New Job

Congrats Sir, that's cracking news.

I'll use this as an excuse to get pissed drunk tonight!
Too bad your time on the America was cut so short, B. I'm sure you'll miss being out on the open seas with all those seamen. :rolleyes:
The wife sends her congratulations along as well.
In this drawdown environment, when so many good Marines are being forced out, it's great to hear that a unit with such a storied history like 1st Force is getting a no-shit war hero as their commander. Bravo Zulu, sir.

UMMMMMMMMM, that's a no shit, Harley riding, beer drinking, wenching, bad-ass, war hero with an attitude to match...

I can hear him now.... Hey LCpl Snuffy, keep up with me... I got the 240, you take this silly little m9