Report: DoD Investigating Whether Navy SEALs Strangled Green Beret To Death In Mali


A SEAL and a Marine Raider seek plea deals in Green Beret murder case

Two of the four special operators charged with murder in the strangulation death of a Green Beret staff sergeant are negotiating plea deals with government prosecutors.

The Daily Beast reported earlier this week that Navy SEAL Chief Petty Officer Adam C. Matthews and Marine Raider Staff Sgt. Kevin Maxwell are working out plea deals for the charges they face in connection with the death of Army Green Beret Staff Sgt. Logan Melgar, 34, in Bamako, Mali on June 4, 2017.

Military Times has verified the report through sources close to the investigation

A SEAL and a Marine Raider seek plea deals in Green Beret murder case

Two of the four special operators charged with murder in the strangulation death of a Green Beret staff sergeant are negotiating plea deals with government prosecutors.

The Daily Beast reported earlier this week that Navy SEAL Chief Petty Officer Adam C. Matthews and Marine Raider Staff Sgt. Kevin Maxwell are working out plea deals for the charges they face in connection with the death of Army Green Beret Staff Sgt. Logan Melgar, 34, in Bamako, Mali on June 4, 2017.

Military Times has verified the report through sources close to the investigation

I guess Matthews and Maxwell had a come-to-Jesus moment and saw the writing on the wall. Better to squeal and get 20. I know it's been said before, but how enormously fucked up this is.

S/Sgt Meglar's poor family having to deal with this.
Execute the guilty. Our SOF community deserves swift justice.

These are Special Operations senior NCOs. We hold them to high standards. Those that betray those standards need to be held accountable for the sake of all the honorable members of that elite community.
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These are Special Operations senior NCOs. We hold them to high standards. Those that betray those standards need to be held accountable for the sake of all the honorable members of that elite community.

I think a general lack of standards, or a cultural disregard for standards at least, set the conditions that led to this tragic event. This probably wouldn’t have happened if nobody was skimming from their operational funds, and it wouldn’t shock me if this wasn’t an isolated SOF embezzlement case.
Yeah I get it, I just don't think anyone involved should walk away light.

I’m not a JAG/SJA but I would have dangled the death penalty in front of everyone to see who folds for a “lesser” sentence. I suspect that all participants are going to take unaccompanied orders to Fort Leavenworth for an extended tour. Some may join former Major Nadal on death row.
These are Special Operations senior NCOs. We hold them to high standards. Those that betray those standards need to be held accountable for the sake of all the honorable members of that elite community.

Standards? They killed a brother. That goes WAY beyond any standards in my book. Stealing, drug dealing...those are standards. Killing one of their own? That's beyond the pale.

After a long night of drinking in Mali's capital, two Navy SEALs and two Marine Raiders smashed their way into Army Staff Sgt. Logan Melgar's room with a sledgehammer.

Armed with duct tape, they had a goal, two of the alleged assailants recalled: Teach the Green Beret soldier a lesson for leaving them behind in traffic on the way to a party at the French Embassy
sledgehammers and duct tape - to "teach a guy a lesson"

I'd like to see the POI for this "lesson" they planned on teaching. Closing in on two years now and so far we still haven't really made it past the stage of slinging mud over whose behavior was the least acceptable prior to to going to Melgar's room with a sledgehammer and some duct tape.

Disparage the WISR effort, get a DUI, or make a slur about sexual orientation - and your ass will be burned to the ground in a matter of weeks.
Two years this shit show has been going on and they are still arguing over who had the biggest problem with whiskey and whores.
...but hey, we dont want to damage any unit reputations over just one guy

"Shameful" is a word that seems to fall a little short of the mark.
sledgehammers and duct tape - to "teach a guy a lesson"

I'd like to see the POI for this "lesson" they planned on teaching. Closing in on two years now and so far we still haven't really made it past the stage of slinging mud over whose behavior was the least acceptable prior to to going to Melgar's room with a sledgehammer and some duct tape.

Disparage the WISR effort, get a DUI, or make a slur about sexual orientation - and your ass will be burned to the ground in a matter of weeks.
Two years this shit show has been going on and they are still arguing over who had the biggest problem with whiskey and whores.
...but hey, we dont want to damage any unit reputations over just one guy

"Shameful" is a word that seems to fall a little short of the mark.
I think "Big Navy" has wanted to hang someone in the SpecWarCom Community for some time, with a ST-6 member being the ultimate target.
They are going at a snails pace on this to ensure no one can wiggle out.
My take on this is the former MMA SEAL is going down, but I don't know what the deal is with the GySgt. Will have to wait and see how it plays out.