I'm so tired of hearing this BS line being repeated on the news, by politicians, and now by you. Driving in a convoy is not "combat". Convoy operations are not deliberate operations meant to kill or capture the enemy.
As someone who has been deployed on both mission, light Infantry in Baghdad 04-05 and Convoy Security in Anbar 08-09, I fully agree with Etype. Riding down the road with a once in a while IED, harrassing fire is a far cry from going into a denied area and having to hunt down the enemy to capture or kill them. Different like, I could have slept my whole last deployment......wait I think I may have.......yeah whatever. They are not even remotely close to the same thing.
The military used to differentiate (and not very long ago, <5 years) between combat patrols, reconnaissance patrols, and everything else. Up until FM 3-21.8 superseded FM 7-8, only ambushes and raids were combat patrols. Now, it's all combat.