SF Screening

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Sep 25, 2008
Im out of the navy in 8 months from a 6 year enlistment and am thinking about the 18A mos when I recieve my degree are there any 18A out there that can give me some guidence on the most intelligent route to get there, I don't know if I should go straight out of college or be an intel officer for till I pick up captain, Ive been with the infantry for four years and am finishing out my enlistment with recon. Any help would be appreciative.
There should be some SF'ers that can give you more guidance coming to this thread shortly.

Hope you get the answers that your looking for.
SF is not an accessions branch; you have to be something else first.

If he enlists then the 18X series is open.

Do you really want to be an Officer ? Is that a deal breaker ? I think most SF'ers will tell you to enlist, for obvious reasons, but I should shut up now, I'm way out of my lane. :D
This is the part where the SF guys can guide you better, but are you looking for team time or to have a long shot as possibly leading SF soldiers for about 2 years before riding a desk for the rest of your career?
I love being with the spec ops community and further more love being a leader. I see it as if you have the degree and are doing the job why not get paid to do it you know. Is it all about the money, no if it were i would just look into a desk riding job right away. But to be able to lead the best the army has to offer would be a great honor.
Navy Doc...
Many SF NCOs have college degrees, some multiple degrees... Every SF Soldier, NCO or Officer, has to be a Leader in order to get the job done. An SF Officer starts in another branch then puts in a packet for SFAS... as a 1LT(P)...

Will you still be able to keep up with the youngsters in 8-9 years (4 yrs college, 4 years branch) before you even get to apply for SFAS? Even if you decide to become an SF NCO, how will your body feel in 4 yrs?

I think you need to do a little more research on your own and get back to us about the ramifications of your choices in joining SF - the information is out there.

Oh, one samll pet peeve of mine - and most SF guys - Capitalize SF or Special Forces or Special Operations and even Army. It shows at least a modicum of respect for the men and Profession.
I'm nowhere near a BTDT, but just to put things into perspective: I'm in government and have a law degree but am in the process of enlisting Rep-63 with the 20th.

Could I go to OCS? Sure. In fact, if I wanted to push military paper I could go in as a Captain. I'd rather be a green newbie NCO in SF, than pushing paper behind a desk (I do enough of that in the civilian world).
Yea man I hear you but if you put in your 20 and retire officers have more retirement why not go officer if you have the degree and will have a better career
Yea man I hear you but if you put in your 20 and retire officers have more retirement why not go officer if you have the degree and will have a better career

It's not about the retirement. Who says officers have better careers than NCOs? Actually, NCOs in SF/SOF spend more time on the Team and more time in the fight... Officers get about 3 years Team time, and then drive a desk - Who has the better career?

It's about the job, it's about the Team, it's about what's inside and a desire to be SF - not the retirement.
Yea man I hear you but if you put in your 20 and retire officers have more retirement why not go officer if you have the degree and will have a better career

Guess that depends on what you consider to be a better career. Most who are interested in SOF as a career would consider their personal involvement in the mission and their teammates to be what makes their career better, and politics and time spent outside a small team environment to be detractors. That said, there is always a need for the folks who don't mind taking up that desk job, since most don't want it. That's one less dude that's gonna have to bite the bullet and submit to being chained to a computer/VTC room.
I have a degree but I'm still playing the role of Marine Sgt. I personally seeing going O as getting in the express lane to flying a desk, enlisted is where it's at; then again I don't even really want to pick up SSgt cause then I can't lat move. Hell, my goal is to be one of the only Marine Sgt's with a PHD.
That's a great goal! But I'd reconsider the not getting promoted thing. :2c::)
I love the look on officers faces when they find out I'm more educated then they are, and they have a difficult time trying to figure out why I wouldn't want to join their beloved ranks. I'll eventually get promoted I just don't want it anytime soon, I still want to lat move to another MOS and getting promoted will close that door.
I'm a lawyer on the outside. I'm not in it for the pension. I used to think like you are thinking, but then I woke up and realized that it's SF that I want and I could care less about the rank insignia that comes with it. Not to mention being an NCO is a great responsibility and I look forward to it.

I make enough on the outside. I'm not going to go to OCS just because I qualify. Plus, you have ZERO guarantee of ever getting to SF if you become an Officer. A lot can happen if 4 years once you commission. I'd rather get my shot now before I get any older.
There are a lot of people talking out of their asses on this thread. I will not allow this to turn into an "officers vs. enlisted" debate. If you cannot provide constructive input into the fundamental question at the heart of this thread, then please refrain from opining.

Also, if you cannot type in recognizable sentences, please refrain from posting in any thread.
Have you considered enlisting into SF and then going Warrant? SF warrants don't have to go to Rucker and they can start off as CW2 now. It's a pretty good deal.
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