Are you a dickhead when you drink hard alcohol?
Well let me put it like this, you are right about drinking being non negotiable. As in not drinking. If you want to lose the last bit of weight you got to stop. Not forever, but have to stop for now. Been down this road, at our age you ain't going to lose it while drinking.I laughed pretty hard when I read this... But yes, I'm a complete dickhead when I drink liquor unless I do the no more than two deal, and at that point, I'd rather not even drink.
at our age you ain't going to lose it while drinking.
Well let me put it like this, you are right about drinking being non negotiable. As in not drinking. If you want to lose the last bit of weight you got to stop. Not forever, but have to stop for now. Been down this road, at our age you ain't going to lose it while drinking.
Get to your goal weight. Then tweek it. Alcohol at our age goes straight to the belly. I don't care what you do.I'm listening, just gonna let it soak in for a bit. What I'm really trying to avoid is doing a "X-amount of time diet" and trying to change things that are not sustainable over the long term. I have done several "diet plans" but they just seem to be a rollercoaster ride of loose weight and gain it back when you start living normal. Hints my original "non negotiable" comment.
What I'm gathering is, in order to meet my stated goal, I need to STFU and listen, and than adjust once the goal is met.
I'm going to finish out the week on my original plan, and take what's posted here and apply it to next week's plan. I'll post that up Sunday or Monday.
I really appreciate the feed back!
Not bad, but add a protein for lunch and the afternoon snack.
Think of alcohol as a reward once you hit your goal weight. Then learn to drink quality instead of quantity as a special treat rather than an every day occurence. There's a reason the booze in our house is top shelf or above, it's a treat consumed occasionally. Like when you come to visit...LL
Week 2 plan:
Drinking water, cutting beer back to one six pack a week (baby steps).
I'm going to pick up a rotisserie chicken rip it up and toss it on top of the salads, I'm thinking 5-6oz of shredded chicken would add some welcome flavor, and cover the more protein.
Outside of doing a protein shake in the afternoon snack, I'm not really sure what to add to bump up protein. Keep in mind, I'm really trying to make this a permanent diet change...
lol, got my wife on the bandwagon.