Now, you are the guy in LRS so I will defer to your greatness if need be, but I fail to understand your argument for why LRS should be part of SOCOM. LRS is a tactical asset, just like a Scout PLT, just at a different echelon. Why would SOCOM absorb a unit with a tactical role? Especially since it already has SF, the SEAL Teams, and various SMUs either solely dedicated to strategic reconnaissance, or having strategic recon as part of their mission statement?
The Exact Way you have posed your Question is the Reason LRS is not,and Has not been utilized in the Way it is intended,and can add to a Commander's Tool Box.This is Precisely the Reason it needs to be controlled and Mission Tasked when and Where we can Have a Dynamic Effect on the Battlefield.
It wasn't that long Ago,that a career in SOCOM was a Dead End,Why, Because
they weren't understood.Now They are performing Missions that were always on the Back Burner.Give some Time and study the Capability's Of a LRS Unit,you just may want to give it a Try yourself.