School/Mass shootings are now part of our culture.

"and that's the thing....all nuns are lesbians!" -Sea Otter

I don't see at T wave of shootings going on in the country, but I've seen the stats somewhere, that alphabet'ers are overwhelmingly suicidal. Doesn't take a huge jump for those thoughts to turn homicidal, but I don't think we're there yet. Anybody that thinks or feels a different gender...many more problems under the surface.
Upending societal norms and normalizing the depravities of mentally ill sexual degenerates, in the name of tolerance, got us here. Evil people willfully pushed this onto children. It's a wonder we're not seeing worse.
Yup. A couple trans shooters (what, 3? Maybe 4?) are totally an epidemic. If that's the case, we need to do something about married men, because they seem to put up the most mass murders this year.

A list of mass killings in the United States this year

It's almost like there's something related to all of these killings other than identity.
I'm not entirely sure of the point you're making here and don't want to assume. The "something related" that I see in the majority of school shooters is that they seem to have severe mental issues. Is the point you're making that severe mental issues is the causal factor and commonality among these types of shooters? If so, I agree. And because trans-related issues often have a mental health component (e.g. gender dysphoria), perhaps they are statistically more likely to become shooters?

I'm curious if there is statistical significance, or if we're just paying more attention now. AFAIK most school shooters, like me, white and male. Most white male men are not school shooters. Same with trans people/trans shooters.
I'm not entirely sure of the point you're making here and don't want to assume. The "something related" that I see in the majority of school shooters is that they seem to have severe mental issues. Is the point you're making that severe mental issues is the causal factor and commonality among these types of shooters? If so, I agree. And because trans-related issues often have a mental health component (e.g. gender dysphoria), perhaps they are statistically more likely to become shooters?

I'm curious if there is statistical significance, or if we're just paying more attention now. AFAIK most school shooters, like me, white and male. Most white male men are not school shooters. Same with trans people/trans shooters.

I was focusing more on overall shootings than just school ones, so I'd say it has more to do with our gun accessibility and the culture around it, but that's definitely a more sociopolitical take.

I think mental illness might common issue, but that seems to similar to the point about demographics. Most white males and most trans people aren't shooters, and I'd say most people with mental disorders aren't shooters.

I also think the "mental illness" thing is us trying to pathologize to much. Some dudes are "crazy" because they're fucking evil.

The biggest through line of shootings (other than just being male since we're like 98% of shooters) seems to be a history of violence, particularly against family/partners.

Seems like 2/3rds of mass shootings might be linked to DV, either as part of the shooting or prior to. Other factors seem to be a history of childhood abuse(physical/sexual), major life stressors (lose of job/partner), and sucidality. (I don't have a link for those readily available, but if was something I was just researching for a topic in one of my college classes last week.)

I think looking at behavioral patterns is a better starting point.
You don't shoot up (insert location here) if you're mentally well.
You don't shoot up (insert location here) if you're treated fairly.
If you're a minor, you don't shoot up (insert location here) if your guardians secure their weapons.
You don't shoot up (insert location or people here) if you don't belong to a violent gang.

The basics are simple, but that won't matter because AR-15's are bad, white men are bad, and...whatever narrative is bad.

To recap for those not paying attention: half-ish of our country would rather strip you of YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS than address the problem.
You don't shoot up (insert location here) if you're mentally well.
You don't shoot up (insert location here) if you're treated fairly.
If you're a minor, you don't shoot up (insert location here) if your guardians secure their weapons.
You don't shoot up (insert location or people here) if you don't belong to a violent gang.

The basics are simple, but that won't matter because AR-15's are bad, white men are bad, and...whatever narrative is bad.

To recap for those not paying attention: half-ish of our country would rather strip you of YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS than address the problem.

Collaborators to the fucking crown are just as bad as the crown. Loyal Tories deserve the tar and feathers just as the crown does.
It would be nice if we could open the express lane of the death penalty for these pukes. Just a simple noose, none of this chemical cocktail that costs 20k per done and it takes 8 doses.

Let me be clear about Trans types, you know J Edgar, he was a cross dresser and stuff. But he was just a cross dresser on his off time. He like the current left though would strip you of every right you have if it furthered their means. BACK in the day we had government funded sanitariums where these people would live a wonderful life in gardens and wouldn't be allowed to mutilate themselves. Sure they wouldn't trusted with som much as a pencil. But I don't get why we can't just admit that trans types are insane. Gender Dysphoria, it is a condition of insanity. Get with the program.
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You don't shoot up (insert location here) if you're mentally well.
You don't shoot up (insert location here) if you're treated fairly.
If you're a minor, you don't shoot up (insert location here) if your guardians secure their weapons.
You don't shoot up (insert location or people here) if you don't belong to a violent gang.

The basics are simple, but that won't matter because AR-15's are bad, white men are bad, and...whatever narrative is bad.

To recap for those not paying attention: half-ish of our country would rather strip you of YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS than address the problem.
How many of those "half-ish" were brainwashed at school or via social mechanisms? You gotta target the root cause of the problem if you wanna eradicate it, else it'll keep coming back.

Collaborators to the fucking crown are just as bad as the crown. Loyal Tories deserve the tar and feathers just as the crown does.
I love you bro. No homo.
How many of those "half-ish" were brainwashed at school or via social mechanisms? You gotta target the root cause of the problem if you wanna eradicate it, else it'll keep coming back.

I don't know. Whatever the percentages, how do you fix this?
I don't know. Whatever the percentages, how do you fix this?
I'd hazard something reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition or what the Roman Catholic Church did to purge Europe of other religions, prior to the Protestant Reformation.
I'd hazard something reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition or what the Roman Catholic Church did to purge Europe of other religions, prior to the Protestant Reformation.

You are out of your god damned mind. Our country's fix action is a version of the Spanish Inquisition?

You are an American by birth, not by thought. Fuck off into the sun. I'm glad you finally showed your true self.
You are out of your god damned mind. Our country's fix action is a version of the Spanish Inquisition?

You are an American by birth, not by thought. Fuck off into the sun. I'm glad you finally showed your true self.
The thing that binds us together are the shared cultural values of our American forefathers. Not just place of birth. Do you think the forefathers would look kindly upon the hedonistic freak show that passes for American culture? These were pragmatic men of faith, and while they had faults like any man, they knew that their belief structures ultimately united them. We are slowly losing that.

As for the Spanish Inquisition, you do understand that it was a reaction to purge dissident internal forces? Spain fought for a couple hundred years to kick the Moors out. In the process of being defeated the Moors and their allies left behind traces of their culture. Those cultural remnants had to be wiped out and converted to the Christianity, for Spain to be fully united.
I'd hazard something reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition or what the Roman Catholic Church did to purge Europe of other religions, prior to the Protestant Reformation.
So, a couple of thoughts on the above.

1) Any type of extremism is dangerous. It doesn't matter if it's done on my side, or the other guy's side, it's bad for everyone. That's true whether it's the Spanish Inquisition, the French Revolution, violent jihad, Mao's Cultural Revolution, or any other example we want to give. In ultra violent extremism ochiocracy prevails and then a period of anarchy and the system begins to eat its own before people start to realize "Hey, maybe all of this death, imprisonment, dislocation, and generations of hard feelings and legit grievance isn't worth it." And along the way, a whole lot of legitimately innocent people lose their lives. See also: Robespierre

2) The Spanish Inquisition was done to secure power for the existing regime. It was NOT done to liberate anyone or to protect anything other than the way of life that the elites wanted to preserve; after all the Reconquista was already over. It was not a movement by, or for, the people; especially the people who just wanted to be left alone by the government, which at the end of the day is what most true conservatives really want.

3) Serious question: if there was a Spanish Inquisition in the country right now, who would be its chief victims? The Left controls almost all of the country's population centers and almost all of our government and non-government institutions. "But the Right has the military!" lol, no. No they don't. The Spanish Inquisition was aimed at people the regime thought were a threat, and who dared engage in wrongthink. If a Spanish Inquisition happened today, you and I would both be on the list because it would be under the control of the Far Left. Even if we weren't, even if such a movement instead targeted everything about America I don't like, I don't want indiscriminate political violence directed against my fellow citizens--ever--even if it's purportedly done in my name. I think we have a word for politically-motivated violence directed against civilians in our language. And I think I spent a whole bunch of my adult life actively working against those kinds of people.

4) People like me would be murdered by either side in such a conflict. The regime wouldn't trust me because I'm an independent thinker and disagree with them politically and don't believe in murdering my opponents just because I disagree with them politically, and that's dangerous. And the other side wouldn't want me because I work for the regime and I'm associated with the intelligentsia and don't believe in murdering my opponents just because I disagree with them politically, and that's dangerous. So even if I did approve of mass liquidation of fellow American citizens--which again, I do not--I'm familiar enough with history to know how this movie ends for me and my family, not to mention for my nation. No thank you.

5) Advocating for a modern-day Spanish Inquisition is a clear call for widespread and indiscriminate political violence. It is the kind of thing that the Left can legitimately use to discredit the Right and scare more people into their tent. "Look at what these Far Right extremists want for you! Come over here and we'll protect you. And oh yeah, you should probably pre-emptively attack them physically, since it's clear they intend to do you harm." Or they can say, "Hey, aren't you a member of that SOF-themed site where lots of its members regularly call for the mass murder of American citizens?" Even though that's not true, they'll try to use posts like the one above as evidence against us. And taken out of the context of the site as a whole, that kind of talk is the sort of thing that can get sites like this one blacklisted from military installations and/or shadowbanned or otherwise sanctioned on Google and other search engines controlled by the Left. We don't need a Spanish Inquisition in our country, and we don't need the kind of unnecessary negative attention that advocating it here could bring us.

6) Bottom line here, I think most people on this site would disavow any call for politically-motivated violence towards fellow Americans, especially something on the scale of the Spanish Inquisition. I certainly do. There is a right way (the Right way) and a wrong way (the Left way) to get the political results we want in our country, and brother this ain't it.

This. Ain't. It.

DM incoming. I suggest you re-think what you're advocating and maybe walk it back a little.
I don't know about an inquisition. But the left would be the ones inquisiting as they own every social institution. Universities by and large? Liberal. So how do conservatives in a semi-coherent, but not overt manner take control of Hollyweird, The Press, Record labels, Newspapers, University professorships etc and you know get us back to equilibrium. I mean I was a kid when Bush was elected, but was this country spiraling during the Clinton administration? My recollection was less polarized society, politics weren't really open discussion at the dinner table, and we had some surpluses because the Republicans held the legislature. There was a lot of Bi-Partisan government.
I'd hazard something reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition or what the Roman Catholic Church did to purge Europe of other religions, prior to the Protestant Reformation.
The Spanish Inquisition, French Revolution, Great Leap Forward, Killing Fields, Bosnia, Kosovo and other purges killed millions.

They started by killing the political opposition political members. Then eliminated their soldiers.
This was done to preserve political power, nothing more.
None of those countries were better off after the purges.

What makes you think our purge would have a different ending?

Two deployments to Bosnia and one to Kosovo have taught me that purges are not the solution.

Disappointed that you would think a purge is a good idea.

Beat your boots.
No clue.

One thing is for sure. They thought that the persecution of anyone simply based on beliefs or religion is wrong. See the First Amendment. An inquisition? GTFO.
One thing to note is that the founding fathers belonged to a culturally homogenous society. As in every freeman shared similar values. When they wrote the Constitution they did it through that worldview.

So, a couple of thoughts on the above.

1) Any type of extremism is dangerous. It doesn't matter if it's done on my side, or the other guy's side, it's bad for everyone. That's true whether it's the Spanish Inquisition, the French Revolution, violent jihad, Mao's Cultural Revolution, or any other example we want to give. In ultra violent extremism ochiocracy prevails and then a period of anarchy and the system begins to eat its own before people start to realize "Hey, maybe all of this death, imprisonment, dislocation, and generations of hard feelings and legit grievance isn't worth it." And along the way, a whole lot of legitimately innocent people lose their lives. See also: Robespierre

2) The Spanish Inquisition was done to secure power for the existing regime. It was NOT done to liberate anyone or to protect anything other than the way of life that the elites wanted to preserve; after all the Reconquista was already over. It was not a movement by, or for, the people; especially the people who just wanted to be left alone by the government, which at the end of the day is what most true conservatives really want.

3) Serious question: if there was a Spanish Inquisition in the country right now, who would be its chief victims? The Left controls almost all of the country's population centers and almost all of our government and non-government institutions. "But the Right has the military!" lol, no. No they don't. The Spanish Inquisition was aimed at people the regime thought were a threat, and who dared engage in wrongthink. If a Spanish Inquisition happened today, you and I would both be on the list because it would be under the control of the Far Left. Even if we weren't, even if such a movement instead targeted everything about America I don't like, I don't want indiscriminate political violence directed against my fellow citizens--ever--even if it's purportedly done in my name. I think we have a word for politically-motivated violence directed against civilians in our language. And I think I spent a whole bunch of my adult life actively working against those kinds of people.

4) People like me would be murdered by either side in such a conflict. The regime wouldn't trust me because I'm an independent thinker and disagree with them politically and don't believe in murdering my opponents just because I disagree with them politically, and that's dangerous. And the other side wouldn't want me because I work for the regime and I'm associated with the intelligentsia and don't believe in murdering my opponents just because I disagree with them politically, and that's dangerous. So even if I did approve of mass liquidation of fellow American citizens--which again, I do not--I'm familiar enough with history to know how this movie ends for me and my family, not to mention for my nation. No thank you.

5) Advocating for a modern-day Spanish Inquisition is a clear call for widespread and indiscriminate political violence. It is the kind of thing that the Left can legitimately use to discredit the Right and scare more people into their tent. "Look at what these Far Right extremists want for you! Come over here and we'll protect you. And oh yeah, you should probably pre-emptively attack them physically, since it's clear they intend to do you harm." Or they can say, "Hey, aren't you a member of that SOF-themed site where lots of its members regularly call for the mass murder of American citizens?" Even though that's not true, they'll try to use posts like the one above as evidence against us. And taken out of the context of the site as a whole, that kind of talk is the sort of thing that can get sites like this one blacklisted from military installations and/or shadowbanned or otherwise sanctioned on Google and other search engines controlled by the Left. We don't need a Spanish Inquisition in our country, and we don't need the kind of unnecessary negative attention that advocating it here could bring us.

6) Bottom line here, I think most people on this site would disavow any call for politically-motivated violence towards fellow Americans, especially something on the scale of the Spanish Inquisition. I certainly do. There is a right way (the Right way) and a wrong way (the Left way) to get the political results we want in our country, and brother this ain't it.

This. Ain't. It.

DM incoming. I suggest you re-think what you're advocating and maybe walk it back a little.
1.) I agree, extremism is bad. That said, we are living in a time where an extremist minority has taken hold of our institutions. Not only have our centers of power been compromised, but our places learning, and information apparatuses, have been effectively turned against the common person. To add insult to injury, our children are then targeted and demoralized by these people. It is no coincidence the transgender movement targets our vulnerable youth, sterilizes, and chemically or surgically mutilates them.

2.) I'd agree and disagree. For a monarchy to rule they need to have a cultural commonality to the people they preside over. You're right, in how the Inquisition wasn't done for altruistic purposes. However it did have the effect of stabilizing Spanish culture. 300 years of Islamic rule and influence didn't just disappear overnight. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan. We defeated their armies and occupied them for two decades, but failed to change their cultural outlook.

3.) If we put it that way, there already is a soft Spanish Inquisition underway. Look at the quasi religious fervor over DEI, transgenderism, unchecked 3rd world migration, cancel culture, and other nonsensical causes. These people have already positioned themselves to enact their will upon us. In many Western nations, such as Canada and Great Britain, the takeover has largely been successful.

If you don't believe me look at compelled speech laws or the censoring of crime data. It's why the push for disarmament has been so vicious. What we're seeing is international and has metastasized in much of the Western world.

4.) No matter who rules, we are all problematic thinkers. There is a reason why DHS has targeted veterans, nationalists, and conservatives. While the FBI has targeted Christian groups. The current powers do not trust anyone they cannot control. Ironically, these same govt groups flooded the nation with Jihadi's and 3rd world military aged males.

5.) I think we can do better than that. The violence of the Inquisition was due in large part to the zealotry and bad blood from over 300 years of continued warfare. We don't have those issues. Given the level of documentation and technology, in our very bureaucratic society, I think we can find who caused this destruction. Though it will have to be an international effort.

The other thing we need is a cultural revival, where we go back to our Christian roots. Not long ago we generally shared the same moral and cultural values. Even though we were a smattering of Christian faith's there was room for others as well. Society wasn't perfect, but people knew where they stood in that society, what the social norms were, and what shared morals we had. That commonality has been destroyed, via international efforts, and we need to bring it back.

6.) You're right. However the problem we're facing is international in scale. Americans and the citizens of many Western nations have essentially been victimized, by a class of people who deem themselves to be internationalists. The people who have caused the destruction and engineered the moral decay plaguing us have no allegiances. Much like the djinn of Arab myth, these people are akin to the wrathful spirits who roam the deserts.

Lastly I'd like to apologize if I offended anyone. My aim is to not cause disharmony.
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I don't know about an inquisition. But the left would be the ones inquisiting as they own every social institution. Universities by and large? Liberal. So how do conservatives in a semi-coherent, but not overt manner take control of Hollyweird, The Press, Record labels, Newspapers, University professorships etc and you know get us back to equilibrium. I mean I was a kid when Bush was elected, but was this country spiraling during the Clinton administration? My recollection was less polarized society, politics weren't really open discussion at the dinner table, and we had some surpluses because the Republicans held the legislature. There was a lot of Bi-Partisan government.
Looking back, that's what's been so eye-opening. I remember those days. There was a general air of hopefulness and unity in our nation. The USSR was gone and people had a collective chance to breathe. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but there was a pride in our nation that was infectious.

The Spanish Inquisition, French Revolution, Great Leap Forward, Killing Fields, Bosnia, Kosovo and other purges killed millions.

They started by killing the political opposition political members. Then eliminated their soldiers.
This was done to preserve political power, nothing more.
None of those countries were better off after the purges.

What makes you think our purge would have a different ending?

Two deployments to Bosnia and one to Kosovo have taught me that purges are not the solution.

Disappointed that you would think a purge is a good idea.

Beat your boots.
I don't disagree. However, millions have died recently due to our own weakness and political ineptness. The mishandling of China's botched bioweapon, the wars in the Middle East, and the conflict in Ukraine stem from this. Flesh and blood people have caused this and yet they are free.
The Spanish Inquisition, French Revolution, Great Leap Forward, Killing Fields, Bosnia, Kosovo and other purges killed millions.

They started by killing the political opposition political members. Then eliminated their soldiers.
This was done to preserve political power, nothing more.
None of those countries were better off after the purges.

What makes you think our purge would have a different ending?

Two deployments to Bosnia and one to Kosovo have taught me that purges are not the solution.

Disappointed that you would think a purge is a good idea.

Beat your boots.

Food for thought, has the inquisition not already happened? You disagree with one thing on the left? Racist. Another? Transphobe. Meanwhile more and more kids get medicated, more and more kids are suddenly trans. When I was in school you'd never know a teacher was gay, you'd never know their politics. Maybe you'd get some type of slant from a high school teacher during an election cycle, maybe. College was where I saw professors be really liberal. Which worked at VMI as the student body itself was exceptionally conservative. Although admittedly I was very liberal when I entered the place.