I compare it to doing a BB clean. With the BB, it ends up parallel to your shoulders in the rack position. When I use a DB, the DB ends up perpendicular to my body, almost like the very top of a hammer curl... When I do KB cleans, I'm able to flip it over at the top so that it's essentially resting against the back/side of the shoulder in the rack position. That's the only issue I have.




Thats usually the position I end up in with the DB clean. The entire movement feels wrong because of the lack of fluidity due to me not wanting the DB to come crashing down on my shoulder/head/throat/face...
I compare it to doing a BB clean. With the BB, it ends up parallel to your shoulders in the rack position. When I use a DB, the DB ends up perpendicular to my body, almost like the very top of a hammer curl... When I do KB cleans, I'm able to flip it over at the top so that it's essentially resting against the back/side of the shoulder in the rack position. That's the only issue I have.

Thats usually the position I end up in with the DB clean. The entire movement feels wrong because of the lack of fluidity due to me not wanting the DB to come crashing down on my shoulder/head/throat/face...

Gotcha. I've never really noticed that. Even with one DB, I can get to "land" on my shoulder where I'm not supporting all the weight with my arm. Maybe you have some flexibility issues? The other thing you could try is flaring your elbow out a little more to allow your upper arm to support the weight, kind of similar to how you would clean a circus dumbbell.

If your looking to go to SEALFIT this summer hit me up with a message (email better) as I am working a few of the camps this summer.
We are also opening a SEALFIT certified gym in Atlanta now.
DB cleans done as a true clean are pretty sloppy... and lame. If you do them powerlifting style, they are pretty good for rear delts/rhomboids- which is something everyone should work for maintenance/injury prevention whether you are a CrossFitter, MA'er, SealFitter, etc.

And don't be like the 11 other dorks who disliked the video, it's Dave Tate, he knows a thing or two about exercise.

I know this is an older post, but what I am getting is MA is better because its shorter training? I am stuck between MA Ruck Based Selection and SEALfit 8 week program.
No program is "better" than another. It depends on what your goal is. If you want to go to BUD/S, I'd advise against a ruck based workout program.
People over think this shit way too much.
Run 2-3 times a week. Do some LSD runs and some interval running.
Swim 2-3 times a week. Same concept as above.
Choose whatever flavor of conditioning tastes best to you and throw in some strength work as well.
I get what your saying, I guess I am still trying to find which one will suite me better. SEALfit has more pool time in its 8 week...I'm not a bad swimmer but I would rather chose to not have it be where I am weak. It still has ruck days so I wouldn't be losing out.
I get what your saying, I guess I am still trying to find which one will suite me better. SEALfit has more pool time in its 8 week...I'm not a bad swimmer but I would rather chose to not have it be where I am weak. It still has ruck days so I wouldn't be losing out.

Don't spend so much time trying to pick a program that you end up not doing anything. Just pick one and do it for awhile. If you don't like it, switch to something else after a month. None of these programs are bad programs.
Cody , your intro says you're going to A&S in April, is this correct? If so, isn't there a "short card" or something like that which was developed specifically for A&S prep? Have you ventured into the Mentoring section yet? Seems like you'd get more specific help there for the quickly approaching shit storm you've chosen to take on. I'm not saying there's not good info here, but it's more generalized.