I've read a couple of posts here now about how we should be focusing on killing to win in COIN warfare.
Fighting is important but it is not the most important thing and should not be the focus of any COIN operation.
The fighting is done to stabilize in order to buy timeto conduct the main effort which is winning the hearts and minds of the populace of the country you are trying to secure.
You can kill all day and achieve nothing but strengthen the enemy, by resolve if not by manpower.
Don't get me wrong, we must kill but more than that we need to get the locals on our side.
I agree but by fighting and killing you establish security. Security has to come before hearts and minds. Civic action and political efforts mean nothing if the locals are still afraid of insurgent retribution. And once you've established security--by killing efficiently enough to make the insurgents terrified of stepping foot into your AO--you can begin winning the locals over...while maintaining aggressive action to keep the pressure on the enemy. Just my :2c: I think we are on the same page maybe different paragraphs. It's also important to accept the reality that no American and no Briton--unless T.E. Lawrence rises from the grave-- is going to win anybody's heart or mind. Only the indigs can win the H&M of their countrymen and they've got to do it right..
As far as telegraphing intentions, announcing plans for your offensive in advance, if I were a Taliban, I'd be thinking hey, it took me a long long time to grow this beard...these guys are insulting my manliness by telling me they are going to attack my city and expect me to leave and hand it over to them. Allah Akbar...I'm going to use these two weeks they are generously giving me to arrange a reception by planting IEDs, preparing ambush sites, fallback positions and exfil routes. I am also going to take maximum advantage of the Marine's "classified" ROE...which, of course, has been classified so I can't take advantage of it but which of course I can because you can't keep classified something this restrictive that every swinging dick 0311 and 0331 has been bitching about openly and vehemently for the past 6 months.