NYC Nuclear War PSA

That's wild dude. She's so calm.

I went to Elementary school in Arlington, and in kindergarten they would have us practice what to do if DC got bombed. By high school, the bubonic plague was mailed to DuPont circle (very inconvenient- I was annoyed by the traffic), all of the women came up with same evacuation plan for their family members, and told everyone-- and it was the exact same plan. The road they were all going to flood would be entirely useless.

Thank God for the tunnels and bomb/fallout shelters inside and under classic Arlington County houses, (that they keep tearing down, like complete idiots). Built by military for private homes. Go on open house tours sometimes you'll be able to go into a tunnel.
I don't have the energy to dig, but I wonder who in our government has stock in Amgen. Eh, I'm sure this all on the up-and-up. Wait...

Senate Finance Committee looks at Amgen taxes, widening drugmaker probe

So, this "long-standing program" also occurred while the aforementioned company was under investigation for tax fraud? Look, Putin needs a long, painful death, but he isn't the bad guy in this particular story.
In regards to the anti-radiation pills, I wonder if it's just an unfortunately timed purchase of an item that is part of the Strategic National Stockpile.

What is in the SNS?​

  • The SNS is a national repository of antibiotics, chemical antidotes, antitoxins, life-support medications, IV administration, airway maintenance supplies, and medical/surgical items.
  • When would the stockpile be used?​

    • The plan is to deliver critical medical resources to the site of a national emergency when local public health resources would likely be or have already been overwhelmed by the magnitude of the medical emergency.
    • Examples might be emergencies resulting from a major earthquake, pandemic flu, a smallpox event, and terrorist events of chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, or explosive incidents.
    • Pre-event requests for SNS resources might include
      • Actionable intelligence indicating an impending chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, or large explosive attack or overwhelming public health disaster
      • Analysis of data derived from syndromic or epidemiologic surveillance
      • A sentinel event, such as a single case of smallpox

      • What kinds of things are in the stockpile?​

        • 12-Hour Push Packages (less than 5% of the SNS inventory)
          • Broad-spectrum oral and intravenous antibiotics
          • Other medicines for emergency conditions
          • IV fluids and fluid administration kits
          • Airway equipment, such as ET tubes, stylettes, oropharyngeal airways, Ambu-Bags, and CO2 detectors
          • Bandages
        • Managed inventories housed in the SNS or maintained by specific vendors or manufacturers
There is much about being a child of the 80’s I would love to relive, checking the sky every time I hear the Tuesday 1 PM siren go off, is not one of them.
In regards to the anti-radiation pills, I wonder if it's just an unfortunately timed purchase of an item that is part of the Strategic National Stockpile.
Oh the incessant Stockpile.

Haven't heard about this mentioned, since the States and Jared Kushner got into the big brew-haha over during the lockdowns? Same one?

I may be incorrect- could be a different stockpile.

Not a fan of Kushner (i.e. zero background for duties/ responsibilities entrusted/ i.e. nepotism et. al- caveat: not that any capable candidate would ever apply) but in the case of the Governor's pawing at the stockpile/complaining circa 2022 i.e. ventilators (?) using the argument it was not disbursed correctly- his argument was correct.

Wouldn't be surprised if radiation pills were purchased for it, the inclusion was flagged on the fuck boy/girls reporters (on both sides) "if then, then that" feed arrogators for the site, and now we're here.
Oh the incessant Stockpile.

Haven't heard about this mentioned, since the States and Jared Kushner got into the big brew-haha over during the lockdowns? Same one?

I may be incorrect- could be a different stockpile.

Not a fan of Kushner (i.e. zero background for duties/ responsibilities entrusted/ i.e. nepotism et. al- caveat: not that any capable candidate would ever apply) but in the case of the Governor's pawing at the stockpile/complaining circa 2022 i.e. ventilators (?) using the argument it was not disbursed correctly- his argument was correct.

Wouldn't be surprised if radiation pills were purchased for it, the inclusion was flagged on the fuck boy/girls reporters (on both sides) "if then, then that" feed arrogators for the site, and now we're here.
@Cookie_ sorry for the wall of text- I'm eating taquitos, put my phone down- and it posted before editing. Bet you're right though.