Ranger Snipers


What is a "Tier 1" unit?

What kinds of "complex operations" are these, that the finest light infantry in the world can't complete them?

I'm not a Ranger, so I'm not taking what you said the wrong way. I'm trying to teach you a lesson in when it's good to talk about something (when you personally know something about it, or you've researched it to the point that you can talk intelligently about it) and when it isn't good to talk about something (like what you're doing now, in this thread, with this "Tier 1" mumbo-jumbo and repeating what someone said to you when the rest of us weren't around).

What is a "Tier 1" unit?

What kinds of "complex operations" are these, that the finest light infantry in the world can't complete them?

I'm not a Ranger, so I'm not taking what you said the wrong way. I'm trying to teach you a lesson in when it's good to talk about something (when you personally know something about it, or you've researched it to the point that you can talk intelligently about it) and when it isn't good to talk about something (like what you're doing now, in this thread, with this "Tier 1" mumbo-jumbo and repeating what someone said to you when the rest of us weren't around).

Ok, I'm sorry if I offended you, the article stated that the Ranger regiment can perform missions that were once specifically restricted to Tier 1 groups. That's the only reason why I mentioned it, again, it is not my intention to offend anyone. It's just I was just a little doubtful, again, I'm not denigrating Rangers - they are the best at what they do.

I'm sorry for mentioning tier 1 mumbo-jumbo that's the reason why. Again, I apologize I don't mean to tick anybody off.
What we have here is what some might refer to as an "Epic Fail"

I'll go ahead and say it. Your mentors don't know what they are talking about, and neither do you.

I'll just leave this here for you, and you can take from it what you want.


Suffice it to say that you OBVIOUSLY do not know what Rangers have been doing for the last 12 years, and you certainly don't know about who is an SMU and who is not, and you don't know about things that are going on behind the scenes. But roger dude, Rangers are really good at manning a blocking position and walking around the woods right? Some day I hope we are able to do our own missions instead of pulling BP's for the other guys....
It's just I was just a little doubtful, again, I'm not denigrating Rangers - they are the best at what they.

I'm curious as to what information your privy to that would allow you to scoff at an article written about Regiment snipers, by a Regiment sniper, and further endorsed by 2 Ranger NCO's? Then continue to stand fast when 2 senior members(officers at that) try to enlighten you on speaking about something you haven't experienced in one of their more casual methods I have seen in my time on this site. I'm sure your mentors have quite the resume but from a mentor angle I'm almost positive they wouldn't want you jumping in debates you aren't qualified to comment on...and the capabilities of a sniper, Regiment or not, doesn't fall into your AO. I don't know shit about snipers but I have a much greater understanding for following simple instructions you would be better served to follow the ones given to you it will save you a lot of pain later.
Ok, the more this brews, the more irritated I get. It's not just you Deadpool. It's every fucking person I run into that acts like Rangers are a bunch of second class citizens in the SOF world, when they don't have a fucking clue the type of things that are going on. Some days I wish I could just throw OPSEC to the wind and enlighten people as to the great things the Regiment is doing. Are they perfect? Hell no. But they sure as shit don't get the credit they deserve. And guess what, no one in that organization cares about getting credit, but guys who have left the organization like me and the others in this thread, like to see the boys get a little credit here and there, because they are shit hot and deserve it.

Why is a High School kid getting me all riled up? ....
Ok...every fucking person I run into that acts like...me and...like to see...boys...because they are...hot...

Why is a High School kid getting me all riled up? ....

Goon, I fixed your post above. This edit made more sense to me given your last sentence about a HS kid getting you "all riled up". :ack:

I don't judge. Ok, maybe a little.
Ok, the more this brews, the more irritated I get. It's not just you Deadpool. It's every fucking person I run into that acts like Rangers are a bunch of second class citizens in the SOF world, when they don't have a fucking clue the type of things that are going on. Some days I wish I could just throw OPSEC to the wind and enlighten people as to the great things the Regiment is doing. Are they perfect? Hell no. But they sure as shit don't get the credit they deserve. And guess what, no one in that organization cares about getting credit, but guys who have left the organization like me and the others in this thread, like to see the boys get a little credit here and there, because they are shit hot and deserve it.

Why is a High School kid getting me all riled up? ....

Civis no doubt, they read a few books or saw a movie, now they are qualified. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, it's not just them. Even in the Army, most do not understand the difference between Ranger School and the 75th, let alone the stuff the guys are doing at work. Usually the only guys that understand are those in the SOF community. I can't tell you how many times I have run into Army NCO's who think that if you wanna do something cool, you have to do SFAS, that you only go to batt. if you want to wander around the woods all week and do bitch work for other SOF units. Like I said, It's not just Deadpool, it's been building up for a while b/c of all this non-sense I hear. Would Deadpool have scoffed if a SEAL sniper said they were capable of doing jobs typically reserved for SMU's? Or an SF sniper? Or even a Marine Recon Sniper, who isn't even under the SOCOM umbrella? No, probably not, because people have a higher opinion of those units. But when a Ranger sniper says they are capable of performing missions typically reserved for SMU's (and more than likely speaking from first hand experience), it's "oh, yeeeeaaaah....sure you can do those missions, because your a SPECIAL Ranger, aren't you little guy?" Like I said, folks just have no fucking clue, and they discount Rangers as not measuring up.
Nowadays - differences between our snipers and the Unit's/Six's snipers is that we don't train to blow the brains out of a hostage taker in the cockpit of an airplane during a hostage rescue. And we won't send Rangers into denied areas to smoke bad guys either.

Aside from that our guys do what theirs do.
Anything I've read about the 75th regarding their work in Iraq and A'Stan has been some pretty top drawer stuff. The amount of DA stuff being done is insane.

It's gotta be pretty bad ass to be part of a Unit who is just ruining the bad guys day, night after night.

PS - A statement like "My mentors disagree..." when talking to people who've BTDT, is gay as fuck.
I won't lie, it took a few months of being on this board and meeting a former Ranger PSG for me to really understand what the Regiment does. I think "Black Hawk Down" (for all the good I'm sure it's done for recruitment) and Modern Warfare 2 have really screwed you guys in terms of image. Until there's a film on Sergeant Petry or RRC or some other modern (past 5 years) actions by the Regiment that'll probably continue on... It's shit but at the end of the day you all know what you do for our country.
Heh, I remember when I was a Private inprocessing through Stewart they had a recent SFAS selectee give a SF brief to everybody. At some point, he starts talking shit to all the Rangers, "Well I can't recruit you guys since you have a service contract. Have fun pulling security for Delta." I was just new and didn't know any better, but I always wish I went, "Wait a minute you piece of shit. You're still in 3rd ID. You haven't even gone to the Q." Regiment has a lot of factors going against it. All the high-speed training is done at the unit and not part of some advertised qualification course. So, as far as a bunch of swinging dicks with stupid opinions are concerned old 82nd can do anything we can. Also we don't have a MOS with the words 'special' or 'operator' in it like all the other units in SOCOM. We don't have any fictional movies about Rangers. Most of us aren't fucking around with cool infil methods because that's what puts the special in SOF. Well most of SF isn't either, but nobody seems to notice that. Also a Ranger platoon comprises of 20 18 year old Privates and nobody else. And finally all the cool shit and equipment gets wrapped in some ridiculous OPSEC blanket even if it really isn't. I really don't know how some 'mentor' can shit all over our snipers when we've got guys leaving for AMU when they want an easier job or guys currently in Regiment wearing President's Hundred tabs that are SOTIC-qualified.
A minor housekeeping note:

I'm leaving this thread open because I think it can be salvaged, I'd like to think Monsieur Deadpool has learned a lesson, and I think the subject matter is relevant. I hope we don't have to close the thread, but knowing this crowd?


That's a long shot.