SEAL check

I can think of another website that kinda specializes in dealing with these asshats, just my two cents, but you might want to post it there also, if you have not already. Fucking shitbirds, it never stops. :mad:
What a fucking tool. Its pieces of shit like this that really piss me off. Do people not have respect for guys who actually earned the shit? They are a waste of life. Thank god for real operators who kick guys like this douche's ass.

Let me go do some PT before I put a hole in the wall.

God bless our REAL troops, and thanks for your service to this great country.
Looked at his page and some of his messages. I'm throwin the bullshit flag. Someone get this fucker a dunce cap and a kick in the ass
What a fucking tool. Its pieces of shit like this that really piss me off. Do people not have respect for guys who actually earned the shit? They are a waste of life. Thank god for real operators who kick guys like this douche's ass.

Let me go do some PT before I put a hole in the wall.

God bless our REAL troops, and thanks for your service to this great country.

NO tell us how you really feel....and dont hold back this time :evil:

I havn't had the chance to see it but I would assume by all the responses that he is not the real article. I guess someone who is #1 putting him self out there would have the creds to back his story up. It's insanity to do otherwise but I guess this twit is just plain stupid.
Here is a good site for these twits, they do it for nothing....all volunteer's so if u get the chance to make a donation do so.
His account has been deleted. Thank God this bum is off the internet before he tries to give out PT and training tips. What a fucking clown.