It’s likely to happen and the powers that allow it to happen will simply degrade the standards for the protected class. Whether or not one likes to admit it – that is irrelevant to the facts. Women do fall in a “protected class”, in hiring, education, government contracts, quota’s for firms and institutions, the military and discrimination. That’s not misogyny. That’s not hating on women. It’s indisputable FACT.
In fact there is only one gender /race combination singled out in our society that does not get these government mandated extra perks and advantages. In any other society it would be called discrimination and oppression. Here, we simply put our tails between our legs and agree with the forces of Political Correctness. The truth of it is that bending to Political Correctness is a form of cowardice and capitulation.
Given the trend, I foresee women both commanding and being on SEAL teams, ODA’s, Rangers and the like. The first step is likely to be Infantry to get the foot solidly in the door. Again – they will be allowed to perform to their “own” set of standards. Not today, not tomorrow, but slowly over time they keep up the attack. There are already two sets of physical fitness standards so we have already accepted the premise. Standards which BTW, figure significantly into promotions. Eventually when the Left consolidates enough political power and places enough people in positions of power in the military, they’ll make it happen by hook, crook, or other means. None of this stuff happens overnight in one fell swoop. It is incremental and occurs slowly over the decades. Constantly pushing at the boundaries’ and then everyone patting themselves on the back and marveling at how “enlightened”, hip, open-minded and cool they have become.
Over time as a nation we have bent to the will of Political Correctness. Case in point; Illegal immigrants are also in a “special protected class” in light of the fact that if any other American citizen fraudulently produces a federal document – it’s a felony. The politicians on the Left have made it so that it’s not a felony if you are an illegal.
To further demonstrate the mindset of the political left – The DNC chairwoman just declared that Republicans are wrong for thinking that illegal immigration is a “crime”. Yeah, it’s gotten that stupid. And we are collectively that stupid for allowing things to degrade to this point. The silly naiveté of it all. The standards just keep being lowered and lowered both in society and in institutions that are a reflection of society.
Again, the cause is because over the decades we have continually retreated in the face of Political Correctness all the while thinking how enlightened we are for doing so. Study Communism and hard-left ideology in depth. They are laughing up their sleeves and much of what they predicted in their long term strategies are “chicken’s coming home to roost.”
DADT went down in defeat – bending to PC. Not hating on gays, just stating the facts. I do regard gay activism as a predominantly Left political movement, which politically it is. There are countless examples but these demonstrate that over time, as the nation continues to yield to PC and is more concerned with sensitivities than maintaining the standards, our national standards are slowly disintegrating. Now that they have achieved this, it’s the next stepping stone to legitimize gay marriage in all 50 states. Not overnight, but slowly over time as we become more "enlightened". Meanwhile the no-nonsense Chinese are undergoing a MASSIVE military build up that has "government officials alarmed"...
Many of us noted the start of a new push of Political Correctness in the military under Clinton. I find it astounding how much more so it seems to have become since then. Sensitivities never won a single battle. Fighting men always have. Just keep lowering the standards America. Must be why other nations own us in student scores in math and science nowadays - and the trend does not seem to be improving. We lowered the standards on what we will accept from teacher performance and we lowered the standards for students. Beware the lesson of the empires that thought they were invincible and just kept lowering their standards.