New venomous snake found in Australia.....

Hey, @CQB , there's a reason your fair land was supposed to be a prison: everything there is designed to kill you.

Scary new venomous snake discovered

Especially in the Northern Territory. The Darwin Hospital has a huge amount of specimens of every type of evil that crawls, swims, runs (charges), floats on tides, flies and slithers. Forget the Cobra, the deadliest snake is the Taipan, a native.
Stay in the interior, it's snakes and spiders. Go toward the water, it's those plus crocks. Oh, want another way to die in the river? How about saw fish and bull sharks. Go to the coast, it's stupid shells, and other shit that washes ashore. Go in the ocean, it's game on: jellyfish, fish, sharks, sea snakes...

But hey, they have Fosters....
Fosters is too sweet, you see. But it's been a fave export thanks to Paul Hogan and Bazza McKenzie. (See below, note crafty can of Fosters as product placement). Melbourne Bitter, Victoria Bitter & the Tasmanian beers James Boag & James Squire. I've extolled the virtue of my local boutique brand 4 Pines, but I doubt whether you'd get near it over there.

Really?? We have a very authentic Australian eatery here called The Outback, they say is THE Australian beer to drink. So what is the beer now??


BTW, I've gotten some shitty steaks at Outback. If it's authentic, it's dingo meat.
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I'm picking they do Bauxite mining up in Weipa the same way we do it in the SW of Western Australia. The clearing gives the critters plenty of time to relocate into nearby bush. Then after the ore is mined out the ground is quickly redevloped and re planted, just a few metres lower than it was before, mining operations get carried out elsewhere and they don't come back to the area for some time.
No doubt some burrowing animals get squashed, but most will flee when a D10 dozer starts working in their general vicinity.

Fosters on the other hand is one of our more shameful exports, even worse than snake blood drenched bauxite ore. Public domestic comsumption is next to zero.
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Zero Alpha, reading you load & clear on Fosters. As for critters, my fave is the Death Adder. That's a guy who knows how to hunt. Puts himself in a horseshoe configuration & covers himself in leaf litter. His tail looks like a worm which protrudes from the litter, attracting birds & other critters, lizards et al. which he wiggles. When the critters take the bait, targets down, patch out.
Mind you the King Brown is interesting as sometimes when he strikes he doesn't release venom. There have been recorded incidents where a KB bite has been recorded & taken to Med Aid. Stand by with anti-venom...not needed as no venom enters the system; patient walks. He's just saying piss off.
He don't like being called a "pus" so he bites back. Just like the real thing. }:-) You marry it, and it fucks up your shit for 50 years. :-o:ROFLMAO: