Presidential Tweet Thread

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No one has ever accused him of class and tact...but you better win, sir. Your old stomping grounds in the entertainment market are long closed to you and you’re going to get awful lonely.

I’m actually surprised he did not add an LOL to the post.


meme included in this post is probably NSFW

So.... what?

My critique stands. Not only does the president hit the tweet button without a thought or someone over his shoulder probably like, 80% of the time- but if you think all his tweets weave into some sort of rich tapestry that will be revealed later... you’re a clown.

And not even a good clown. Like, an alcoholic down on his luck small town birthday clown.

ETA- not “you”, specifically Mara. Royal “you”.

"So... what?" I need to spell it out for you? The President embroiled himself in a political controversy and scored a political victory. So maybe he's not as dumb as you're portraying him to be.

If we're calling people names because we disagree with them politically now, then I'll respond to your "clown" statements by opining that people who think the President is stupid, are idiots.* It makes me think of this meme:


He's many things, some of which are contemptible to some people, but the President is apparently intelligent enough to convince enough people to vote him into the most important political office in the entire world, and he's poised to do it again. Separate from that, he's managed to become one of the most wealthy and most-recognized people on the planet. It could be luck... it could be privilege... it could be some invisible manipulative hand behind the scene... or he could have something to do with his own success.

I don't think he's a genius, but President Trump is very savvy. He understands what motivates people, and how to keep himself in the spotlight and his opponents scrambling. With this A$AP Rocky thing--which for the record I think he should NOT have injected himself into--he helped deflect allegations of racism, shored up support from certain elements inside the African-American community (which is going to be an important voting bloc in the next election), and kept people focused on this issue instead of issues of substance where he might be more vulnerable politically. It was a smart political move, even though I personally think it should be beneath the noise level and the dignity of any President to do this type of thing.

I don't know what help the President gets or does not get with his public communications, and I don't know how you do either. Is that 80% figure substantiated somehow, or are you making that up? If we're making educated guesses here, then I'm going to guess that the President gets far more help with his public communiques than anyone, including the administration, is willing to admit.

Your original critique seemed to be the implication that the A$AP Rocky thing wasn't part of some broader strategy. It's hard to tell through the sarcasm. If that's what it was, then I think I just explained how it could indeed be, and probably was, part of some larger political strategy. Therefore, I think your critique absolutely does not stand.

*obviously I don't think my fellow members of ShadowSpear are "idiots" or "dumb motherfuckers," or I wouldn't waste my time having discussions like this with them
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"So... what?" I need to spell it out for you? The President embroiled himself in a political controversy and scored a political victory. So maybe he's not as dumb as you're portraying him to be.
Yes, you do need to spell it out. Which you spent a lot of time not doing. I don’t really care how the president got rich, famous or recognizable. I care about his political actions and performance as the president. We spent YEARS in the other thread being bludgeoned to death by his sycophants saying, “I don’t care about his past just his performance now.” I agree. But if the bad goes, so does the good.

The president is like a toddler, and the “always Trumpers” are like that toddlers doting parents.

He toddles around, addressing whatever he sees in front of him and doesn’t stay engaged too long. Throws tantrums, calls people names, gets upset when he doesn’t get what he wants. Sometimes, he gets into things he most certainly should not- and his parents go “NononoNONO! NO DONT’T DO THAT!”. Every once in a while though, he magically escapes disaster and it works out. Lots of times (most times) it doesn’t.

And after all these things the parents lovingly absolve his faults (“He doesn’t know any better! It’s his first time! Of course he’s mean to people they were mean to him first!”) and somehow praise his victories that he shouldn’t have been involved in (“He freed A$AP! He’s so smart! He’s got a plan for everything after all!”).

It’s the craziest thing. I watch very smart people spend weeks and months of their time and energy retroactively apply context and meaning to events that didn’t have either, just to feel better about the president’s actions.

Here are some great tweets. I look forward to North Korea immediately halting all untoward military actions, thanks to the super genius master manipulator/dealer in the Oval Office. A twitter scolding is just what KJU needs from the president after they violated United Nations directives. That’ll teach em.

For those that don’t understand; retweet means “I agree with this- no need for me to repeat what this person said”.

The president retweeted this.

View attachment 28885
He's not wrong... the documents about President Clinton's ride on the 'Lolita Express' and their stop in Japan are public. POTUS is hinting that at something we all know happened.

Also, didn't know that retweets meant that you agreed with something. I'm not being sarcastic, I don't use twitter and some of the new tech jargon is slightly confusing.
Uh...Sir, this is not why they're sending troops to Hong Kong:

HK is the domino piece that can start a chain reaction of fire and discontent towards the mainland. For China to burn though, conventional US ground troops can't be a part of the equation. If HK declares it's independence they will need our Navy to keep their shipping lanes and ports open.

Either way, we can always ship HK some RPG's and teach them how to effectively use IED's and EFP's against the ChiComs. Most of the crap China is sending over is only effective against unarmed civilians. Everyone knows that the PRC is going to try and slaughter those people and harvest their organs.

Not seeing a downside in letting HK give as good as they get.
I am hurt
and offended
and hurt
and also offended
mostly offended

I am hurt and offended that Nickleback would file a copyright complaint to shield their TRUE intentions for having this video pulled down.
Nickleback has launched an all out assault against freedom of speech.
Thats right people...
I said it - this Twitter censorship is a direct attack on our freedom of speech !!!

I am going to jump in with both feet and accuse Nickleback of being secret agents for Liz' Warren.
Let me break it down for those of you that cant see through the illusion:
Its clear that Nickleback doesnt like Joe Biden - why else would they have made a video that shows him playing golf with his son and a Ukrainian Oligarch. They KNEW that once President Trump saw that video he would post it on Twitter.
Joe Biden - busted.
Then it was just a matter of filing a copyright complaint to get the video pulled down before their collusion with President Trump could be used against them.

Who wins?

Meanwhile, Nickleback gets to push the charade that they are just innocent victims in a violent and bloody Twitter-Coup against the POTUS - who is probably the best POTUS in history.
Shame on you Nickelback. sad
I am hurt
and offended
and hurt
and also offended
mostly offended

I am hurt and offended that Nickleback would file a copyright complaint to shield their TRUE intentions for having this video pulled down.
Nickleback has launched an all out assault against freedom of speech.
Thats right people...
I said it - this Twitter censorship is a direct attack on our freedom of speech !!!

I am going to jump in with both feet and accuse Nickleback of being secret agents for Liz' Warren.
Let me break it down for those of you that cant see through the illusion:
Its clear that Nickleback doesnt like Joe Biden - why else would they have made a video that shows him playing golf with his son and a Ukrainian Oligarch. They KNEW that once President Trump saw that video he would post it on Twitter.
Joe Biden - busted.
Then it was just a matter of filing a copyright complaint to get the video pulled down before their collusion with President Trump could be used against them.

Who wins?

Meanwhile, Nickleback gets to push the charade that they are just innocent victims in a violent and bloody Twitter-Coup against the POTUS - who is probably the best POTUS in history.
Shame on you Nickelback. sad

I just resigned from their fan club.
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