SITREP THREAD. Post your Progress Here.

I'm about positive max is 71, so you should have gotten a 300 on one of those PT test if you're always maxing the run and sit-ups.
71 is the max for the 17-21 age group. At 23 I fall into the 22-26 age group which has a max of 75.
Turned Blue this morning. Graduate tomorrow. My PT scores through OSUT where as follows: 288,290,277,294,292. I always max my run (10:45) and situps (88) but have struggled with pushups despite having done numerous extra workouts focused on the pushup. The 1SG during OSUT graded very stringently, throwing out 10-15+ reps every time due to form issues (Perhaps it's the former RI in him). Regardless, I need to improve this deficiency. I report to BAC tomorrow (unless the class is overfilled in which case I become a holdover). Following BAC, I am off to RASP or Pre-RASP, not sure which it will be. I would like to have my PT squared away and on the extended scale by then. So I am open to recommendations on how to improve pushups. Again, it seems to be my form that is the main issue. My 6'2" frame isnt conducive to the pushup.

10:45 is fast....the fastest I have ever personally seen the 2 mile run is a dude going through the TACP pipeline, he ran track for was INSANE.

Keep on rockin' though, very good scores.
71 is the max for the 17-21 age group. At 23 I fall into the 22-26 age group which has a max of 75.
Oh well, from RASP on you're competing in the 17-21 category. Don't you worry about all those other ages.
Met with a recruiter and announced my desire for an option 40 contract. I'm hoping for 11x but I've been contemplating 13f as well. Right now, I'm just getting my documents for this friday so that I can get to meps and get a contract secured as soon as possible. I don't graduate until December so I'm hoping that if get the ball rolling now, I will be able to get a January or February ship date.
Good deal....what's next in your quest?

Pass 2 or 3(not sure which) PASTs in consecutive months. Pass a couple of rucks. And just show the unit in general that I'm worth the money to send down to school. Then it'll just be waiting for orders. I'm hoping to get orders by January or so, but they said dudes have been getting held up lately.
Pass 2 or 3(not sure which) PASTs in consecutive months. Pass a couple of rucks. And just show the unit in general that I'm worth the money to send down to school. Then it'll just be waiting for orders. I'm hoping to get orders by January or so, but they said dudes have been getting held up lately.

What are your ruck march distances? Also you may want to find out what kind of weight you may be carrying then act accordingly. Good luck.
Hello all. Since this is a SITREP thread ill post where I am at at this particular time. First, package is almost complete. once I see the specialist for the only bump in the road I have and get cleared, i will be a couple signatures away from turning it in. Physical fitness wise, my Marine Corps PFT scores are: 20 Pull ups, 95 crunches, and about 2130 run time average. My last 12 mile ruck was a 2:49 :(. Damn sock change. Anyway, my swimming does need work, but I am about 5 months out. As of October first, Im going to start the insanity program, which I will complete before December. Then I will ease back into a couple more rucks and probably start a crossfit regimen for the final 2 months until A&S. I was told by a couple guys that rucking all the time is bad for you, so im gonna take a month or two and just do a couple 5 mile rucks, and maybe a 12, until late December. Then I'll gear back up until I get close to A&S date. Any suggestions?
You change socks on a 12 miler?
Get some better socks and condition those feet. A 12 miler shouldn't give your feet much trouble at all, especially if you are gearing up for selection. You'll be doing at least 12 miles everyday. You'll have time to change your socks, but you'll have to give up something else- like eating.
They really didnt give me much trouble, I was just advised to try a sock change. I also read it in "Get Selected!", so I figured I'd try one. I have good rucking socks, but I only had one pair, so on the sock change, I just changed into some pt socks with boot socks over them. Didn't help. My mile times were about 13 per up until the sock change. so if I hadnt done the change I'd probably have finished around 2:35-2:40. Not too much better, I know.
What are your ruck march distances? Also you may want to find out what kind of weight you may be carrying then act accordingly. Good luck.

I think 4 miles with 35# and then again with 55#, both under an hour. We did a 6-miler with 35# this weekend and that took me about 70:00. I ran a little more than I really wanted to, but I wanted to make a good first impression. I am not too worried about the rucks as I was already doing a good amount of rucking when I was still trying to go SF in the Army Guard.
There was a guy with "never quit" tattooed on his arm in the q-course with me, he quit.

Wow.....well now he has a memory to go with the tattoo. Why would you quit in the Q- Course? I have heard SUT is supposed to a mini ranger school of sorts (sorry if I'm wrong) but it seems like you already went so far....