He knows every detail-but just wont discuss it period. He was supportive the 1st yr-but I think when he realized he couldnt 'help' me 'get over it' -he was just done with it. He really did just want the old Kim back, as did I, but that never happened. We met in Pet, and I was really outgoing, just front and center with everything. I sort of became the opposite, so I cant really blame him. He has no desire to deal with it or talk to anyone about it. Anyway-I was lucky to see a good psychologist, and he did help to a certain degree. Its just that I had kept things bottled for many yrs at home. And any major stresses at home just make all my symptoms much worse. I dont handle stress well anymore at all. Though am working on that.
Decided to sell the land-and look for some land around the Pet/Deep River area, and continue on with my plan.Thats where I really want to live.I think it will be good for me to gain some control and do something for myself. Called a lawyer today to take my husbands name off the deed=its like almost 500 bucks to do that. Freakin lawyers!!:)
Thanks for listening.