I compare it to doing a BB clean. With the BB, it ends up parallel to your shoulders in the rack position. When I use a DB, the DB ends up perpendicular to my body, almost like the very top of a hammer curl... When I do KB cleans, I'm able to flip it over at the top so that it's essentially resting against the back/side of the shoulder in the rack position. That's the only issue I have.
Thats usually the position I end up in with the DB clean. The entire movement feels wrong because of the lack of fluidity due to me not wanting the DB to come crashing down on my shoulder/head/throat/face...
I compare it to doing a BB clean. With the BB, it ends up parallel to your shoulders in the rack position. When I use a DB, the DB ends up perpendicular to my body, almost like the very top of a hammer curl... When I do KB cleans, I'm able to flip it over at the top so that it's essentially resting against the back/side of the shoulder in the rack position. That's the only issue I have.
Thats usually the position I end up in with the DB clean. The entire movement feels wrong because of the lack of fluidity due to me not wanting the DB to come crashing down on my shoulder/head/throat/face...