality against them, which is all my argument has ever been about. View attachment 34672

Other than the fact that the Black Lives Matter Foundation isn't the BLM movement, I typically wouldn't go to an About page on the group in question to see if it tells me that they're Marxist or not.
I'm guessing, you, @Florida173, like I am, are not a minority. We didnt have to live through Mike Bloomberg's stop and frisk. We don't have to wake up wondering if our house will be the target of white supremacists.

Do I agree with everything that BLM is doing? Of course not. For instance they need to look into their own communities and wonder when they will stop killing each other.
I'm done beating a dead horse. Some of you are so blinded by whatever is driving you, whether that be deep state conspiracies or Marxist rioters, that you are not seeing the issues that drove this to where it is. We as a country are not that far removed from the Civil War. In fact, the last person receiving a pension just died earlier this year.
I would be interested to learn how they (blm) define "white supremacy." Is it something along the lines of:

1) "the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races and should therefore dominate society."


2) "any system, practice, expectation, or norm which has the effect of privileging whites over others independent of beliefs about superiority or inferiority."

The distinction matters if one is to have a productive debate on the subject.
@BloodStripe you are doing exactly what they want the public to do. You are assuming that the BLM organization is the same as the BLM movement. Totally different animals.

The BLM organization and leadership has openly admitted to being Marxist. They need to be watched carefully. The cofounder admitted to being a trained Marxist. Many of their demands have hallmarks of Marxism.

The BLM Movement is something totally different and is something that should be supported.

Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’
@BloodStripe you are doing exactly what they want the public to do. You are assuming that the BLM organization is the same as the BLM movement. Totally different animals.

The BLM organization and leadership has openly admitted to being Marxist. They need to be watched carefully. The cofounder admitted to being a trained Marxist. Many of their demands have hallmarks of Marxism.

The BLM Movement is something totally different and is something that should be supported.

Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

The video has already been linked on this site multiple times. I did just a few posts up trying to argue that it's Marxist. None of it seems to matter because police brutality.
@BloodStripe you are doing exactly what they want the public to do. You are assuming that the BLM organization is the same as the BLM movement. Totally different animals.

The BLM organization and leadership has openly admitted to being Marxist. They need to be watched carefully. The cofounder admitted to being a trained Marxist. Many of their demands have hallmarks of Marxism.

The BLM Movement is something totally different and is something that should be supported.

Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

I'm merely offering a different perspective since about 95% of the active members on here all agree with you're saying. I've given you what I consider BLM movement. It's the exact definition I posted. Those causing destruction to property are not BLM.

Someone who I joke with by calling her my work Mom is black. A few years ago her house was spray painted with the words Die (insert derogative term here that starts with the letter N).

I suggest some of you call up your darker green friends and have a meaningful conversation with them on their thoughts.