SEAL Busted for Gun Possession, Put In Psych Ward... For Claiming to be a SEAL


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006

A Virginia man claimed to be a Navy SEAL to talk his way out of agun possession arrest on Thursday, and the New York Police Department committed him to a psych ward thinking his claims ofelite military status were the rantings of a lunatic.

Navy Seal

Turns out the guy was in fact an elite Navy SEAL.
But as the New York Post put it, telling the NYPD "I'm in an elite military unit, you can't arrest me," doesn't help much when the city's draconian gun laws are at issue.
Twenty-nine-year-old Shaun Day was on a leave from his duty as a Navy SEAL duty when cops nailed him for running a red light inManhattan, New York on Thursday.
NYPD officers searched Day's pickup truck and found a 9mm semiautomatic pistol and three magazines full of ammo.
During the arrest, police claim Day was babbling incoherently and repeatedly claimed that he was an elite Navy SEAL with “top- secret clearance,” but was unable to provide any documentation for police.
After getting shipped off to the psych ward, sources told The Postthe Navy sent staffers to talk to Day in Bellevue Hospital, where he was undergoing a psychiatric evaluation. According to Gothamist:

"He was released [Friday] in their care, and they were going to treat him for post-traumatic stress. All charges against Day have been deferred, and it's unclear how he was able to prove his status.

WTF? All that shit for running a red light? Why in hell did they even search his truck? When is did it become illegal to make shit up or say whatever you want to?

Also, that MFer needs to go back to SERE.
If given the choice of going to your unit or staying in Jail if I was him I would stay in jail. This is not going to end wel for this young man.
You can't believe what the cop reported either some sailor might have ruined his wife for all other men. hell the cop may hold a grudge.:D
I'm going to reserve judgement on this. It's not like a news site would over emphasise a young bloke telling the Cops "look I'm a SEAL, I'm just back from a trip. I'm a bit jumpy and dont want to be anywhere without a gun and if you arrest me my career is going to be up shit creek and will affect my top secret clearance" into what we now read. Because its not like SEAL in anything right now isnt going to drive your website traffic up and allow you to sell more advertising. Also I wouldn't put it past the Cops to be embellishing the story during a bullshit session under the impression that they busted a poser.

The fact that a typo managed to get through that sites QC speaks volumes to me.

Twenty-nine-year-old Shaun Day was on a leave from his duty as a Navy SEAL duty when cops nailed him for running a red light in Manhattan, New York on Thursday.

And like Lindy said, when did running a red light become grounds to search your car? I'm pretty sure if the Cops searched everyone in NYC who behaved strangely Pardus would never make it to work :p

At the end of the day he broke the law in NYC, he will pay for it one way or another.
And like Lindy said, when did running a red light become grounds to search your car?

The red light violation is never cause to search, in and of itself. However, it is more than enough reason to stop a motorist. From that point, the reason for/need to search is developed (or not) as the investigation evolves. The reasons that can justify an officer tossing the interior of a car are myriad, and I won't go into specifics here.
"look I'm a SEAL, I'm just back from a trip. I'm a bit jumpy and dont want to be anywhere without a gun and if you arrest me my career is going to be up shit creek and will affect my top secret clearance"

Could have started with "I'm in the Navy" as opposed to what he specifically does. Also, I don't believe there is any reason to discuss your level of security clearance during a traffic stop.
Could have started with "I'm in the Navy" as opposed to what he specifically does. Also, I don't believe there is any reason to discuss your level of security clearance during a traffic stop.

I agree, however young guys do all kinds of weird shit when they flap and we dont know for sure what he said. None of the Police are on record as saying what he specifically said.

Cheers for the clarification Policemedic. I figured it was along those lines, there must be a hell of a lot of car searching going on in NYC then for people acting weird if Pardus's stories he's told me are anything to go by.
OK, they guy may have fucked up but I would say there is a lot of NYPD anti gun prejudice going on here to the point of making the guy seem "crazy" because he had a gun. Cops in NYC are anti gun, simple as that. Guns are bad and that is an undisputed fact in NYC.

Transporting a gun in NYC is not necessarily an offense. As long as the person has a valid license for the weapon in some US jurisdiction and is transporting in in the manner set down by NYC law, that weapon maybe within the city limits for approx 24hrs.