Oh Florida.....

Inquiring minds are curious as to the song and DJ monologue. On the other hand, this could be a chapter in a book on the absurdities of Freefalling's life in Afghanistan. I dunno, maybe between the chapter of porta-potty humor in Bagram and the nuances of snagging/forcibly acquiring the best office chair?

Dude (Looks like a Lady) has to be one of the songs...
Because sometimes even The Florida Man gets it right....

Link to Video

Dad nosedives over 4ft fence into pool to save his one-year-old son

A Florida father jumped into action to save his one-year-old son from drowning after he fell in a pool.

Video shows Albert Passavanti and his family enjoying some fun in the sun at their West Balm Beach home on Sunday.

All of a sudden, Rocco falls into the pool and immediately struggles.

But Albert is fast on his feet, taking off running and quickly diving over the fence into the pool.

He surfaces, moments later, with his son.

The fence isn't 4 feet. And that's how we teach our kids to swim in FL.
Dude (Looks like a Lady) has to be one of the songs...
:ROFLMAO: With Kenny Rogers crooning a modern rendition of Scarlet Fever as a follow up song?

Oh! Better idea! Scarlet Fever would be played as a cover by Nickleback! Heck, Free's Bagram inspired strip club could also exclusively play nonstop Nickleback covers for all it's songs. (During the off time he can sub-lease it as temporary interrogation site)

DJ announcer: "Our next dancer just recently transitioned and is gonna need your love and support. Alright folks! Get you dollar bills together fooooor Georgeinaaaa!" (Nickleback cover of a DJ Kaleed song starts blaring in the background)
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Sigh... great thinkers are often unappreciated in their time. Also, leaded or unleaded? ;-)

Is yours bedazzled too?!

Also this is how I usually party, you decide if this is how the nights gonna go:

View attachment 28572

That is straight out of Algiers Station.

Ex-CIA official sentenced for drugging, assaulting woman in Algeria

In his plea hearing, Warren confessed that on February 17, 2008, he rendered a woman unconscious and then committed "abusive sexual contact" at the American embassy in Algeria.
Warren also admitted that, on April 26, 2010, he used cocaine while possessing a 9 mm Glock semi-automatic pistol.