New D book

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They've definitely gotten more elaborate and colorful over the years, the SF coins I saw were fairly simple, no inlaid ceramics or anything like that.

Not that ive ever been awarded a coin but IMO the simple ones with out all the ceramics look best and are obviously harder wearing. :2c:
They where talking about challenge coins.

Well done, good to see you are keeping up with the rest of the class. >:{

Ceramic chips, metal doesn't.

My point is lets see how well a coin in a pocket / wallet with ceramic lasts after 30 years...

I'll take metal.
My first coin is still my favorite - brass, beret and unit motto on one side, unit crest on the other.

You guys wouldnot believe some of the shit floating around out there now! Company commanders and First Sergeants have unit coins! :doh:

It's gotten so bad that there is actual regulatory Army policy telling who can give out coins, where the money comes from, and what can be said on them....but I've got a hell of a collection :D

We don't do the Coin thing, But I do have One:cool:. We each received one from ASP when we completed the ASP Instructors course, which was run by ASP instructors.

Its a nice coin:)
My first coin is still my favorite - brass, beret and unit motto on one side, unit crest on the other.

You guys wouldnot believe some of the shit floating around out there now! Company commanders and First Sergeants have unit coins! :doh:

It's gotten so bad that there is actual regulatory Army policy telling who can give out coins, where the money comes from, and what can be said on them....but I've got a hell of a collection :D


I've had coins made up for three of the four units I've commanded, paid for them out of my own pocket because either a) I wasn't allowed to use unit funds for them, or b) if I were to use unit funds, I was severely restricted to who I could give them out to.
Nobody ever gave me one. I've heard that the SecDef, President, Joint Chiefs and the like have coins that they give out when they go visit troops in the field or in hospitals.

Maybe I'll mint one of my own, based on the Army's old theme:

A Coin of One. :D


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Hello all, you are receiving this email because you are one of several thousand that submitted your address to be notified of any updates with the publishing of Kill Bin Laden (St. Martin's Press, 2008). just posted the book for pre-orders today with a release date of 30 Sep 08. You can reserve a copy by visiting

Please keep in mind a portion of the book's proceeds will go directly to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation that supports the surviving children of fallen special operators.

You can view a draft copy of the book jacket by visiting

I appreciate your interest in this story very much and thank you for your support.

Have a good one.


Dalton Fury

For those interested :)
Dalton asked that I add the following to the article on the main site, and I know that not everyone follows the info on there (and I don't typically report) so here you go:

Have something to ask the author of Kill Bin Laden? Email me your question at and I'll compile the top 10 at the end of each month and post them to the book's website with my answers. I'll place your name inside one of the boots I wore in Tora Bora and once a month, from June through September, I'll randomly draw a name. The four winners will receive a signed copy of Kill Bin Laden addressed to whoever you'd like. As always, please watch your OPSEC.
Have a good one!
Can someone read me in on the whole Eric Haney controversy? I knew he wrote a book about Delta but I've never read it and I want to know what all the hubub is about.

Don't these guys sign a statement of non-disclosure or something??
I'm going from memory here and I'm sure there are others that can fill in the holes or correct me as needed.

Disputes have arisen over Haney's claim to be a founding member of Delta, I believe he was in the third class/ group to form. Some of the incidents in the book that he claims to have happened are different in the memories of other who were there. I recall reading on another board that the Keke Saenz story was a sheer fabrication or at best Haney got the person wrong. Either he or the publisher made claims of him being SF, but he never was; never had the tab or the old pre-tab "S" identifier. I know he's been PNG'ed from unit functions.

I'm sure there's more or I am wrong on some accounts as I am going off of memories from other boards and news articles. The book is well written and entertaining, I have no doubt that some of it is true. The problem is given the allegations concerning parts of the book what is or isn't true? I have no idea.
It's a shame, considering the man has impeccable credentials anyway. :2c:
Books like Haney's and Fury's are "mixed" in my mind. I signed a non-disclosure agreement and operate under one now. So part of me is outraged that these men chose to ignore that and publish their books.

As a citizen however, I wish more men would do the same. You look at the Enigma machine that the Nazi's used during WWII. Full details weren't disclosed until the 1990's (though SOME details were made public in the 70's)....this for a machine that was widely known in the world at that time, used by a nation that no longer existed and whose cyphers were amateurish by the standards of even the 1950's.

When you consider cover-ups, acts of incompetence, or outright crimes keeping security classifications isn't for the good of the country, but for the men and women who would otherwise be tarnished or even punished for their actions. I've seen the declassification dates on certain rather trivial documents in my years. If I'm lucky and my family's history of heart disease, stroke, and liver diease doesn't claim me then I just MIGHT live long enough to see some Cold War documents become public and MAYBE some from Vietnam. Hell, the Chinese disclosed a few weeks ago that they had a US POW in their custody, something that POW activists have claimed for years based upon reports and other documents. And they only admitted to ONE, not the hundreds that are alleged. I would be astonished if the Korean War POW issue was ever fully made public and I have zero hope of us ever learning the truth about Vietnam's POWs.

So, men like Fury violate their oath and make a buck off of it. We call people like this names. In the private sector if someone does it they are a "whistleblower" or even a cult hero for their bravery and willingness to buck the establishment.

I don't have enough secrets in my head to be a threat, but I'm sure there are men and women who do. At some point we need to be more objective about what secrets are revealed, how they are revealed, and who profits from them.

I love my country, but the people in power are some crooked sons of bitches. Loyalty or truth/ profit/ power (whatever the reason). Tough call in this day and age.
Haney's book was great, and it was one of those that I never wanted to put down. His memory is impeccable to remember all of those details. I don't understand the SF controversy thing, as the unit has "Special Forces" in its name (ie. Special Forces Operations Detachment Delta).
Can someone read me in on the whole Eric Haney controversy? I knew he wrote a book about Delta but I've never read it and I want to know what all the hubub is about.

Haney is a sellout.

Seems like $$$$ these days will take what was once a loyal individual and turn them into one who's said one thing out of their mouth, and now something else is coming out of the other.

Around here, they're known by another name.

2 faced sons a bitches.

And it's neither just because of his book (although, there are known inaccuracies and embellishments in it) or his advising in Hollywood either. It has more to do with timing and statements that coincide with each.
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