Heh, I remember when I was a Private inprocessing through Stewart they had a recent SFAS selectee give a SF brief to everybody. At some point, he starts talking shit to all the Rangers, "Well I can't recruit you guys since you have a service contract. Have fun pulling security for Delta." I was just new and didn't know any better, but I always wish I went, "Wait a minute you piece of shit. You're still in 3rd ID. You haven't even gone to the Q." Regiment has a lot of factors going against it. All the high-speed training is done at the unit and not part of some advertised qualification course. So, as far as a bunch of swinging dicks with stupid opinions are concerned old 82nd can do anything we can. Also we don't have a MOS with the words 'special' or 'operator' in it like all the other units in SOCOM. We don't have any fictional movies about Rangers. Most of us aren't fucking around with cool infil methods because that's what puts the special in SOF. Well most of SF isn't either, but nobody seems to notice that. Also a Ranger platoon comprises of 20 18 year old Privates and nobody else. And finally all the cool shit and equipment gets wrapped in some ridiculous OPSEC blanket even if it really isn't. I really don't know how some 'mentor' can shit all over our snipers when we've got guys leaving for AMU when they want an easier job or guys currently in Regiment wearing President's Hundred tabs that are SOTIC-qualified.
I really don't mean to butt in at all, and this is somewhat off topic. But I thought Regiment was getting older and more mature as a whole, as in the days of all 18 year olds was over? It's funny though here in 82nd land, a lot of people want to come over there. We have quite a few slots for Ranger School always open, and nobody ever wants to go.
If I stepped out my lane..sorry.