Presidential Debate, Part 3

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This all came to light after it was found that the San Bernadino shooter had been open on social media about his radicalism
If we are going to scrub social media for possible radicals- then we all have friends that are going to jail over treason due to claims of denouncing America and moving abroad (no matter which one gets elected).
This all came to light after it was found that the San Bernadino shooter had been open on social media about his radicalism

Yes but I was referring to refugees from Levant; not to mention all the foreign fighters that now have combat experience in Europe. Refugees my ass.
I have confidence in Trump's economic plan. Obama Care is failing, with insurance companies bailing.

Trump has a proven successful business history, and I believe Trump has the better grasp on our economy.
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I have confidence in Trump's economic plan. Obama Care is failing, with insurNce companies bailing.

Trump has a proven successful business history, and I believe Trump has the better grasp on our economy.
After this debate, I am inclined to agree with you.

IMO, he wasted the first two debates cause he's an amateur.
Chris Wallace did a fantastic job and asked hard questions of both of them. I was especially impressed that he didn't debate with either of the candidates and controlled the debate.
Good lord it's done.

Perhaps this is the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning.
Chris Wallace did a fantastic job and asked hard questions of both of them. I was especially impressed that he didn't debate with either of the candidates and controlled the debate.

I saw shades of Tim Russert the way he handled things. He didn't cheer lead for either. The previous 2 moderators could have learned something by watching.......nah. Never mind.
I saw shades of Tim Russert the way he handled things. He didn't cheer lead for either. The previous 2 moderators could have learned something by watching.......nah. Never mind.

It seems to validate that other entertainment outlets were biased.

I'm shocked that Clinton won that debate.
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